Part IV - Chapter 23

After the night Nia and I got tipsy together, I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about how I'd been hiding my relationship with her father from her. She told me that I was the person that she trusted the most, and here I was, fucking her father and falling in love with him while she had zero knowledge as to what was going on.

I just tried to not think about that too much and focus on other things for the rest of the week. I finally got around to practicing doing my makeup and trying on my wig by following video tutorials online. It didn't take long for me to learn how to put on my wig, but the makeup was a challenge. Despite how much I tried, I was still unsatisfied with how I looked. My makeup skills were very much still evidently at an amateur level, so I didn't want to show anyone how I looked until I actually perfected my look—I didn't even want to show Nia. I knew that she often liked to do heavy and dramatic makeup, so I figured that she could give me some tips, but I was too embarrassed to ask. Plus, I wanted to learn this whole makeup thing on my own. It wasn't like I would wear makeup often anyway, I'm already beautiful enough with just my natural face.

Ugh, curse you eyeliner! I don't know how girls are able to do this so well, and able to do it every day, I thought to myself as I frustratedly sighed seeing that my winged eyeliner was uneven and messy again.

Other than practicing my makeup during the week, I also decided to finish Hanna's Locket. There seemed to only be a little bit left to read until the end, so I figured that I might as well finish it.

The story went into Theodore being stationed back in England as he continues to follow the orders of his commanding officer. Though he's miserable, he keeps going on for Hanna's sake, always looking at the locket and reciting her words she said to him before he left Germany. But soon, he receives a letter addressed to him from Hanna. He's excited and curious as to what she could possibly have to say in the letter. When he reads the letter, Hanna basically talks about how she doesn't have much time left and that the German army is coming for her, as she has been accused of treason after a civilian had spotted her and Theodore together multiple times. She explains that she wouldn't trade their time together for anything in the world, and that she loves him dearly.

Theodore basically has a freakout and deserts his position in England to head for Germany, hoping and praying to God that Hanna is still alive. Even though he knows that it's most likely too late, he still holds onto the chance that he can save her and they can run away together. At that point in the book I was kind of on edge, my heart pounding in my chest as I was nervous as to what would happen next.

After Theodore makes it to Germany, he goes to Hanna's home—just to be informed by a police officer that Hanna has already been executed by the German military for treason, in which Theodore breaks down and cries, letting out all his emotions for the first time in his life. I couldn't help but feel heartbroken for him.

Theodore then no longer knows what to do or what to live for, so he goes straight into one of the battlefields without any thoughts but his love for Hanna. He goes on a rampage, killing any German soldier he finds, before eventually being shot in the muddy fields by the same general who executed Hanna. Theodore falls to the ground, holding Hanna's locket in his grasp as the rain pours down on him and death slowly overtakes him. He thinks about what Hanna said to him the last time they saw each other.

"We'll meet again, don't you worry about that. Wherever you are, I'll be with you. Just look at the stars and know we're underneath the same sky."

Theodore looks into the sky with a smile. "We'll finally be together, Hanna… We'll be together in a place where we don't have to worry about anything or anyone else, just each other. Wherever we'll be… We'll be together. Forever," were his last words before closing his eyes.

That was where the book ended. I couldn't help but cry over how much of an emotional roller coaster the book was, the entire story overall had such a dark and depressing tone about it—but the scenes between Theodore and Hanna's relationship touched my heart and made me feel like they found happiness despite how shitty their lives were. I just felt so sad the story ended like that, but I suppose that's just how it was. I guess Miles wasn't into sappy happy endings, but rather into realistic and somewhat bittersweet ones.

I hope Miles and I will have a happy ending, I think we will. I'm very hopeful that we will, I thought to myself before closing the book.


The day before the trip finally came, and it only just hit me that there were a few problems I needed to figure out and solve somehow.

Nia already knows that Miles is going on a trip to Kansas city this weekend until Monday. But I'm going with him, and she doesn't know that.

Then I began to think about what exactly I was supposed to tell her about my whereabouts for this weekend. Shit, I'm going to have to come up with a story as to where I'll be… And I can't come back the same day as Miles. That would be so suspicious, Nia would surely catch on… I don't want to lie to her, but it's just a little lie that wouldn't hurt her, right?

And so, I came up with a plan and a believable story that would surely check out. I told Nia that I had a photoshoot in San Francisco this weekend and I would be staying there until Wednesday. I decided that when I came back with Miles on Monday, I would stay at a nearby hotel until Wednesday, so that Nia would actually believe me. So many loopholes to go through just to get Nia to believe my lies… And she really told me that I was the person she trusted the most. I'm an awful person.

Thankfully, she did believe me. That was one issue that I had checked off as solved, but there was another problem. I was going to spend all my time the next few days with Miles, and I couldn't risk getting recognized in public with him. I was kind of famous now, so a fan or paparazzi could recognize me and take pictures of us, which could cause all kinds of problems if the pictures got out to the public. Nia would then find out for sure.

I had to take some time to sit down and think about what I could possibly do to prevent this from happening while being able to enjoy this trip with Miles. I wonder what we can do… I have no idea, I thought to myself in frustration. Ugh, I just want to have fun with Miles, but it would be a lot of trouble for both of us if we were spotted together.

I continued to ponder some possible ideas, but they all led to dead ends. It wasn't until I looked over at my blonde wig hanging on my closet doorknob that I finally figured it all out.

That's it, I thought to myself as I sat up from my chair. I'll disguise myself as a girl! I have some unused female clothes in my closet from companies who sent them to me, and I can use makeup to change my appearance. Then the wig will top it all off. Perfect!

I smiled to myself. It's the perfect plan. Now that I have all the solutions to my problems, this trip is going to be amazing. I can't wait.


I woke up at four in the morning to get ready. That's right, four o' clock in the morning before the sun was even beginning to rise. I had to be at Miles' house by seven, as the drive down to Kansas was going to take at least eight hours. I took a quick shower and cleaned myself before getting ready, putting on a cute halter top and a matching skirt, then a cute jacket over it. I already looked good just wearing this ensemble.

I then got to work on my makeup, telling myself to just try my best to make it look good this time. I wasn't going to do full coverage like Nia usually did on herself, I already felt my face was perfect as is. All I needed to do was eye makeup, eyebrows, and then my lips.

After spending about an hour doing my makeup, I finally finished. I gazed at myself in the mirror with a smile. Finally, my makeup actually looks good! I look great, I thought to myself as I checked myself out in the mirror at different angles. My eyeshadow was blended nicely, my eyeliner was finally neat and even, and my lips were perfectly lined and coated with lipstick. Thank god I've pretty much spent this whole week practicing. Practice really does make perfect.

Next was the wig. I had styled it the night before using Nia's flat iron, so all I had to do was put on the wig cap and then glue the wig on. After I got my wig on, I checked myself out in the full-length mirror and was completely in awe at my transformation. Holy shit, I'm a completely different person, I thought as I posed. I mean, you could probably tell that it's me if I told you, but no one else will be able to recognize me… This is amazing. I can't believe I did that. If I was straight, I would totally do me.

"I'm so pretty, aren't I, Daddy?" I drawled in my cute voice as I tossed my hair over my shoulder and posed before I giggled. I'm obsessed with my female self. She's so gorgeous and cute.

After I was done primping and posing in the mirror, I gathered all my makeup and put them all in a small bag before packing it in my luggage that was already packed with my clothes, consisting mostly of female clothing. After making sure I had everything packed for my trip, I decided it was time to head to Miles' house. I put on my boots and took Hanna's Locket with me before I carefully made my way through the apartment so as to not wake Nia, who was sound asleep in her room. I left our apartment and locked the door before heading out of the building and to my car, making my way to the Fotia house.

I wonder if Miles will like this look… I'm sure he will, I thought as I drove. I couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited about our trip, but mostly excited. I just pray that this disguise will make me pass as some girl who isn't me.

When I made it to Miles' house, I parked in his driveway before checking myself out in the mirror again. I still can't believe how good I look. I mean, I've always looked like such a girly guy, but I really look like a real woman.

After I was done, I got out of the car and took the book with me. I was about to walk up to the porch and ring the doorbell, but someone called out to me, making me freeze up.

"Hey," a man's voice greeted me. I looked over, seeing Miles' neighbour sitting on the steps of his own porch as he smoked a cigarette. He was balding and had a big belly that stuck out from under his shirt. It was the same man who I remember Miles yelling at before for not cleaning up after his dog.

"Uh, hello," I greeted back with a little nod and a tight smile.

He eyed me up and down with a smirk as he took a drag of his cigarette. "Well, you're certainly a beauty. You Miles' girl?"

I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Y-yeah…" I said. I mean, I was, wasn't I?

The man continued to stare at me, and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Usually I liked when people looked at me and admired my looks, but something about this man staring at me and hitting on me felt incredibly unpleasant. "You look as young as his daughter. And you're just as cute as her too," he said with a chuckle.

What a creep, I thought to myself. I just slowly nodded. "Um, thanks I guess," is all I said before I turned to begin walking to the porch, but the man called out to me again.

"Hey now, cupcake," he called out as I softly sighed and rolled my eyes before turning to look at him again. "What?" I asked.

He smiled, showing off his crooked teeth. "You're a rare kind of pretty, little girl. How about you ditch Miles and come inside my house with me for a while?" He asked as he gazed at me as if I was a piece of meat. "We could have all kinds of fun, and I'm sure I can show you much more than whatever that uptight meathead veteran is offering."

He was really testing my patience now, especially that he brought Miles into it. I was no longer having it. "I'm not interested," I said with a stern tone. "Now, if you'll excuse me, Miles is waiting for me."

"Aw, there's no need to be shy, sweetheart," he said before taking another drag of his cigarette, blowing smoke into the morning air. "I can tell you're the kind of girl who likes being pampered like a princess. I can do that for you, I'd love to make you feel nice and good, inside and out," he said as he licked his lips.

I was beginning to get pissed off. I was about to tell him off, but a familiar voice cut me off and beat me to it.

"She already said that she ain't interested."

I widened my eyes before looking behind me, seeing Miles standing on the steps of the porch, dressed in a brown bomber jacket and jeans as he crossed his arms and gave the man an angry glare. I couldn't help but feel myself smile once I saw him.

The man rolled his eyes as he put out his cigarette. "I was just offering her my company if she wanted it."

"Is that why you're harassing her when she already said no?" Miles asked him in his scary voice that really intimidated me the first time we met. "She clearly doesn't want to, so I recommend ya head back inside and leave both of us alone before I really get pissed off."

"Tch… Whatever," the man said as he stood up before tossing his cigarette onto the grass, heading back inside his house. I walked up to Miles and placed my head and a hand against his chest as I felt him embrace me, making me smile at how warm and safe I felt in his strong arms.

"Thank you," I said before looking up at him. "He was really grossing me out."

Miles gave me a little smile. "Of course. I know you can handle yourself, but he probably woulda kept botherin' you unless I said something," he said. "By the way… You look absolutely stunning. Just… Wow." He curled a piece of my hair around his finger.

I blushed and touched my face. "I'm so glad you think so. I put in a lot of effort to make myself look this good," I said with a giggle.

"I love it. It suits ya real well," he said with a soft chuckle. We then pulled away and I gave him back his book. "I finished the book, by the way…" I said. "I understand why you love this book so much. Theodore and Hanna both really touched my heart, and the ending broke me. I even cried."

Miles took back the book. "I'm glad ya enjoyed it. I get pretty emotional every time I read it, too. It really is a classic, and even though I ain't all that into romance novels, this one was really special. Both Cynthia and I loved this book a lot," he said with a sigh. He shook his head. "Anyway, I'm just glad ya liked it. I'll bring it back inside and then I'll load our bags in my truck."

I nodded. "Okay."

Miles went back inside the house to put away the book and get his luggage while I got my own out of my car. I neatly packed a moderate amount of things in my bag, but it was a little bit heavy. Nothing I couldn't handle, though. I lifted it and placed it in the truck's bed as Miles came back out with his own luggage, locking the front door before bringing the bag over. "Good job. Looks like ya didn't need my help after all."

I smiled. "I'm stronger than you think, you know."

"I ain't doubted ya for a second," he said with a wink. He lifted his luggage and loaded it next to mine before securing the bags. "Ready to go?" He asked me, and I nodded.

He unlocked the doors before we got into the truck and Miles started it up. "I already checked everything and did maintenance earlier, so I'm hopin' we'll be okay driving all the way down there."

"I'm sure it will be fine," I assured him. "And no matter what happens, it'll be okay because we have each other."

I looked at him and he looked back at me with a little smile. "You're right." He set up the GPS on his phone to calculate the route to our location before he placed it in the holder attached to the vent.

He pulled out of the driveway before we headed out, beginning what would be our road trip together. He turned up the radio, playing his favourite, classic rock. I was beginning to kind of like it myself, I didn't mind listening to it with Miles. I liked whatever he liked.

"I'm really happy that ya decided to come with me," Miles said as he drove. "I know we're gonna have plenty of fun."

"I do, too. I'd go anywhere with you," I said with a smile.

"I really hope ya didn't have anything planned already. I'd feel pretty guilty for gettin' ya away from it," he said. I thought about the fragrance opportunity that I was offered, but I was already here, with Miles, and I felt that I made the right decision.

"No, I didn't have any plans. I got an offer to be a model for a perfume commercial, but… That was already after I said I would go with you. But even if that wasn't the case, I still would have chosen you anyway," I explained.

Miles seemed to smile. "Well, thank you for choosing to come with me, then. I hope we make some good memories," he said with a warm voice that gave me butterflies inside.

This is going to be such a great trip, I thought to myself with a smile.


The ride was incredible. Miles and I talked and joked and laughed together while he drove on. He told me that he'd been trying texting more lately, with his friends and with Nia. I noticed that we've been texting more than usual as well, but usually we just called each other when we wanted to talk. I suppose we just loved hearing each other's voices…

I was really happy that he and Nia were communicating with each other more. It's exactly what I wanted for them.

We talked about so much, about things happening in our lives, about things we've seen recently, and we'd discuss topics that came up on the radio together. We would agree, or disagree, or express our lack of knowledge or interest on the topic. Whatever our opinion was, it was interesting to learn about Miles' feelings towards certain subjects.

The scenery as we drove along was beautiful, I just had to take a few pictures out the window of the hills and grassy fields. There were also some beautiful forests as well, with the autumn-coloured leaves among the trees that made for beautiful photos of the warm-toned treetops.

I also fell asleep a few times, apologizing every time when I woke up, but Miles assured me it was completely alright if I wanted to sleep. He would wake me up every hour to ask me if I needed to use the bathroom or if I was hungry. There were a few times that I needed either, and Miles provided. He bought us fast food, and I decided why not, I can have some once in a while. I missed the feeling of eating a greasy deep-fried meal.

After our second gas station stop until the end of the trip we would continue to talk or I would check how my social media accounts were doing or play that game I liked on my phone, or I'd fall asleep again. I just loved being with Miles, and I actually was enjoying this car trip with him.

Once we finally made it to Kansas city, Miles woke me up. I couldn't believe we were already here. It felt like that road trip went by so quickly, we were having so much fun just travelling together.

"We're gonna check in at the hotel first," Miles said as he drove through the city. "Then we'll check out the museum after. How's that sound?"

I nodded in confirmation. "Mmhmm!"

Miles drove through the city to the hotel, parking in the underground garage. We took our luggages out from the back before we made our way to the elevator to get to the main floor of the hotel. Even just the entrance from the underground parking lot to the hotel was so modern and luxurious. I always liked staying at hotels.

When the elevator arrived at the main floor, I followed Miles as we rolled our luggages beside us. He went up to the front desk. "Hi, there. We're here to check in?"

The clerk nodded. "Sure thing. Under what name is the reservation?"

"Fotia, F-O-T-I-A," Miles said to the clerk, who looked up something on the computer before clicking with the mouse. "Alright, I see your reservation here." The clerk reached under the desk before pulling up two room key cards, sliding them towards Miles. "Here are your room keys. Your room is room 1609, on the sixteenth floor," they said to us before Miles thanked them, and we headed for the elevators leading up to the upper floors.

As we rode up the elevator, I felt Miles hold my hand as I looked up at him and smiled, intertwining our fingers.

Once we made it to our floor, we headed to our room. Miles unlocked the door before we headed inside, and it was a very nice room. It was very spacious, and the bed looked huge and comfy. The ceiling was reflective, and an elegant chandelier hung down in the middle of the room.

"It's such a gorgeous room," I said, totally in awe. "I didn't think you'd book a room for us at such a modern hotel!"

Miles chuckled. "I wanted us to stay somewhere special for our time here. So, I chose this hotel. It's fairly new, so I figured you would like it."

I leaned against his arm with a soft sigh. "Thank you so much, I love it."

Miles patted me on the head before we pulled away. "Let's get ready before we head to the museum. It ain't too far from here, so we can just walk there."

I nodded. "Okay, sounds good to me."


Miles and I freshened up and I fixed my makeup and wig before we made our way out of the hotel and to the museum. I couldn't help but feel a little bit shy walking beside him in public dressed like this, it wasn't something I was used to. But I really liked it, it was like I was really his girlfriend.

When we made it inside, we were greeted by staff before Miles showed the tickets he had for us, and the person checking the tickets thanked Miles for his service before letting us through, handing us guide pamphlets of the museum.

I looked around as we walked through the museum, and it was very big, plenty of artifacts displayed all around at every turn. Miles was so excited about it, I noticed how much he was smiling as he went on and on, hyping up each artifact and telling me fun facts about certain events in the first world war. Even though this wasn't really something I was all that interested in, I was just happy that I could see Miles be so enthusiastic and express his excitement over something.

As we continued to look around the museum, we explored the gallery and looked at more artifacts, even getting to interact with some of the artifacts, which I thought was pretty cool. I remembered a few things from American history class back in high school, so I was glad I at least had some basic knowledge about WWI, enough to talk with Miles about it.

We came across a showcase of tanks in a large room, and Miles seemed to be impressed. "Y'know, in the first World War, British tanks were categorized either as 'male' or 'female,'" he explained as he showed me the differences between two of the tanks. "'Male' tanks had cannons, while 'female' tanks had machine guns."

I looked at him. "I wonder which one I'd be if I was a tank."

Miles chuckled. "Bet you'd be customizable. You'd be a special tank that could handle cannons or machine guns."

I couldn't help but chuckle, too. We spent some more time looking around the room, reading the artifact explanations as Miles would express his opinion on the artifact. We moved on to explore the museum some more, and it felt so good being in public with Miles, holding his hand, letting other people know we were together. Nobody seemed to recognize me, which I was thankful for my disguise. We just looked like a good-looking straight couple spending their day at the museum.

The more we explored the museum, I actually became more and more interested in everything. I had to admit that I was a little bit bored at first, but the more Miles explained some history to me and showed off the artifacts, I got more curious to find out more. Some of the stories from the war were actually pretty interesting.

We finished off our trip to the museum by going into the theatre that was within the museum, and the screen was huge. We sat ourselves down in two seats that were at a good distance from the screen. It then began to play a documentary that went over the entirety of WWI from various perspectives of different countries, showing the different cultures and what different countries' roles were in the war. I had to admit, it was actually pretty eye-opening. I still wasn't fond of war by any means, but the history of what happened during that time period was quite interesting.

After the movie was finished, we left the theatre. "Think we explored everything there was to see in the museum," Miles said as he looked at me with a smile. "Thanks again for comin' with me. I've been wantin' to check this museum out for a long while, but the fact that I got to come here with you made this a real unforgettable experience."

I felt myself blush. "Of course, Miles… I'm so happy I got to experience this with you, too. Getting to explore something you're passionate about with someone you care about by your side… It makes for such a special memory, doesn't it?"

He nodded. "It sure does. For real, thank you. You're real special to me," he said with a smile. "So, ready to head out?"

I nodded and took his hand. "Yes, let's go."

We headed for the exit of the museum as the staff thanked us for coming. Once we stepped out of the museum, we noticed that it was already nighttime.

"You hungry?" Miles asked me. "We could get some dinner, if ya want."

I took a moment to think before I answered. "Mmm, I'm still okay from what we ate earlier. But, I could really go for a drink," I said. I had been enjoying drinking a lot more lately, and found myself wanting to go out of my way to have a drink if I could.

He chuckled. "Alright, let's go find a bar, then. There should be one nearby," he said before we began to head off to find a place where we could have some drinks together.


Miles and I walked around the area to find a bar or restaurant where we could drink, and ended up stopping outside a cool-looking bar that was playing smooth jazz from inside.

"Oh, how about there?" I asked him. "I like the music."

Miles nodded. "Sure, let's go."

We headed inside the bar, and it was fairly crowded. It was a really nice bar, though. The interior design was dark and sleek, and there were plenty of people seated or standing at a table having drinks as they conversed.

"This okay?" Miles asked me, and I nodded. "Mmhmm," I responded. Although it would have been nicer if we could go somewhere a bit less crowded and more quiet, we were already here.

We made our way through the bar to find a table for us, and the only available table was one where we could only stand by—they didn't have seats. I suppose it's a 'first come first seat' kind of deal, but… Ugh, whatever. I don't mind standing.

We leaned against the table as I looked at the menu. "Think I'll just get somethin' on the rocks," Miles said. I looked over what I could order, I was in the mood for a cosmo. I know, of course I was a male cosmo drinker.

We waited for a short while until a waitress came over to take our orders. Even as crowded as the place was, they served us our drinks pretty quickly.

"Cheers," Miles said to me as he raised his glass, and I raised mine as well. "To us and our love," I said with a smile before we clinked our glasses and took a drink.

After we finished the long sip of our drinks, we sighed in contentment. "I'm so happy I have ya. Really," he said with a little smile. "I'm so glad we met. You've changed my life."

I smiled back, feeling a pleasant warmth in my stomach at his words. "And you've changed mine. I love you so much."

"I love ya too," he said with a wink.

We continued to drink as we talked. I always loved being with Miles and talking to him about anything, he seemed so much more open-minded and patient than when I first met him. I loved loving him.

I then felt that my bladder was full, and I hadn't used the bathroom in a while. "Hey, I'll be back. I'm just gonna use the bathroom," I said to him as he nodded. "Alright, take your time if ya need to," he said, making me roll my eyes and chuckle before making my way to where the bathroom sign was.

I stopped when I made it to the two arrows pointing to either the men's or women's bathrooms. Ah, shit… All the bathrooms I've been to today were gender neutral, I thought to myself. I sighed before hastily heading towards the women's room. Well, I'm dressed as a girl, so it only makes sense.

I went inside seeing a few stalls and sinks, and a dispenser machine as there were a few women in the bathroom. None of them seemed to pay attention to me, which thankfully meant that I passed as a girl. I went into the first clean vacant stall I saw, pulling down the panties I was wearing before sitting down and taking a piss. I could hear some women gossipping outside the stalls, about their partner and how much they secretly wanted to hook up with their boss or coworker. So this is what women like to talk about with each other…

After I was finished, I cleaned up before leaving the stall and heading over to a sink to wash my hands. I dried my hands before walking over to the mirror, leaning in to check my makeup and wig, making sure that I still looked cute and pretty. And of course I did.

When I was done looking at myself, I headed out of the bathroom to make my way back to the table where Miles was. When I turned the corner and the table was in my sight, I saw a woman with pale skin and curly black hair who was possibly in her thirties talking to Miles and standing close to him, but he had his arms crossed and seemed to be disinterested in whatever it was she had to say.

"Listen, that's nice n' all… But as I said, I'm already here with someone," I heard Miles say to her.

I couldn't help but feel somewhat irritated by the thought of some woman trying to take Miles for herself. I walked over before placing my hands on Miles' arm and leaning against him as the woman stopped talking. "Hey, I'm back," I said sweetly to him, acting as if she wasn't there.

The woman looked me down and back up with shifty eyes. "Who are you?"

I glared back at her. "I'm his girl."

The woman snarkily chuckled. "Yeah, a girl alright," she said in a mocking tone. "So young and flat like one. Probably naïve and stupid like one, too."

I already knew Miles was about to tell her off, but I placed a hand up to stop him. "Stop making a fool out of yourself. You're a grown woman in her thirties, aren't you? The fact that you're even commenting on my body and acting like a high school 'mean girl' just because you can't accept that no means no… It's not cute at all. It's actually pretty embarrassing," I said as I rolled my eyes. "Maybe I'm young and naïve, but at least I'm not acting as childish as you are."

The woman seemed visibly affected by my words, but also seemed to have nothing to say in response. She clenched her fists before walking away angrily before I smirked and tossed my hair over my shoulder.

"Wow, ya handled that real well," Miles said in awe as he smiled at me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I giggled. "I was just telling the truth," I said before embracing him.

After we pulled apart and I walked over to the other side of the side of the table, I reached for my drink and took a long sip, tilting my head back as I downed the entire cocktail before finishing it with a sigh. "Whew, I needed that."

Miles chuckled. "You want another one? It's all on me," he asked before taking a sip of his own drink. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, making me feel somewhat turned on… I can't wait for us to head back to the hotel where it's just the two of us…

I took a second to think before shaking my head with a smile. "No, I actually think I wanna head back to the hotel. Is that okay?" I asked him. He nodded before downing the remainder of his drink, bringing the glass down to the table with the sounds of the clinking of the ice. "Of course. Lemme just pay, n' we'll head back."

I nodded as he waved over a server for the bill, looking at his toned arms and big hands… I sighed. I can't wait to get you alone, Miles…


Miles and I passionately made out, as I pushed him against the wall, running my hands up and down his torso before helping him take off his jacket and leave it on the floor. We continued to kiss as I led him towards the bed, our lips never spending even a moment apart.

After we left the bar, we walked straight back to the hotel, and I was so excited to get back. Once we made it to our room, I immediately began kissing him. And here we were, making out in our hotel room just like horny newlyweds.

He laid down on the bed as I climbed on top of his lap as our lips continued to move against one another's, tasting each other's essence as I loved how his lips felt against mine, his moustache always adding this slight tickle that I enjoyed.

Miles chuckled against me before slightly pulling away. "So eager, aren't ya? Usually ya let me take over, but you seem so forward tonight. I like it."

I smirked. "Well… That woman from the bar earlier pissed me off. I don't want any woman thinking that she can steal you from me. I'm just feeling so possessive of my Daddy, and I want you so badly," I said, before he smirked back at me. "You ain't gotta worry 'bout that. I only got eyes for ya, Cody. Ain't no other woman nor man in the world alive can compare to you," he said before we engaged in a kiss again.

We continued to kiss as I felt something hard underneath me, and I smiled against his lips. He's getting hard… But so am I.

We pulled away for a moment, as Miles had something to say. "As much as I don't want to ruin this moment, I'm gonna ask ya if you can get the lube in my suitcase," he said, gesturing to his luggage across from the bed. I nodded. "Yeah, of course," I said before getting up to walk over to his luggage and opening it, finding the bottle of lube we primarily used.

I brought it over before placing it beside us on the bed as I climbed back on top of him, engaging in a kiss with him again. I helped him undo his belt before unzipping his pants and pulling them down along with his underwear as I pulled out his cock. Fuck yes, I love his cock so much…

I opened up the bottle before squirting some lube on Miles' dick, jerking him to get him nice and lubed up before wiping my hand on the bed's cover.

"I'm wearing new panties for you, Daddy…" I said in my cute voice as I lifted my skirt for him to show off my cute frilly thong, blushing. "I hope you like them."

Miles groaned, his dick evidently getting harder seeing me showing off my panties for him. "Gorgeous, Cody… Keep them on for me. Move them aside and sit on Daddy's cock," he said out in a low, breathy voice, making me get even more worked up.

I moved up and reached under me, moving my thong aside to expose my hole before he helped align his tip with my entrance. He then slipped the head in, making me softly gasp before he slowly pushed himself further inside me as I sank down on him.

Oh, fuck… I thought the more he penetrated me, as he filled me up until the limit that I could take him. I've been able to take him much easier now than when we first had sex, but it still felt amazing. He held me there, and I could feel his dick twitching deep inside me as my walls squeezed around him a little.

I slowly began to move as I moved myself on his length, letting out little moans and sighs as I rode his big dick. "Fuck, Daddy… I love your cock," I whined out as I moved back and forth on him and his hands grabbed my asscheeks. "You're takin' me so well, pretty girl."

I couldn't help but let out a wanton moan at him calling me a pretty girl. I continued moving on him, getting his hot cock all up in me. I always loved the feeling of Miles' big dick inside me, I could never complain.

I looked at him with need as I moved on him and continued riding his big dick. "Y-you love my pussy, don't you, Daddy?" I asked him breathily, moving faster on him as he aided me with his hips moving against me and his hands gripping my ass. "I-I'm not a real girl, so I don't have a real girl pussy… But you like my boy pussy just fine, right?"

"Fuck, yes. I ain't care what parts ya got… I love your body and how good you make me feel," he groaned out, thrusting into me as I could feel him hitting my prostate as I shut my eyes and threw my head back, continuing to move on him to get him to continue thrusting into that spot.

I softly giggled through my moans as I could feel my eyes beginning to tear up as I gripped onto his shirt tighter. "If I was a real girl, you could cum deep in me and get me pregnant, wouldn't that be nice, Daddy? I would carry your baby inside me…"

"Shit…" He mumbled as he continued to thrust into me. "I still wanna breed ya, I wanna fill you up so good that you'll be leakin' everywhere."

We both continued moving at the fastest pace we could as I could feel myself sweating through my wig, but I didn't care, as all I wanted was to continue letting Miles fuck me with his dick deep inside me. I was completely on cloud nine, and I could feel my body building up to my climax soon.

"M-Miles…" I breathily let out, his cock pounding into my prostate over and over. "G-g-gonna cum… Ahh…!"

And just like that, I arched my back and let out a cry as I felt my orgasm hit me and wash over my body as Miles' dick exploded with warm semen inside of me, my hard cock spurting with cum into the underwear I was wearing. I felt like I was completely in paradise.

But I was in paradise—I was with Miles, after all.

We both took our time to just try and relax and come down from our orgasms, taking deep breaths as we rested for a little while. When I composed myself, I got up and pulled Miles' cock from me as I felt myself feeling a lot more empty—yet still so full with his cum.

I couldn't help but giggle as I laid on top of him. "That was amazing," I let out. "You seriously stuffed me up, but I love it."

He chuckled and played with my wig hair. "I love you, Cody."

I smiled. "I love you too."

The two of us just laid there in silence as we just relaxed in each other's presence. "You feelin' hungry at all?" He asked me. "We could get room service if ya want."

I looked up at him with a smile. "Okay, but we should probably clean up first… I need to change out of all of this," I said, gesturing to my entire disguise.

"Which reminds me, why did ya wear all that in the first place?" He asked me curiously. "Not that I'm complaining at all, I love it. You look so beautiful."

"Oh, I wanted to disguise myself in case anyone spotted us and wanted to take photos of me and all that," I explained. "But… I also wore it because I knew you'd like it."

He smiled back at me. "I do like it. I love it. I love you," he said before kissing the top of my head. "You're my girl."

I closed my eyes and smiled. I'm his girl…

I swear, I could have stayed in that moment forever. I wanted to spend the rest of my life just being in Miles' arms, relaxing together in a hotel room as we knew everything would be alright as long as we were together.

I wish that truly was the case—because I had no idea at the time what kind of storm would be approaching in my life.