Old Enemies Reunited

The emergency plan of the emergency plan was nothing much. The Dreamer wanted to cast a special spell on Serenica, one of mutual destruction – if Kinley tried anything funny, she would suffer as well. The king said the spell would not necessarily work.

Serenica rolled her eyes, took a nap and then chewed on some corna leaves.

After a suitable time of consecutive nervous breakdowns, she moved her weary bones towards the meeting spot.

Kinley looked a bit maimed – the hole in her chest and the decay on her skin were visible, and the evening sun did not flatter her at all.

Serenica felt a small sting of pity. She brushed the emotion away just like she dusted off her best coat as she walked towards the bench the woman was sitting on.

"I was afraid you would not come, Doctor Ingram," Kinley said without turning her head, and the horrible feeling of pity intensified within Serenica.