Thursday, April 22, 2021
Good Morning dairy our clan war 5v5 current score is 9-11 in favor of the enemy team, well our no.1 is still not attacking so there us a chance and there no.1 failed attacking the base if our no.1. So we are hoping right now that he/she attack beautifully so it's our win. Over and out dairy.
What a splendid attack done by no.3 three staring the no.3 and making the war in our favor beautifully made indeed.
Our no.2 will later test the waters on no.1 so as to inspire no.1 on attacking. We just needed 2 stars to win this if 3 stars is possible then how wonderful is it, a perfect war by yours truly Loershi.
Perfect star, Perfect star, Perfect star im saying it twice because it's important. Our no.2 that is testing the waters nicely 3 stars the no.1 base of the enemy(pachi, pachi pachi). Our current score is 15-12 in our favor of course, this us our win or my win instead hahahahahaha. What a surprise our no.1 didn't even need to attack on the other hand my other acc are still adventuring clans and still recruiting but no one's joining. Then later dairy.
Dairy or no.1 have nothing to do in war so he just loot to help his base upgrade. This out of topic but we only have a single class today so I have relax a lot a also took my favorite nap and have a nice dream.
Also my Laptop is just a shit f*ck so lag can't even handle a single game, everytime I play I can't even enjoy it and just make my day a little worst. Imagine your excited because of the game and you want to badly play it and when you try playing it the device can't handle it I almost punch my if not for my sister who's in the same from as me. Can you please tell me dairy what's the problem on my laptop it will greatly help. Then later dairy.
We win the war and take the loot because we are the champion dairy we will keep fighting till the end. The second war is still on the matching stage so I can't tell who are the opponents yet. On another hand looks like my laptop is working normally again cause when I try playing it doesn't lag anymore. But I still have a problem my character in game is waking on her/his own even if I don't and will return to normal in a while. It frustrating because it disturb my gaming experience especially when I am fighting or near a cliff.
In terms of fighting I can still cope but when im near a cliff sometimes I can still save it by flying but in dungeon when you fall you f*cking restart so I quit but also because the game started lagging. I will try on bringing on that issue to the developer if it's a bug or maybe it's just because of my laptop. Well that's all for today dairy see you tomorrow someone bless us.