Sunday, April 11, 2021
Dairy, I wake up at 8:00 but before a know it sleep comeback at me again without me knowing. I again wake up at 12:46 and become surprise because of how long did I sleep. Funny right.
So dairy I think I have an assignment but forgotten about it, and I just remembered it now. It will be submitted at Tuesday so I still have a lot time right dairy?
Well dairy I just want to really boast to you that today in the game that I am playing (COC) I really got lucky, I loot a total of 1 m+ both gold and elixir in two base means 2 m I didn't even search that long maybe 2 or 3. Lucky I must say right dairy?
That's it dairy I just want to share it so badly, but your just my only friend so hehehe. So please bear with me from now on.
Huh dairy I think it is not worth much living this life, life just to boring now that co-vid is on the spread it almost 10x boring you can't even go outside and be just lock inside your house leaving you with your thoughts alone. Like now I am already thinking this much.
See you later dairy im going to eat first and charge my phone.
Dairy I just so you know I continue learning HTML for basic website programming, im learning it because I think it's kind of cool right. It's like entering a whole new world I learn how website works now but I still a beginer learning on what is right. I also learn dairy that google chrome is just a compiler or the one who interpret the codes that is being put, just imagining what kind of supercomputers or processors? I don't know, they use to just make it work? Well dairy that a lot fucking nonsense hahaha. But one thing is for sure programming is fun, im still at the html stage and I still don't know how to use java like that.
My laptop is restarting right now and updating dairy that why I found the time to tell you this, looks like it still not finish i thought it's already over. It says working on update 1% Don't turn off your PC. This will take a while. Yeah right it's so fucking slow.
Well dairy I will play COC first see you later. Updating looks like it will take a while to finish.
That took longer than I thought dairy it took it's sweet time updating, and nothing noticable change happen. Because im already here dairy talking to you let's extend it a little longer before I go and sleep.
What can we talk about. Let's see on my high school days dairy I still remember that in my birthday im hoping someone will notice even just one but no, no one notice it. I want to tell theme it's my b-day but that's kind of embarrassing, that it will look like saying it in there face that it is your birthday and they have to celebrate it, kind of thing. And yeah the day will pass like just normal day nothing special that goes on for about 4 or 5 years I think until I graduate and become a collage student.
Maybe I have social anxiety problem because throughout high school and now in collage I can count on my fingers on how many friends I have. But my high school friends well we are not talking anymore so I think it's over. In collage I don't know hahahahahaha im pathetic right? dairy.
So depressing aside dairy I still have happy memories in my high school days, and life in high school is much more better than in collage because in collage you have to start planning on what you want in your life. Unlike in high school chill just enjoy without overthinking in stuff much.
That's it for today dairy see you tomorrow I still have an online class so I have to sleep a little early. And lastly thank you dairy for being there even if your just part of my imagination.