Chapter 5

I suddenly woke up to a bright white room with bright lights. My vision began to clear itself. I see my mother on my right side and Landon too. For a moment I had no idea where I was or who they were. I had trouble speaking. "No, don't speak sweetie. I'll get the doctor. It's ok, you're fine now" my mother said. She got up and walked out the door as I heard her shoes click and clack, like high heels. I felt my hand being held by Landon. I looked at him. And then at my nose. Is this an oxygen mask? Why do I need oxygen? It feels uncomfortable. I raised my other hand to try to remove the mask, but Landon stopped me. "I can't let you do that," he said. I gave up but I really wanted to know what happened. Then the doctor and my mother came into the room and Landon quickly removed his hands from holding my hand. The doctor looked at me and asked, "Hello. How are you feeling right now? Give me a thumbs up or down". I observed him from tip to toe. He was a middle aged man with glasses and held a clipboard in his arms. Like your typical doctor. I gave him a thumbs sideway. He gave an expression like he wasn't expecting me to answer that way. "Do you feel any pain here?" he said as he touched his neck. I tried to move my head sideways but it did sting. 'Thumbs up for yes," he said. And I gave him a thumbs up. "From one to ten how would you rate your pain, use your fingers," he said. I positioned my fingers to six. He nodded his head and smiled. "I'll call in a nurse, you're gonna be ok. I'll be right back" he said and walked away. We all watched him leave the room. But I really wanted to know what happened. "Hmmoum" I said as I tried to say mom. It sounded very dry, almost like a zombie trying to speak. "Don't speak, you'll only hurt yourself more," she said. Suddenly Landon passed me my phone (which I was happy about). I quickly typed down, "Tell me what happened" and I clicked the icon to read it out loud in its old fashioned robot voice. "You were going to get kidnapped, but as soon as I came in he-" Landon formed his hand making it look like a knife and swiped it across his neck with a sound. He continued, "After you collapsed and I was fighting the guy some security guards came in and I sneaked you out and took you to the nearest hospital, they treated you as fast as they could, gave you surgery, and I called your parents, the kidnapper was arrested and was put into investigation, and here we are" he finished. I typed in my response, "As soon as I leave this place I wanna go kill the guy". Landon laughed, but my mother only smiled. Of course I meant it as a joke. "After this incident your father is making changes. And we don't even know how this kidnapper found our house" my mother said. At that instant I thought, what if I exposed myself when I sneaked out? But I made sure I wasn't being followed. This is all my fault, I brought this to myself. Ugh! I'm such an idiot. "What's the matter dear, why do you look so sad?" my mother said as I looked up at her, and her red lipstick popped out of her beauty. "I just really want to eat cheesecake," I said, even though it was kinda like a half a lie. I mean I do love cheesecake. Then a nurse came into the room and said, "Hello everyone, how's everyone doing?". She smelled of vanilla and caramel, which reminded me of the time when my grandmother was alive. She was sitting out on our doorstep, for who knows what, and she told me to sit down next to her. As I sat next to her, I noticed an ant and flicked it away with my finger. We just sat there, for a very long time. And we didn't say another word. It was a nice moment, and at that point, we were just enjoying each other's company. "We're fine," my mother answered. "That's good," she said and she brought some pills and a small cup of water. You need to take these pills for the pain and swelling. I looked confused, because I had this oxygen machine and I don't know how to do that at the same time? "You can take them now or later. You decide ok?" she said as she put the pills in a napkin and placed it on the desk as well as the water, "And it's ok to remove the mask for a while, just put it back on right after". She gave me the sweetest smile ever, and I smiled back as I gave0-p[.;p- her a thumbs up.  If you need anything press this button here" she pointed to a red button on a controller near the bed, "and you can watch some TV too, if you like" and she slowly walked away. "Please rest as much as you can," she finally said and closed the door behind her. My mother walked to the desk and took the pills and water, "Better to drink it now than letter". I nodded my head yes, as I struggled to get up, Landon helped me by putting his arm behind me and around my waist. I was a little shocked, but suddenly my face felt hot and my heart felt heavy as it kept beating fast. I must be having a fever or something. He sat back down and my mother took my oxygen mask off. I took both pills, placed it in my mouth, took the cup of water and swallowed it down. As soon as I took an extra sip of water, my mother put the mask back on me. And I positioned myself in a comfortable position. I looked at the controller and wondered if I wanted to watch some TV. I looked over at my mother, for her approval for some reason. She looked at me with a puzzled face, "What?". I quickly moved my hand as if I was shooing something away, but slowly. Telling her that it didn't matter. And I took the controller. I turned the TV on, and bam. The news was on, and I saw myself there. With my face all blurred. "When did the paparazzi come?" I typed in my phone and audio played it. I was pretty upset. My mother spoke, "You were unconscious, and it was after your surgery too. I guess someone sneaked in here while I was on my way, but-" Landon spoke, "It must've been when I took a bathroom break. I 'll call for more security". He took out his phone and dialed. I quickly typed in my phone, "Only two more bodyguards". He nodded, telling me ok. I changed the channel to some sort of drama. There was a family sitting at the dinner table, and I guess an argument happened because they were all quiet and a little disturbed. The oldest male, or father spoke in an angry manner. I suddenly was tired, and I closed my eyes to take a nap.