Drunkards and Wretches

Serenica fumbled around and found a flask that looked suspicious.

The Dreamer King snatched it from her and drank what seemed like half of it.

Serenica stared at him blankly. "You know that might have been poison? You know that? Right?"

"Oh, get over yourself. Have the rest of it. If we have Kinley business…oh gods…what is this red stain…hope it is wine…"

They staggered and wobbled towards the cruel light of the morning, but as the mysterious drink started to show its effects, Serenica noticed her royal hangover slowly disappearing.

She did not feel medicated, she merely felt completely normal.

She was not even sure if last night had been real at all.

"Finally," Ed said as they came into the communal space. "Kinley has taken over the trade routes. The merchants are on her side. If we can't kill her before we run out of supplies, we are going to have a bad time."