Chapter 2

I woke up as the sunshine slapped my face. I squinted my eyes and waited until they adjusted. I got up and brushed my teeth, took a nice warm shower and changed to an outfit that looked normal. "I can't let my mother see me with this" I say looking at my outfit. It was a regular black long sleeve top, sky blue skinny jeans, a Jean cap, and high top black sneakers. My mother hated seeing me look like a "thug" person, but I always fought with her. This is what you call fashion, duh. She always wanted me to wear an elegant suit gown for school. But I hated dresses and those other formal pants with straps on them. I always thought that they weren't appropriate for school but I was wrong on my first day of school. Everyone was wearing uniforms and it was all formal clothes, and I was the only one wearing jeans. At first I thought I was at the wrong place and that this was some dinner party. People stared at me with confusement, and I heard whispers behind me saying, "Are you sure she's not an imposter?" Or "Is she really wealthy like the rest of us?". Students didn't carry a book bag like normal people, it was either expensive purses or suitcases. I didn't even imagine that school supplies were combined with formal bags. I didn't want to be like everyone else so I kept attending school with normal clothes. (Although I do get called down to the principal's office, telling me that I violated their attire rules). Sometimes I wear formal gowns when I lose a fight with my mother. But there's no school today, I'm sure my parents know. My butler is coming with me today. His job is to take care of me, but he's not just a butler he's also my best friend, he's always been by my side for as long as I can remember. I got into the black limo while my butler Landon drove. I hope I have enough cash in my credit card to explore the city. My parents give me $1000 every week for my good behavior at home. My heart pounds out of excitement as I look out my window. Cars passing by and a white car moves next to mine, I see the kids in the back look at me. The kids looked so cute so I rolled down my window. They looked at the window roll down and saw my face pop out. I smiled and waved to them and they smiled so big I thought I was going to cry. They waved until my car passed their car. My smile didn't come off, "Cute," I commented. I rolled up my window as quickly as I could. I looked at the empty seats in my car and I felt a drop of melancholy. I remember I was here playing with a girl named Jenna. She had long brown braided hair with red bows attached to it and hazel brown eyes with the longest eyelashes I've ever seen. We were close until she moved to Paris. I cried and cried until Landon hugged me tight and told me I could buy a ticket to Paris to visit her whenever I wanted. But when I did, she couldn't remember who I was anymore. I heard she had Alzheimer's disease but back in the day I thought it was a skin rash or something. I never went back ever since. The only friend I have now is my butler, Landon. We arrived at the biggest mall in the city. But it took us hours to look for a parking lot that my father owned.  I also made sure Landon was wearing casual clothes so people wouldn't be staring at us. It doesn't matter what he wears, he always looks good anyways, sometimes I think he looks better than me... We got out of the car and made our way to the mall. I look at the time on my phone and it's already 11:25am and we left home at around 8am. Time really does fly, doesn't it? "So what store would you want to go to Angela?," asked Landon. I looked around and saw a lot of people with bags and walking everywhere. Even some pesky girls were smiling or giggling at the sight of Landon, which I found annoying. Curse your damn good looks Landon... "Actually, we haven't eaten breakfast yet. So let's go get some" I said. There was a Bumpkin Donut nearby and I ordered an egg muffin and a bottle of milk with a glazed donut. Landon got an egg muffin and a small cup of coffee. I thought about my mother yelling at me, but Landon has my back. He truly is the best, but sometimes I worry that he might lose his job because of me or even worse, his family could be out of a job. I mean, that can't happen, I mean Landon's mom is my mom's best friend, and Landon's dad is the best gardener in the world. In which my father is very pleased with his work. Either way I'll just keep paying them if my parents don't. We sat at a nearby table and ate our food. "Hey, isn't that the daughter of the rich dude?" "She is. She's probably a spoiled girl. Let's go before someone hears us". "Who cares? Look at the dude next to her, he's too hot, it's a crime". I turn around to see if they left and I see two girls around my age walk away with their pathetic shopping bags. Landon completely ignored their comments, like if he didn't care. I gave him a look, I frowned and slightly raised my left eyebrow. "What?" he asked. "What? You didn't hear what they said?" I asked. "Who said what?" he asked. I sighed in annoyance and he laughed. "You're impossible, you know that?" I said. I turned my head to get a look from those girls one last time. "They look more spoiled than me," I annoyingly said under my breath. People judge me all the time, well, only the people who know famous people. Some people look at me, but they don't know who I am and they treat me like a normal girl. I wish my father didn't have to go public with my birth. I guess he was a show off back then, now he's serious and…. serious. My father is the CEO of the Meone banks all over the country. His great great great great grandfather was the founder of the bank. I don't know the whole story, but I know it's in some kind of history book. We walked around some clothing stores and I bought a few cute clothes and I also bought some black cool sunglasses for Landon. To cover those eyes that keep distracting other girls. I was gonna buy a cute crop top, but Landon didn't let me. He said it was "improper" and that my mother would kill me. I had no choice but to put it back. As we walked out of the store I looked behind me. I always have to check my surroundings. I turned my head back straight, and suddenly I bumped into someone right in my face. I fell on the ground hard. "I'm sorry" I said simultaneously with a guy's voice. I looked up and saw two hands reach towards me, one was from my butler's, but the other hand belonged to a guy with green emerald eyes, and shiny black hair. I hesitated but I reached for my butler's hand and I got up my feet. Why would I take a stranger's hand?  When I  got up the stranger was no longer in front of me. "Where did he go?" I asked. "Well, he walked away after you didn't take his hand," Landon said. "Oh". I'm surprised he didn't notice who I was.