Chapter 3

After shopping for some things, I finally returned home. I set all my shopping bags on the floor of my room with the help of Landon. "I guess I can be spoiled sometimes," I laughed. I looked at the bags in black that I purchased for him. "Don't forget your bags, thank you for your hard work. You can have the rest of the day off" I said. "Of course Madame" he said and took his bags and bowed his respects to me and left my room with the door closed. Sometimes I think that Landon and the maids prevented me from becoming one of those spoiled, no good brats I see on the internet. At least I have a balanced sense of what's fair. But what can I do? The whole world sees me as one of those spoiled, no good brats, just because I was born in this "high-class" family. I looked outside my window, and suddenly I had an idea. The day hasn't gone yet, maybe I should go exploring beyond these gates. I took my phone and my credit card and nothing else to not make it obvious and as well as a fake body made of pillows to make it seem like I'm sleeping. If anyone asked where I was going, I'd say a long walk around the garden. I walked out of the "mansion" and surprisingly it was quiet. I made my way to the garden, but I couldn't find a back gate. I looked to the edges of the garden but as I walked it seemed that I found a regular small gate. I suspected it would be locked, like most doors, but it wasn't. I silently walked out, trying to not create a loud noise. Once I was out, I was surprised to see a bike with a chain code. It didn't take long to crack it since it was just a three number code, which turned out to be 472 . I would've asked Landon for help, but if I was caught, I wouldn't want him to get in trouble and risk losing his job. No, I will not risk that. I sat on the bike and rode it following an old bumpy road that led me through an abandoned construction site to the city streets. I thought that this was too easy, but I do wonder why. I saw people walking by with their faces glued to their phone or listening to music. I set my phone to remember all known locations I've been to, so that I wouldn't get lost. I decided to walk with the bike admiring all the buildings and shops. It would be nice to have a girl friend, I thought. If I had one, we would share all our adventures together and enjoy it. I put on some dark sunglasses and a hat that I bought from a local store, thankfully the old lady didn't recognize me. I passed by a dessert shop/cafe and the pastry display had me staring. So I decided to get inside, but before doing so I "parked" my bike and safely locked it. "Welcome, how can I help you?" a young man's voice said. It seemed empty as I walked in, I guess this shop doesn't get a lot of customers.  As I looked at him, he seemed very familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I looked at the menu, and ordered a small sweet coffee and a small piece of strawberry cake. He told me the cost and I paid for it. "It will be ready in 20 minutes," he said with a smile. I smiled back and took a nearby seat. I looked through my phone, checking if it had any bugs or trackers in it, just in case. "You look familiar" the guy said as I turned my head. I got scared, what if he already knew my real identity!? "Are you sure about that?" I said nonchalantly. "Well, it's pretty hard to tell with that hat and sunglasses of yours'' he said. "Well, I can't be someone famous, '' I said as I laughed it off. "Of course not, famous people don't know places like these,'' he answered. Suddenly I felt relieved, so he doesn't know who I am after all. "Why do you come alone during this time of day, why don't you invite your friends over?" he said. I looked down at the table in silence. I want to tell him I don't have any, but that would be humiliating. Then from the corner of my eye I saw him walk out of the register area and took the seat in front of me. "Don't worry, I'll be your friend for today" he said, "You also look like you're trying to hide from someone. Well, you don't have to hide from me" he said as he suddenly snatched my sunglasses off.  "No! Wait!" I yelled out trying to reach for my sunglasses. So much for trying to be friends with me. Who the heck just does that out of the blue? He froze himself and stared at me. "Now I remember who you are," he said as I took my sunglasses back. Looks like I got busted. "You're the girl who fell down at the mall and didn't let me help them up," he said, "and that boyfriend of yours, he looked like he was about to kill me". "First of all, he's not my boyfriend, he's a boy and a friend of mine. Second of all you were a stranger, and third...Well...So, you don't know who I am?" I said. "Ok hold on, so he's not your boyfriend, and that is true and why do you ask? Are you someone famous?" he said. "No.." I lied. "Sorry, I'm not very social," I said. "Oh, well that's understandable". "Orders done!" someone in the back yelled. "Alright, be right there!" he yelled out. "Looks like your order is ready" he said and got up and went to the back. As I sat there, I realized that his green eyes and black hair remind me of a cat. He soon brought out my order and transported it to me and I gave him my thanks. "My name is Liam, how about you?" he asked me. "My name?" I asked. "Well you must have a name right?" he said. I quickly thought of a random name. "My name is--Swella," I said, realizing that that was a strange name. Of all names I had to say that one. "Well that's a first, sounds very special" he said. I took a sip of my coffee and the taste of it was so good, I almost felt like a lazy couch potato. "This is really good," I said. "Try the cake, it's even better," he said. I did as he said and I felt like I was in heaven. He laughed, "You seem like it's your first time trying a cake". "It sure is" I whispered to myself. "You also seem new to this area, would you like me to give you a tour?" he said. I thought to myself, he's being awfully too nice to someone he just met. "I'd love to, but I can't. You're kinda breaking the trust rules here" I said as I took another sip of my coffee. "Sorry, that was a bit creepy of me. My apologies. Well, please come back next time" he said as he went back to his post. I finally finished the snack, it only took a few minutes, I threw my garbage away, and I said goodbye to Liam with a smile and he returned it to me and I soon left the shop/cafe.