Chapter 6

I know I was asleep, but I heard my mother tell Landon to take care of me, because she was going to go home and rest because it was late. And he agreed and I heard the door open and close. After that I went back into a deeper sleep. Then I fully awoke and I saw Landon's head sleeping on the edge of my hospital bed holding my hand. His hand felt warm, and for some reason I felt small. I couldn't help but admire his sleeping face. But I snapped out of it,"What the heck is wrong with me!?". I slowly pulled my hand away, trying not to wake him. I looked at the time on my phone, which was placed on the desk or nightstand or whatever you call it. It's 7:55 a.m. Dang! I really slept a whole day and night!? Then a nurse came in, the same one I met yesterday. She smiled and said good morning. She brought a cart of breakfast over to me and a lunch bag. "Just came in to check on ya and bring this to you" she said, "This is yours" she pointed at the breakfast on the tray. "And this is for your boyfriend" she said, "He stayed by your side and only left the bathroom once, the poor thing didn't eat anything". I admired his loyalty. But boyfriend!? I couldn't speak clearly yet, but I didn't even bother to try to correct her because I was starving. I tapped Landon on the shoulder to wake him up. He opened his eyes, looked around and processed the situation. He got up and sat back in his chair. "Morning young man," the nurse said. "Morning ma'am" he replied. She gave him the lunch bag, and put the breakfast tray over my lap. "Eat slowly," the nurse said, and I nodded my head. She removed my mask and said I no longer needed the oxygen. She checked my heart, lungs, pressure, and my temperature. Then she went to a small computer desk and sat on the chair and started typing some stuff. It didn't take long, "Okay, all done", she looked towards me, "according to your healing results you will be staying here for a week and heal up, you were very lucky to survive the attack". She stood up from the chair and added, "Someone else will be coming later on to check your vocals" , she looked over at Landon and said, "Take good care of her young man". "Yes ma'am" he said. "Good" and she soon walked away, and left the room with the door closed. I grabbed a fork to eat the scrambled egg, and it didn't taste as bad as I expected it to be. Landon opened the lunch bag and took out a wrapped sandwich. He unwrapped it and took a bite. It looked like he was enjoying it. "This sandwich- It's so good!" he mentioned. I only smiled and he genuinely smiled back. After eating, someone came. I assumed it was the person the nurse told us about earlier. It was a man with round classy glasses, and a gentlemanly face. "Hello Angela. I'm also a doctor but I specialize in these sorts of situations". He stretched out his hand to me to shake it, and I did so. I saw his name on the right side of his coat and read "Adam Mckgee". "If you don't mind, I will take off these wrappings around your neck," he said. I shaked my head up and down a little to indicate that I don't mind. As he was taking off my wrappings I felt a sharp pain and I made a sound. Like that sound when someone's cut stings. "Sorry" Adam apologized. I looked over at Landon, and he seemed disturbed. Then the last piece came off, and it had some blood on it, when I saw it. He placed it somewhere on my lap. Landon's disturbed face came off and turned into a surprised-kinda face. "Do you mind if I touch your neck?" Adam said, and I nodded no, which was really slow. My neck was pretty stiff. I felt Adams cold fingers on my neck, and I felt the pressure. And I could tell that I had stitches as well as some staples. Adam asked me to speak however I could. I tried to speak, and it sounded dry. But I could tell my voice was there. "Good, good," Adam said and he put his stethoscope near my throat. "Let's try that again," he added. And I did. After that my throat felt dry, and Adam gave me a cup of water. In which I had no idea where he got it from. Maybe he brought it in without me noticing. Me and Landon looked up at Adam. "Looks like your throat is getting better, you just need some anti-inflammatory pills, and drink lots of water" he said, "I'll have someone come in with these pills. But so far, I think you're good to go". I was surprised, I thought I had to stay for a week. Then Adam said goodbye and left. I looked at Landon, and he was just as surprised as I was. Then I realized Adam didn't put the bandage back on me…. Seriously? Another nurse came in, she was short with short black hair. She brought me 2 pills and it looks like a bag full of different kinds of bandages. She took a roller bandage, unrolled some, and cut a piece off with some scissors. She introduced herself and grabbed the piece of bandage and wrapped it around my neck gently. "The doctor provided some medical supplies for your wound and here is the paperwork for the medicine prescribed to your private doctor" she said as she showed me the papers and bag, and passed it down to Landon. "You guys can leave now, just heal at home at your own pace. Directions are provided in the documents I gave you" she said and rushed off. Well that was rude! I guess…. Well, she could've been busy. Landon made a quick call, as I moved off the bed. I was still in patient clothing, I looked around the room for any clues of the clothes I was wearing. I spotted a closet, and I got off the bed. Landon rushed to me holding me. Like if I had trouble walking. I wanted to tell him I was fine, I just needed to walk in a way that wouldn't hurt my neck. But I didn't want to go through the trouble. I pointed at the closet and he walked me over to it. I opened it, and there was a small plastic bag filled with familiar colors. I tried reaching for it, but it was out of my reach. Suddenly, I saw Landon reaching to get it for me. But he was so close and I didn't notice. It was like time moved slowly. I watched him. Ba-bump! Ba-bump! Then his eyes met mine, and I immediately looked away. "Here are your clothes" he said and he passed it to me as I took it off his hand. I looked around the room, and saw a door with a label that said "Bathroom". I was relieved. I pointed to the bathroom, and Landon's cheeks turned pink for a second. Or maybe it was my imagination. He walked me there, and I entered the bathroom. I closed the door and changed into my clothes. I had some trouble because I had to move my neck slowly in order to see what I was doing. After I was finally done, I took a good look at the patient robe. It was so ugly! I can't believe I was wearing that! I didn't know what to do with it, so I folded it and placed it on the floor. Well that's one way to indicate that it's dirty. I opened the door and I smiled. Landon smiled back. But he suddenly squatted down with his arms shaped like a chicken with his hands spread towards. I wanted to laugh, but then I realized he was doing the piggy back thing. I assumed he wanted to carry me on his back. "Come on hurry" he said as he moved his fingers back and forth. What!? That would be embarrassing!! Besides, I can walk just fine! I ignored him and walked past him towards the exit door of the room. I opened it and I heard him walk behind me. And he placed his hand on my shoulders to help guide me and soon we were outside of the hospital.