Chapter 4

I quickly looked at the time and realized I was going to be late for dinner with my parents! I unlocked the chain or rope or whatever you call it, rode the bike in a rush and followed the places I've been backwards and once I got to the back gate I safely returned the bike to its position and locked it back in place. I walked in the garden and closed the gate and ran my way to a nearby entrance. I quickly walked into my room, but the second I closed the door, I rushed to get a nice dinner dress on. I slipped one on so fast that I realized that I had it backwards. "Gosh dang it!" I quietly said. And rushed to put it right, then I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I yelled over. "I'm Maid Mia, do you need any help, Miss?" She said over the door. "I'm fine, thank you!" I said, as she replied, "Alright, please let me know if you need any assistance" and I heard her footsteps go away. After getting myself ready and all proper, I went to the dining room and sat on my seat. After the dinner was brought to the table we started to eat. When the dinner table is especially quiet, it means father isn't in any mood for small talk or anything. I want to ask what happened, but that's not likely. Who knows how that would end, I thought to myself. I reached for a piece of cooked chicken, stabbed it with my fork gently and aimed it to my mouth. Today has been a long day. I smiled at the thought of how sweet he was...what was his name again? Ugh, I can't remember… "What's the cause of that smile of yours?" my mother asked. I removed my smile and cleared my throat. "No worries mother, just a small memory of mine" I said. She looked away, "As you were" she said. My father spoke about his day, which I found to be very weird. "Work today was very busy, we will be attending a fancy dinner party tomorrow in the evening. It's a business party. Mandatory attendance. Be ready by 6:00 pm" he said. My mother agreed and so did I. Another party huh? I hate those, there're so many grown ups talking business and messing around. I always feel left out, but I must be on my best behavior because that would affect my family's reputation and business. "And your butler Landon will be accompanying Angela as her bodyguard," my father said. My mother looked at me as I saw her red lips make a tiny curved smile. "Of course dear" she agreed. I was almost gonna choke on my water, but I managed not to. I stayed silent, since he directly said it to my mother. A few minutes later my father excused himself and walked away. "Angela," my mother said. "Yes mother?" I replied. "How has school been?" she asked me. "School's been good, grades are good too" I said. "That's great to hear sweetie, by the way, I called your school earlier today to excuse you for tomorrow". "Really? Why? The party is in the evening, mother". "I know that very well, but us women are gonna need the whole day to get ready. How about some mom and daughter time? We haven't had that in quite awhile?" my mother said. I quickly looked at her with the eyes of an owl and a wide smile on my face. "That sounds like fun!" I answered as my heart beated from excitement. "Great! I'll come knock on your door tomorrow morning" she said as she got up from her seat. She walked towards me and gave me a warm hug. "I love you dear" she said. "Love you too mother" I said and returned her hug. She then let go, and walked away with a goodbye wave. And then I was all alone, I looked around and I got shocked by all the maids just standing there near the walls. I guess they must be waiting for the room to be empty in order for it to be cleaned. I got up from my seat, and left the dining room as I said my thanks to the maids. I headed towards my room, but only to find Landon standing near it, as if he were waiting for me. "What's up Landon?" I asked as I got closer. He looked at me and smiled gently. Suddenly he grabbed me and we were both alone in my room. "Hey! Don't scare me like that!" I yelled. "SHhh" he said. He let go of me and gave me an upset expression. "Where have you been?" He said. "What do you mean? I was eating with my family" I said annoyed. I thought he knew my schedule. "No, not that. After we went shopping. Where were you?" he asked. "I was chilling in here, why?". "Please don't lie to me Angela". I sighed, this is hopeless, I can't hide a secret from my best friend. I got closer to him and whispered in his ear, "I escaped and went to the city, alone". "You didn't!" he whispered as I laughed. "It's a secret," I said. "Why didn't you bring me along? What if you got stolen or something? I wouldn't be there to protect you" Landon said. "I was fine, ok? And I didn't want you to get in trouble, so there". He hugged me as I got surprised. "I was really worried ok? I was almost going to tell your parents. You didn't even answer my texts or my calls. I thought- I really thought you got stolen from me" he said. I smiled as I hugged him gently. "I'm sorry I worried you. I promise to take you along next time, ok? And my phone was in 'Do not disturb' mode. I am really sorry" I said. "You know you're not allowed to go anywhere without me or consent from your parents" he said, still hugging me. "I know I know" I replied, "You can let go of me now,". "Right, sorry" he said and unhugged me. "Let me change and we can still hang out ok?" I said as I pushed him out the door. "I'll wait outside," he said. Just who does he think he is? My dad? I chuckled at the thought. After I changed I opened my door and told Landon to come in. I sat on my bed while he sat on my fluffy chair. "You look nice" he commented as he rubbed his neck with his right hand. I looked at my clothes, "You always say that. But I can never look as good as you. I bet if you were famous all the girls in the world would be in love, haha" I said. He smiled and chuckled. "I could care less". I gave him a frown. "Why are you always so cold to the world?" I mumbled. "What did you say?" Landon asked. "Uhh-I said that you're always so nice to me". I put on a big fake smile, but I don't know if he bought it or not. "So, what do you wanna do?" I asked. He turned his head to the floor and seemed to be deep in thought. Then he shook his head, "Nah. It's too late for that anyways". "Too late for what?" I asked. He got up from my chair. "Don't worry about it. I just remembered I promised my father to bring his tools to the shack. You should get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow", he reached my door and opened it. "And have a nice evening". And before I knew it, he was gone. I sighed out of frustration. "Why is he so? So? Him!". I looked at my slippers and took them off and went to bed early. I woke up in the middle of the night. I reached for my phone and checked what time it was. It was 2:50 am. I lifted myself up and moved the covers away. And dragged my legs and feet to the floor. I tried looking for my slippers with my feet. But then I heard a small knock on my window, like if something hit it. I looked at my window's direction. Is this what you call fear? (I've never watched a horror movie). I can't build up the courage to check what it is. But if I don't check, I'll never find out. I slowly walked up to the window as I reached the pink light curtains. I put my hand on the curtain, as it was getting ready to swing it open. But suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind and my mouth was covered. My heart is beating so fast and heavy, I think I might faint. It was so dark and I didn't even think to turn the lights on. I started to cry. Then an old male's voice spoke to me, "If you scream, I'll cut you". At this point I just started to nod my head quickly in agreement as tears were falling down my cheeks like a waterfall. Then I heard the door slam open, and I suddenly felt warm liquid run down my chest and belly. The lights turned on and I turned around. I saw Landon fighting with the stranger in black, but everything was becoming a blur. I looked down on my body and realized that there was blood. I closed my eyes and felt my body fall, like a lightless feather.