Chapter 7

We took a cab, and it took us to the end of our street. Of course we couldn't let anyone know where we exactly live. Then one of our own security guards came to pick us up, and drove us into our home. Landon sat beside me. When we got home, my father was waiting for us at the living room entrance. My mother looked at the floor, as if she was crying all night. My father was standing near the couch and walked right over to me, and he hugged me. At first, I had no idea what was going on, or why he was hugging me. But he was my father. I raised my arms to hug him back. Perhaps deep down inside me, I thought maybe my dear father is still there. After the hug he looked at me. I saw his brown mustache with strands of white. "I'm glad that you are alive. But you can't stay here much longer. The criminal finally confessed and said that there was someone coming to assassinate the family. So it's better to be apart than to be together" my father said. Wait, what? My whole body was in shock. I couldn't believe it. Why is my life suddenly becoming some kind of movie? I almost died, but never have I thought that my life, my family's life was in danger. "We will have to hide our identities, but I will contact you soon". "I-uh-" I couldn't finish my sentence. My throat hasn't healed yet. I have forgotten that I just came from the hospital. Tears began to fall from my eyes. "Sir, allow me to accompany her through her journey," Landon said and bowed his respects. "Yes. I will lay my daughter's safety and responsibility into your hands" my father replied. I was still processing, and I wanted to laugh. How can this be possibly true? Where are the cameras? I looked around the room, but there was no paparazzi, no cameras, no nothing. My father called in the maids to change my current appearance, as well as servants to change Landons. It all happened so fast, I couldn't say goodbye to my father or mother. Before I knew it, I was wearing a black wig, a black mask, everything I was wearing was black and baggy. Once I saw myself, I didn't know who I was. I smiled behind the mask. This is what I've been wanting to wear my whole life! But then I stopped smiling. Who am I to smile when I'm wanted dead? Before I knew it, I was back outside with Landon with suitcases of our own. "You look different," he said. No duh. "How's your neck?" he asked. I looked at him like, -_-. Hello? I can't speak. I rolled my eyes and gave him a thumbs up. But I wanted to cry again. Soon a car pulled up in front of us, and Landon opened the door for me. I went inside. He put our  suitcases in the trunk and sat next to me. I wanted to ask where we were going, but I couldn't. So I texted him. "Where are we going?". "We're flying out of the city, into a small town". "What!?". "Are you scared?". "A little", "what about your parent's?". "They'll be joining us after we settle". "So what now?". "Your father gave me instructions", "He already made us two fake identities, and he's also going to fake your death. He'll take care of the rest". "Oh", "Ok". I guess it was a good thing that I didn't make any friends here. I looked out my window and took a nap. We arrived at the airport, and after the whole process we sat on our seats. I've never been on an airplane before. I admit I am a bit scared. I must've expressed my fear on my face, because Landon held my hand. He gave me a smile of reassurance. But my stomach felt weird all of a sudden. I must be getting air sick. The flight took an hour and thirty minutes. Back at the airport, I felt all weird when the staff looked at my I.D and called me Ashley. But I almosted wanted to laugh when they called Landon, Bob. Some staff asked if I was ok, because of the whole bandage around my neck. But I smiled and gave them an ok hand symbol.  We got off the plane, got our suitcases and were guided to the airport. Landon walked next to me leading the way. I wasn't sure why but I suddenly thought of Liam back at that cafe. One thing's for sure, I won't be seeing him again…  We took a bus, and I was shocked by how Landon knew where we're going and where we were headed. Is he like some kind of map genius!? I looked outside the window of the bus, and saw many buildings pass by. There was a sign that said something about eating the best ramen. And many clothing shops. I felt sleepy, so I closed my eyes and leaned on the window.