Friday, April 23, 2021
Good Morning dairy im good as always we have a quiz in Conworld 8:30 in the morning so have to wake up earlier. As usual almost half if the answer came from google-sensei and always appreciate it. Ohh our next clan enemy is a little tough so im not that confident in winning this but I will try my best dairy so please cheer me up and support me. Later dairy im going to have a bath first it is a little hot right now even in this early morning.
We are having a recitation right now diary but im too shy and embarrassed to answer so even if I know the answer im not answering but it's ok at least I know how it is done so I won't have any hard time answering in exam. The additional points is just a waste can't get any im still not over my timidness. Later dairy im going to listen more.
What can I say dairy? Well im fine thank you, what about you? Well good if your alright, our prof also gave us another homework didn't she know that weekends are students rest day. Im going to answer it later to not be a disturbance in my peace days.
I thought that it will be hard but it's just simple, I mean the homework dairy. What else ohh im not playing genshin impact today, tomorrow maybe because it's weekend. I think the clan war preparation is now so gotta go now dairy later.
Reporting dairy it's my win in the war the scoring is 15-0 already wipeout the enemy bases report over and out. Isn't that nice dairy I already win it and there's still 22hr remaining for it to be finish, I just feel like attacking super early to discourage the enemy team and will see if the plan work by tomorrow.
Good Night dairy because it's the weekend im going to sleep a little late than usual, bye bye.