Hello Dairy

Monday, April 12, 2021


I wake up early this day dairy because you know I have online class to attend and our prof is quite strict when it comes to our attendance. What's more to say, it hot here dairy because well it's summer and I even forgot to take a bath yesterday.


I fell refresh dairy, some of my online class prof are a bit busy I think, so for the rest of the day I don't have any. I also want to tell you dairy that I am currently reading a Manhua/Manga/Webtoon and any other what's it called. The characters interaction are cute you know and make me smile unconsciously.


I suddenly feel bored today dairy that I don't have anything to do. My assignment you say? Well i'll do it later when I feel like it. Ohh i will continue reading so later dairy.


Well dairy it looks like it's the last chapter hah if only I can understand Korean language it will be perfect but im to lazy to learn another language. I hope the translators update it immediately.


Before I take my afternoon nap dairy I just want to talk with you, things like on how to start a conversation with a person that you want to befriend with. Do you know how to do that, because I don't know even starting a conversation with a friend is hard. Maybe find a topic that you are both interested with? What do you think dairy?


Hello dairy COC is updating right now and Th14 will be release and upgrading cost and time are nicely reduced. I have a nice sleep dairy I sleep like 3 hours maybe? Because of that im sure that I will have trouble sleeping tonight.

My head hurts right now dairy, it sometimes there sometimes not maybe it's because of the climate.


You know dairy the feeling that you want to read something but you can't read it because you don't have any coins of free pass. It's frustrating right. My headache is still here, now I don't think it's because of the weather. I just wake up with a headache I wonder why, right now while talking to you dairy it's still hurting like a b*tch.

So my html lesson today is postphone because of that.


Good night dairy the day past the same as usual and I don't know if I should be thankful or not. The day past peacefully to me but to others I don't know.