
Page; 3 When life is precious.

Smoke rises collectively moving through the building as more gathers. Much like death it takes ahold of life and can cut the thread leaving us lifeless and at its mercy. Some of us crawl for the light hoping for an exit and others plead to be heard, to be saved. Smoke is caused in many ways but fire is the most potent greater to smoke for if you do not choke surely you will burn alive. Fire can leave behind its mark branding you eternally so you will always remember. Because in some way many things hate to be forgotten when it's existence is only relevant in times of need.

I crawl forward feeling heavy from broken legs long since shattered. I hear a cry from the neighbors home next to me I long since wanted to die but not like this. Somehow I found strength through all my debilitations and crawl next door, pulling myself up on the door handle to open the door. Luckily it opened with little resistance but to my surprise, a woman was pinned while cradling her kid. I remember her she was always kind when my sister died, she tried to help me so many times. I hear the sirens in the distance but my lungs are desperate, I start by carefully removing the bookcase from her. My strength continues to flicker but I manage to free them but the challenge comes for I have not an idea of how to save them.

So I break the widow's glass to the fire escape pulling them both to the ledge. With my fleeting strength, I manage to push them outside. But my strength has left me and I feel heavy, my lungs are desperate yet failing. This isn't how I wanted to die because I had no control over the circumstances. I didn't want anyone else to suffer like I had but it does not matter any longer, the fire is creeping closer. I feel it like a kiss on my fingers but I have no strength to call out or escape, so I accept my fate willingly because I have failed. I tried to save her but I was too late, my sister didn't make it out alive. And every year on the same day at the same time I tried to end it all.

As my vision fades and my breathing feels nonexistent something takes hold of me and I finally reach total blackness. The next time I awake is in a hospital with the woman I pulled from our burning apartment. I don't know why but for a moment when my vision fade I felt like I could see her smile again, perhaps that's just wishful thinking but I was saved. That much is true I don't know how she managed to do it but she saved me yet again, and I feel indebted to her even more. Because she is the reason I have failed every year to die, she just wouldn't leave me alone. And I am thankful for her because she helps me remember that life is precious, I just wish I has realized this sooner.