Part IV - Chapter 24

Waking up in the morning on top of Miles always made my day. I loved seeing his sleeping face as he would snore a little bit. He was so beautiful, and I loved him so much.

I got up and checked myself out in the mirror, seeing my wig, makeup, and clothes messed up from the night Miles and I had. I didn't mind at all though, telling myself that I could simply redo my whole look after I took a shower.

So, that's what I did—I took everything off and showered in the bathroom before drying myself off and heading out into the room with a towel wrapped around my waist and another towel wrapped around my head as I brushed my teeth. I saw that Miles had just woken up as he stretched. "Morning, boy," he greeted me after finishing his stretch. I waved to him before pulling my toothbrush out of my mouth. "Morning. What are we going to do today?"

He sat up. "I was thinkin' we could do a bit of sightseeing 'round the city, there's somewhere I wanna bring ya. Then tomorrow we can head to Wichita. How's that sound?"

I nodded. "Sure, I'm okay with anything you decide. Just give me some time to get ready."

"Of course, take your time. We ain't in a rush," he said with a little smile. I continued to brush my teeth before heading back into the bathroom to rinse in the sink. After I was done, Miles and I got ready for the day. I spent extra time on fixing my wig and doing my makeup as Miles watched the local news on TV. Every time I did my makeup and wig, I got better and quicker at it.

After I was finished, Miles smiled at me. "Ya look gorgeous. I really like the girly getup," he said approvingly. "You're a damn pretty girl."

I blushed and looked away. "It means a lot to hear you say that," I said sheepishly. It's true… I know I'm pretty, but knowing that Miles thinks I'm pretty really makes me feel different, in a good way.

I put all my things away and brought my shoulder bag with me before Miles and I headed out. We got into Miles' truck and he began to drive. "So, where do we go first?"

"Let's get some brunch first. Anything in particular ya wanna eat?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "No, I'm fine with anything."

"Alright," he said before using the hands-free system in his truck to find a nearby diner. He then set the GPS to get the directions to the nearest one, then began to make his way there.

Once we got to the destination, Miles parked in a vacant spot before turning off the engine. "Let's eat," he said to me with a smile as I nodded and smiled back.


After we had a hearty brunch at the diner, we got back into the truck before Miles began to set the GPS to a different address. He confirmed the destination before we began to drive off.

"Where are we going next?" I asked.

"You'll see. I think you're really gonna like it," he said before winking at me. I giggled, wondering just what he had planned.

After we drove around for a little while, I widened my eyes seeing the building that we were approaching. "The American Jazz Museum… Are we going there?" I asked before looking at him.

He nodded. "Yep. I thought it'd be nice to not only take ya with me to Kansas city to visit a museum I'd like, but I knew that you would want to go to a museum that you would like, too."

I felt myself feeling so touched by his gesture that I nearly felt myself almost about to tear up. "This is so sweet of you, Miles…" I said as I composed myself. "It really means a lot to me."

"Of course. I hope ya enjoy yourself," he said with a smile. He pulled up to the parking lot before he parked his truck at a vacant spot. After turning off the engine, we climbed out of the truck and headed for the building where the museum was.

Once we were inside the museum, I was completely in awe at how colourful and vibrant it was. I was so excited!

The museum was small, but it was beautiful, and it provided plenty of history in a creative way. It was different from the vibes of New Orleans, but all jazz was good jazz to me.

I found a lot of the things I learned at the museum, and felt more educated and enlightened on the roots of African-American influencers in the jazz scene.

Ella Fitzgerald was an incredible icon in jazz, and in music itself, I thought as I looked around at the room that was dedicated to her. Though I mostly listen to modern jazz, it's really great to acknowledge the amazing people who were the foundation of art we enjoy today.

After about an hour or two, we finished checking out the museum. We then left the building and headed back to Miles' truck. "Where to now?" I asked him.

"I was thinkin' we could drive back to the hotel and park the truck, then we can go for a walk around the city until it gets dark. Then we can get some dinner for the two of us. That sound okay?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yes, that sounds perfect."

"Great. Then we'll head back to the hotel then," he said before driving off.


When we got back to the hotel, Miles parked in the parking garage before we went out to go walking around the city. Kansas City was the perfect place for the two of us, it had so many landmarks dedicated to both war veterans and jazz enthusiasts. How could it get better than that?

We took pictures of each other as we walked around, and took pictures with each other. It was safe for us, since I was disguised as Miles' girlfriend. I just couldn't post the pictures anywhere, they would be for me and Miles' own personal memories.

We strolled around, watched street performers, and took more photos together as we made our way around the city. I was having so much fun with him, it felt as if time just flew by. When it began to get dark, we decided to get some dinner.

Miles asked me what I wanted to eat, and I was in the mood for sushi. It was interesting to know that Miles had actually never had sushi before, so it was a new experience for him. Even though we had to wait for a little while at first due to not having a reservation, Miles seemed to enjoy our dinner, so I was really happy about that.

After we finished dinner, we headed back to our hotel room to rest. We really just needed to relax after the busy day that we had, so we ended up showering together before changing into our pajamas and cuddled together while watching TV. It felt really nice just to spend time together like this, just the two of us alone where I didn't have to wear a disguise. It wasn't like I disliked wearing the disguise, quite the opposite—but after a long day, just being cozy in nothing but my PJ's after a hot shower is what I really needed.

The two of us fell asleep into the night in each other's arms, and the next day we got ready the same way we did the previous day. I donned myself in my feminine disguise before we packed up and checked out of the hotel, then began our drive to Wichita.

We listened to the radio and talked the way there, until I eventually ended up falling asleep again. By the time I woke up from my phone vibrating, Miles told me that we would be there in about fifteen minutes or so. I checked my phone to see that it was a text from Nia.

"How's it going down in San Francisco?"

Shit, I'm gonna have to lie to her again… I thought with a sigh before beginning to type a reply.

"It's great! Having plenty of fun. Aren't you at work?"

I sent it before waiting for Nia's reply. "It's Nia," I said to Miles as he drove.

"Hope she's doin' alright," he said.

I felt my phone vibrate again as I checked it, seeing a new message from Nia.

"Yeah, but it's a slow day. Figured I could check up on how you're doing, since I'm bored. Send a pic of what you're doing rn?"

The message then followed with a video attached of an empty store, then the camera switches to Nia making a bored face. I began to slightly panic inside when I realized I couldn't exactly take a photo of anything around me that wouldn't make her suspect something.

I decided I would just have to casually lie about it. Another lie… I hate having to lie to her, but I can't let her know about her father and I. I typed out a message back to her.

"Can't take any pics rn where I am, maybe later. You shouldn't be on your phone at work no matter how busy it is or not, you know."

I sent the message before getting a response quickly after.

"Haha, okay you're right. I'll hit you up later when I get home."

I let out a sigh. Alright, thank god for that… But I don't want to keep lying to Nia, even these small white lies like this. It doesn't feel good.

"You okay?" Miles asked me when hearing me sigh. I took a moment to think before answering him. "I don't know," is all I said.

"What's up? You wanna talk about it?" He asked before looking at me and placing a hand on my leg in concern.

I placed my hand over his for a few moments before he brought his hand back to the steering wheel. "I… I don't like lying to Nia," I admitted sadly. "I understand why we have to, but it still doesn't feel good."

Miles let out a deep exhale. "I know, I don't either. But I can't imagine what kind of reaction she would have knowin' I found someone new… And that someone new being you," he said as he shook his head. "I'm sure she ain't gonna be thrilled at all."

"I know that, but aren't we getting more serious? I mean, it was fine when we were just hooking up… But now our relationship is in a completely different place," I said seriously. "We're like a real couple now, and I don't want to have to keep hiding. I wish we could just come out as a couple already."

"I… Don't know if I'm quite ready for that," Miles said cautiously. "Ya have to remember that you're pretty famous, Cody… You're a rising star. I don't think I could handle bein' famous. And I don't know how my own family or my colleagues would react to me telling them my new partner is a boy as young as my own daughter. We both have images and reputations to keep up for the public, Cody. I don't know how our relationship going public would affect that. It ain't just Nia I'm afraid of finding out, but the other consequences, too."

I looked down. "I suppose you're right…"

Both of us went silent for a while as he continued driving before he finally spoke up again. "Just so you know, I'm not ashamed at all to be with you, Cody. I just didn't plan at all that we'd end up being what we are now, and this is all so new to me… I still ain't know exactly what I'm doing," he said with a sigh. "Even though I support people from all walks of life… I don't think I'm ready to put myself out there like you, y'know? Not that it's a bad thing at all, I just don't know if I feel ready."

"I understand, Miles," I said to him with reassurance. "If you want to go public, we can, but if you still don't feel ready for that yet, then I'm okay with that too. I love you, and I just want you to be comfortable in our relationship."

"How 'bout this, I'll take some time to think over it," he said. "Could ya let me think about it before I decide what we should do?"

I nodded. "That's perfectly fine. Take your time, we can still keep our relationship on the down low for now, then."

He reached out his hand to take mine before our fingers interlocked. "I'm really happy to have ya, Cody."

I smiled. "I feel the same way about you, Miles."


Once we got to Wichita, I was in awe of how beautiful some of the older buildings around us looked. We did the same as we did when we first got to Kansas city, we checked into the hotel and brought our bags to our hotel room before we headed out to explore the city.

We explored Oldtown and explored a bit of the city, and Miles bought us coffee so we could drink while we walked. We then went down to check out the beautiful botanical gardens and did some window shopping before walking along the Arkansas river trail hand-in-hand as we talked. I loved just holding Miles' hand while we walked and conversed, it was just so nice. It felt as if time flew by as we walked together, because by the time we knew it, the sun was beginning to set already.

"I can't believe the sun's already setting," I said as I looked up at the sky, leaning against the banister to look out onto the river. The breeze blew by my legs as the crisp leaves tumbled by on the ground. "It felt like we just got here, and the day's nearly over."

"Sounds like ya had fun," Miles said to me with an amused chuckle, and I looked at him and nodded with a smile, holding his hand. "I did. I always have a wonderful time whenever I'm with you."

"I feel the exact same way," he said as he smiled back at me. We spent some time just looking out onto the river and watching the sunset before we began to walk another route back to where we came from.

On our way back, the large park we passed by had string lights lit up around, a live band playing lively swing music by the fountain, as couples and families happily danced together all around the park.

Miles looked at me. "How 'bout it, Cody? Ya wanna dance a little bit?" He asked me, presenting his hand to me with a smile.

I giggled before placing my hand in his. I didn't really dance, but I couldn't turn down a dance with Miles! He took me over to the grass before he took both of my hands. "Just follow my lead," he said to me before we began to dance.

Surprisingly, it was easy to follow Miles' lead, he seemed to really know what he was doing. With each extend and bend of our arms as we stepped in time with each other while the band played on, I was really feeling the rhythm in my body. I couldn't help but laugh as the two of us danced together. I'm not a dancer at all, but I'm having a lot of fun dancing with Miles under the lights like this, I feel so happy.

He twirled me under his arm before spinning me into his arms, catching me and dipping me as the song finished. The other people around clapped and cheered for the musicians as Miles kept me dipped in his arms, staring into my eyes as I gazed into his. It was as if he was taking his time to study me.

"Miles?" I spoke out his name softly, before he helped me back up onto my feet. "Sorry, Cody. You're just so amazing… I still really can't believe I have ya. I feel so lucky."

I blushed and giggled. "I'm the lucky one. You're perfect, Miles. By the way… Where'd you learn to dance? You seemed to really know what you were doing."

He chuckled. "I suppose dancing with ya brought me back to the school dances in high school… Prom with Cynthia was real fun," he said with a sigh before giving me a little smile. "Getting to dance with you, it really brought back the same happy feelings."

I smiled at him before leaning into him and embracing him. "You've been giving me the best memories of my life this whole trip, Miles…" I said to him, exhaling deeply. "I wish it didn't have to end. I would love nothing more than to be with you wherever you go and experience new things together."

Miles embraced me back. "I love ya so much," he said to me softly as we just stood there hugging before the band began to play their next song. We pulled away before smiling at each other. "How 'bout another dance?" Miles asked me, and I nodded excitedly. "Okay!"


Miles and I spent a romantic and fun evening dancing together in the park until we decided to head back to the hotel to get some time to rest together in private. Though we were both feeling hungry, we decided we would just get room service back in our room.

So that's what we did, we went back together to the hotel before going straight to our room. I headed for the bed, and it felt nice to finally just sit down, my feet were nearly killing me.

"So, room service…" Miles picked up the menu off the table and looked through it. "Mmm, there's some real good-lookin' food in here. You should take a look."

"Alright," I said, taking my time to just relax on the bed before I sat up and walked over to take the menu from him and look through it myself. There were lots of different choices, but I was in the mood for the delicious-looking pasta that was showcased on one of the pages. There was also a slice of vanilla cake that looked so good.

"I'll have this pasta… And the vanilla cake," I said, pointing into the book to show Miles. He nodded as he took the menu back. "Okay. I'll order our food while you go n' shower."

I smiled and nodded back at him. "Alright," I said before heading into the bathroom to get ready for the night.


And so after I finished getting out of my disguise and taking a shower before changing into my pajamas, Miles took a shower while I checked my social media feed on my phone as I laid down in bed. After he was done and changed into his own pajamas, room service came to bring us our food. The two of us decided to eat while we talked and watched some movies on the hotel TV. I had my pasta and then my cake for dessert, while Miles had a roast beef sandwich. He also got us a bottle of white wine, which we shared. Although I loved doing all these new things in new places, all I really needed was a comfy night-in with Miles to have fun.

We finished our glasses of wine until we ended up nearly finishing the whole bottle, then we just ended up cuddling in bed together as I could feel his warm body against me while he stroked my hair and held me close. I always loved the feeling of Miles embracing me in his strong arms, and the smell of him whenever he held me. Just being in his arms like this was like heaven on earth.

"I can't believe we have to go home tomorrow," I said softly, my head placed in the crook of his neck. "It felt like our little getaway was so short."

Miles sighed deeply as he continued to stroke my hair. "It really did. I wish it coulda been longer, but I had a ton of fun with you. I hope ya had fun, too."

I looked up at him and smiled. "I did. I told you, I love doing anything with you. I'd go anywhere with you as long as we're together," I said before placing my head back down. "I wish we could be together forever and ever. I wouldn't want anything else."

Miles slightly moved and held my face in his hands as he smiled at me, his warm brown eyes gazing at me with sentiment. "I know I always say it… But ya really turned my life upside down for the better, Cody. Being with you these past few months have changed me, you've helped me open up and express my feelings better and taught me so much about my relationships with others, life in general, and love," he said as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. "I still can't believe a boy like you would end up making me feel this way, but I don't regret a damn thing."

I blushed before leaning up to kiss him. I always loved the feeling of his lips on mine, whether we were sharing a quick peck or passionately making out. "I don't either," I said to him, feeling more relaxed and slightly sleepy from the wine.

"I know how complicated it is for us to hide our relationship, but I just wish our circumstances weren't so complicated, either," he said sadly.

I nodded. "I understand, Miles. Like I said, we can just take our time. Let's just live in the moment and enjoy what we have right now, yeah?"

He gave me a little smile before leaning in to kiss me again. "You're right… I should just appreciate the beautiful boy I have in my grasp," he said, his hands moving from my face down my arms before gripping my hips, turning me over so that he was hovering above me. "I got such an ethereal angel I love right under me, I just want to love you n' take care of you forever."

I felt myself blush. "You can, Miles. I'll always be by your side, if you want me to. I love you so much."

He leaned down to press his lips against mine, the two of us sharing a tender and gentle kiss. It was light and innocent, and we took a moment just silently pressing our foreheads together before our lips met again, our kisses slow but still full of emotion as I wrapped my arms around his neck and encouraged him to kiss me more.

He hummed in amusement as he seemed to understand my body language, his hands slowly rubbing up and down my sides. Our kisses began to grow more passionate and intense as we kissed like we couldn't get enough of each other.

Our lips were in perfect sync as we continued making out on the bed, the sounds of our kisses and chuckles filling the room along with the television playing some spy movie in the background. The two of us taking all our time in the world just kissing like this and savouring the moment of the last night our trip felt absolutely magical.

His lips moved from mine to graze down my neck, leaving kisses against my skin as I sighed and ran a hand through his deep brown hair. His kisses and nips were so gentle, it was like he was really taking his time to take in my body as if he had never touched me before. It was so sweet, he was treating me almost like I was a date he took home for the first time.

"My beautiful boy," he mumbled against my skin as he continued to kiss my neck down to my collarbones while his hands kept rubbing my sides. "Wanna treasure you forever."

I softly hummed in response before he kissed his way up to my lips again, capturing them with his own as we went back to kissing each other. I could never get enough of him. I'm so in love…

After our kisses began to slow down, he pulled away and we took a few moments to gaze into each other's eyes as we smiled. "I'll always love you, Cody. I mean that," he said sincerely. "No matter what happens, I'll love ya forever."

I felt so happy hearing those words, I began to tear up as I placed my hand on his cheek. "I love you too, Miles. You know that. I would do anything for you."

He smiled and placed his hand on top of mine before kissing the back of it. "Ya wanna have sex tonight?"

Even though I wanted to and was about to answer yes, I felt myself do a big yawn, earning a soft laugh from Miles. "Scratch that, that wine must've gotten ya real sleepy after such a long day. We should rest up."

I rubbed my eye. "Mmm, I'm not that tired…"

Miles moved himself to lay down beside me, picking up the television remote off the nightstand to turn off the TV before he pulled up the blankets to cover us. "Tell ya what, how 'bout we just snuggle 'til we fall asleep? We got a long drive back home tomorrow."

I smiled before scooching closer to him, resting my head and my hand on his chest as I closed my eyes. "Okay, Daddy."

He chuckled before kissing the top of my head. "Goodnight, Cody," he whispered before wrapping an arm around me, the two of us happily falling into slumber in each other's warm embrace.


The next day, we both got up to get ready for the trip back home. We got dressed before I did my makeup and put my wig on. I always had to take a few minutes after I was done getting ready just to admire myself in the mirror, my girl self was just so cute!

"Ready to head?" Miles asked me after we finished packing up all our things. I nodded at him with a smile before I put my luggage on the carpeted floor and pulled up the extending handle. "Yeah, I'm all set. I just wish our trip together was longer."

"Me too… But maybe we'll get to go on another trip together next time," he said before winking at me with a little smile as I giggled. "I'd love that."

We took our bags with us as we headed out of our room and down the hallways to the elevator. After the elevator came, we went down to the hotel lobby and Miles checked out before returning the hotel keycards. We headed to the parking garage to pack our bags in Miles' truck before sitting inside. "Alright, then. Time for us to head back home," he said before starting up his truck.

Miles drove out of the parking garage before we were off to get breakfast on the way on our trip back home. The trip would be shorter heading back than it was when we came to Kansas City, since we were driving back from Wichita.

Our trip back went smoothly, as we did what we usually did—talk about different topics, make commentary about subjects that would come up on the radio, or Miles would just focus on the road while I would check social media, or play a bit of that game I downloaded on my phone, or just fall asleep in the seat until he would wake me up to ask me if I needed anything or to let me know he was going to fill the truck's gas tank.

Heading back home felt so much quicker than when we first travelled down here. I wasn't sure if it was because that was just natural and the trip back home after a vacation always felt shorter, or if the trip back home was indeed shorter than I expected. By the time I knew it, I was already beginning to recognize where we were, which meant we were getting close to Miles' house.

I yawned as I slightly stretched in my seat. "Guess we're really back."

"Yep. Back to the hustle n' bustle of our daily lives," Miles said with a chuckle before he sighed. "At least I'm glad we got to spend an amazing few days together."

"I am too. I had so much fun with you," I said happily. "I wouldn't trade these memories we made together for anything else in the world."

Miles looked at me and smiled before bringing a hand over mine while he continued to drive with his other hand on the steering wheel. "I wouldn't either."

He kept his hand over mine until we finally reached his house. He parked the truck in the driveway next to my car before turning off the engine. "You wanna head inside for a bit? I can whip us up somethin' to eat."

I nodded. "I'd like that, as long as it isn't an inconvenience to you."

He shook his head. "'Course not. I always love spendin' time with you," he said before giving me a little smile and slightly squeezing my hand. "I'll just help ya unload your luggage from the truck, alright?"

"Okay. Thank you, Miles. Not just for right now, but… For everything," I said to him sincerely. "Really, this trip has been absolutely amazing. I wouldn't have wanted it to be with anybody else."

"Me neither. That's why I only asked you," he said, still holding my hand. "You're the only person I wanted to accompany me. Ain't no one else I'd rather have by my side."

The two of us just gazed into each other's eyes as we held hands, taking a few moments to just take in the fact that we truly were together.

"Alright, let's get out n' load your bag into your car. Then we'll head inside."

I nodded. "Yeah, okay," I said before we climbed out of his truck and he unloaded my bag. I opened my car's trunk and Miles placed it inside before I closed it, then we headed inside to spend some more time together.

I just wish I knew back then that it would be the last time I'd step into the Fotia household.


The next few days of me hiding in a hotel room and pretending like I was in San Francisco just to avoid any suspicions from Nia about her father and I felt scummy. Even though it was a good few days for me to just relax and isolate myself from others, I couldn't help but feel guilty that the only reason I was here was to hide from Nia.

After those few days were up, I headed back to Nia and I's apartment, suddenly feeling strange going out in public without my disguise on. I was getting used to dressing like a girl to go outside.

Once I made it back to my apartment, I opened the door and walked in, breathing in the familiar scent of what was the atmosphere of Nia and I's humble abode.

"Hey!" I heard Nia call from down the hall as she walked to the entrance to greet me. "How was San Fran?"

I took off my shoes and faked a smile for her. "Super fun," I said, trying to seem as enthusiastic as possible.

"Cool. You paid for protected parking at the airport? You could've just let me bring you and pick you up," she said.

I nervously chuckled. "Th-that's okay, maybe next time. Besides, I had to leave really early and you were still asleep. But next time, okay?"

Nia nodded. "Yeah, alright. Anyway, I went grocery shopping this weekend, and I got you your favourite cereal. You're welcome," she said to me with a smile, pointing towards the kitchen before turning and heading back to her room.

I walked into the kitchen to see a new, unopened box of my favourite cereal sitting on the counter. I sighed deeply. Nia, I really don't deserve you…


The next few days that followed after I came back went pretty normally. Nia seemed to be busier lately, as she would do her streams or go to work or sleep in between. She expressed to me that the store was getting busier as the holidays were coming up soon, and her gaming channel was continuing to grow, so she had to concentrate on both.

Meanwhile, I had a new photoshoot booked in my city, which consisted of me modeling the new limited-edition pastel collection of a unisex clothing brand that catered to young adults. I got to keep the clothes, too!

The weekend finally rolled around, and I almost couldn't believe that it had already been a week since my trip with Miles. I was invited out to brunch with a few other models I've worked with before, and I thought it wouldn't hurt to hang out with them. I was happy that there were actually other models who wanted me to join them on their outings.

And so I did—I spent a somewhat awkward yet nice little brunch with a group of three other models. It was fun to have some nice brunch on a patio while gossipping about other models we've worked with. They weren't my friends by any means, but it was always nice to hang out and get to know others. Being social was definitely something I had become better at the more famous I got and the more people I met.

When I got back to the apartment, Nia didn't seem to be home. I wasn't sure if she had work or if she was off this weekend, but she definitely wasn't home despite being here earlier before I left for brunch.

I shrugged before I headed to my room and went into my closet, looking at the new pastel clothes I got from the photoshoot a few days ago still in their bags. I began to take my clothes off before getting changed into one of the female outfits, which consisted of a long-sleeved pink shirt that showed off my neck and shoulders, a high-waisted white skirt, and pink heart-shaped thigh garters that connected to matching stockings.

To get into the female fantasy even further, I removed my trunks and slipped on a pair of cute panties underneath. Wearing panties used to feel so strange and uncomfortable, but I was beginning to actually enjoy wearing them now… Especially for Miles.

I checked myself out in the mirror and thought about what Miles would think if he saw me wearing this cute outfit. I'm sure he wouldn't be able to resist me. He'd bend me over wherever he could, flip up my skirt, pull down my panties, and slap my ass with a hand as he'd mutter about how pretty I am…

I bit down on my lip as I began to feel myself getting a bit turned on at the thought. Fuck, that's hot. His hands would squeeze and play with my plush ass, and his thumbs would get closer and closer to my boy cunt the more he plays with me…

I felt blood beginning to rush down to my groin the more I thought about Miles playing with me while I was wearing this adorable ensemble for him. Maybe he'd spread me open and eat my pussy out… I'd feel his warm breath against me as he'd use his tongue to please me while I'd feel his moustache tickle my taint, oh god…

I felt my dick getting hard in my panties as I continued to revel in the thoughts of Miles orally pleasing my hole. I picked up my phone before opening the camera app. I showed off my outfit in the mirror as I began to record a video. "Do you think this outfit looks cute on me, Daddy?" I asked as I did a cute pose.

I giggled before switching the camera to front view, angling my phone to show myself off from the waist down to the thigh garters. "I wish I was with you right now, I'm getting hard in my panties thinking about your hands playing with my body…" I slowly lifted the front of my skirt to show off my panty-clad dick that was half-hard before giggling again and pulling down the front of my skirt to cover myself. "Ugh, see what you do to me, Daddy?"

I stopped recording before turning away from the mirror and getting down on my knees. I pulled my panties down before turning back and lifting up the back of my skirt, showing off my ass and the garter stockings around my thighs. I pointed my phone's camera at the mirror before taking a few photos.

I got up from the floor and pulled up my panties before I went into the gallery and looked at the video and pictures I took, smiling to myself. Cute. I'm sure he'll love these…

I went into the messaging app on my phone, taking a second to think about what to say before I began to type out a message to Miles.

"Come play with your pretty boy, Daddy~ ♡"

I attached the video to the message along with one of the photos I took, wondering if it was okay to send something like this to him at this moment. Well, it's the weekend, and he's usually free on the weekends. It should be safe to send these to him right now, he's probably just at home working out or something.

I sent it before putting my phone down on my desk, going straight for my bed as I made sure I had lotion and some tissues ready on my nightstand…


Later after I had taken a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes, I hung out on the couch and rotated through different apps on my phone, either playing Supreme Quest or scrolling through social media.

Time seemed to just pass by so quickly, because the sun was already beginning to set outside. Daylight savings has totally made these days so much darker. I can't believe the sun is already setting at five in the afternoon.

I heard the front door unlock before someone opened it and came inside. I sat up and looked over to see it was Nia, who turned away and closed the door. She seemed to take a moment after closing the door to just stay there and stare at the door, as if she was thinking about something.

"Hey, where'd you go?" I asked her. "After I came back from brunch, I didn't see you. I figured you were off from work this weekend."

Nia didn't respond, just continuing to stare at the door before she looked at me. "I… Just went out for a bit," is all she said before giving me a tight smile, beginning to take her shoes off.

I nodded. What's going on with Nia? She's acting weird. "You okay?" I asked with concern.

After Nia took off her shoes, she sighed and closed her eyes. "Um… Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," she said, as if she was unsure about her own answer. She began to walk straight to her room, slamming the door behind her as I flinched hearing the loud noise.

Alright, something's definitely wrong with Nia, I thought to myself, crossing my arms with a deep exhale. I should talk to her about it, but I think I'll give her some space for now to cool off.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I looked to see that it was a new message from Miles.

"Sorry I ain't seen these until now. You look amazing as always, naughty boy. I can't resist you."

I smiled. I knew he'd love them, I thought. I began to type out a reply.

"Glad you enjoyed them~ Can't wait until I get to see you again."

I sent it before I stood up and stretched before making my way to the kitchen to get started on cooking dinner for Nia and I. I'll make her something good, so hopefully she knows that I'm here for her if she wants to talk about whatever's going on with her. After all, we're best friends who tell each other everything. I'm sure she'll come around.


The next day, I didn't see Nia at all. She did seem to eat a little bit of the food I made the previous day, so I was glad for that. But she would pretty much stay in her room the entire morning and afternoon. I wasn't sure if she was streaming or not, so I decided not to bother her either way, and that I'd let her come to me when she was ready.

So, I mostly stayed in my room, doing my daily workouts before showering. I then spent the rest of the afternoon just watching videos on my laptop while I drank some cheap wine and snacked on almonds. Suddenly in the middle of watching a makeup tutorial, my phone began to vibrate, and I put down my glass on the nightstand before checking to see who was calling. Chance?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Have you checked Posty today?" He asked me.

I took a second to think. "Uh… Not today so far. Why?"

"Go and check it right now. I'll wait."

Chance sounded calm, but his words had me somewhat worried. I went on the Posty website on my laptop, being greeted with tons of new followers, likes, and comments. Oh geez, what happened this time?

I went into my notifications tab and widened my eyes seeing that I reached three million followers.

"Wow, I reached three million followers. I didn't even have a million last time I checked," I said in awe.

"That's not all. Check what's trending."

I clicked onto the Discovery tab to be greeted with a new trending hashtag; "#CamboyCodyVale."

Oh no…

I clicked on the tag and read the first post. "omg the actor from mint mccraw's psyche music video used to be a camboy i—" A video of me masturbating was attached.

"Shit," I muttered as I continued to scroll through the tag, seeing people freaking out along with screenshots and videos of me streaming in my bedroom back at my parents' house.

"I never knew about this, Cody. I'm only finding out about this through it trending online," Chance said.

"It was from a long time ago," I explained. "It was just a thing I used to do back when I was going through a phase. Besides, I never actually went nude or anything like that."

"Well, I have some both good and bad news regarding all of this. The bad news, some of your sponsors have decided to cut ties because of this," Chance said, making me close my eyes and exhale deeply in frustration.

"The good news, you've gained a lot more followers and have more of a reputation now. Because of this, we've got plenty of new companies coming to me with offers for you. Plenty of high-paying gigs that will really push your career."

"Really? That's amazing!" I said, smiling. Screw those sponsors who decided to pull out, I don't need them!

"Here's the thing though, you're already starting to get real big, kid. I want you to move down to Los Angeles. It'll be easier for us to meet when we need to, and most of the studios and companies who want to work with you are here in LA. And before you say that you can't, I've already bought a nice apartment for you down here, furniture all included. You can't say no to that, can you?"

Chance wants me to move to Los Angeles? And he already bought an apartment for me? "LA, huh…?"

"That's right. Look, this'll be a great opportunity for you, Cody. The best of the best are situated mainly in LA, and there will be plenty for you to do to keep building on your career. Think about it, Cody. If you're really serious about your career, you know this is the right thing you have to do."

I closed my eyes and took in a deep inhale. LA… That means I'd have to leave Nia, and leave Miles… Is this really the right thing to do? Then again, Chance already bought me an apartment down in LA, and he knows how much further my career will go if I move there…

I exhaled slowly. "Okay," I said, finally deciding after putting everything into consideration. "I'll move down to LA. When should I come? I would need to start preparing."

"Good choice, Cody. You can come down as soon as you can. Preferably within the next three weeks."

That soon…? That's barely any time to prepare, I thought to myself. Oh well… I guess I'm just going to have to figure it out, and of course, be prepared to pay for faster moving services…

"Alright, I'll start preparing right away."

"Right, then. We'll keep in touch until then."

"Bye," I said before the two of us hung up. I sighed as I put my phone down, propping my elbows up on my thighs as I leaned my head into my hands. I really just agreed to move to LA within the next three weeks… How will I break the news to Nia when she seems to already be going through something? Now I'm gonna have to tell her I'm leaving her?

I heard a knock at my door. "Come in," I called out, seeing Nia slowly open the door. "Hey…"

I widened my eyes. "Hey!" I greeted, happy that she was finally approaching me.

She didn't look at me, just silently looking down at the floor. "Can we talk on the balcony?" She asked before finally looking at me.

"Yeah, of course," I said with a nod. She gave me a swift nod back before closing the door and leaving me in my room again. I closed my laptop and got up from my bed, stretching with a sigh. I went into my closet to grab a sweater, putting it on before zipping it up. I knew it was chilly outside, so if Nia and I were going to talk on the balcony, I should at least wear a sweater.

I left my room to make my way down the hall and through the living room, seeing Nia out on the balcony thoughtfully looking out at the view as she leaned against the banister.

I slid open the glass door before stepping out onto the balcony, closing the door behind me. I came over next to Nia, keeping a comfortable distance with her as I also leaned against the banister. I looked over at her, and she still stared out. It didn't seem as if she was watching anything, but more like she was thinking.

I've never seen Nia like this… She's never been so quiet, even when she's upset about something. It's so unlike her, I thought as I looked at her. It's probably some stuff that happened to her at work.

"So… What did you want to talk about?" I asked, feeling the cold wind blow past us.

Nia continued to silently stare off at the view as the wind blew through her hair before she took a deep breath and finally decided to speak. "When were you gonna tell me you were hooking up with my dad?"