
"A tip? Can I trust you?"

"Am I the right person to answer that for you?" The ferryman chuckled.

"All right, I will send Kinley back to you…if I can…then, kill no more, only heal. But anything that I do before Kinley touches the bottom of the ocean again is none of your damn business. Are we clear here?"

Serenica did not know where she had received this courage. She was a bit astonished by her own words.

"Right, we're clear here. I know this will be helpful to you. You might not realize it yet, but it will be your lifeline. Are you listening to me, Serenica Ingram?"


"Don't wait until you or someone else finishes talking. Just shoot. I don't care how good the talking gets. It'll never beat the feeling of a clean, unexpected shot. She will not expect that from you at all."

"Don't wait…"