The Grim Comet

"If you see Kinley, remember that she is way more dangerous than any man with any guns," Serenica reminded her troops.

Some men laughed.

"If we can put an additional hole in her, that means she is just as mortal as we are."

"Does the good doctor think we have such fears?"

The healer sighed. There was little point in convincing these people to be careful. She had wanted soldiers with nothing to lose. That was what she had received.

Grumbling about wasted lives, she retreated to smoke her pipe for a moment, but then a gray coat appeared in her field of vision and she pulled her gun just in time to make an assassination a standoff instead.

She was staring down the barrel of her pistol. The woman had her face covered. Her eyes were cold and unmoving.

"I'd put that thing down if -" Serenica remembered the thing about not waiting to shoot.

She shot the woman in the head without any prior warning.