Chapter 8 (Landon’s POV)

On our way to an old decent home, which used to belong to my grandmother apparently, we took the bus and Angela fell asleep on the window. She looked peaceful, but I touched the window and it was cold. How is she sleeping on a cold window? I felt a little worried, and I pushed her head gently on my shoulder. She fell like a piece of meat. I layed on my hand on her forehead, just to make sure she wasn't getting sick or a fever. She is a little warm, she is still recovering, I can't imagine the pain she's going through. Every time I think about what happened that night, I can't help but feel like it was my fault. If only I arrived sooner, or did something different. It's my fault she got hurt, because I didn't do my job. I shouldn't be sorry, I did all I could after all. I will never leave her side again or alone…especially now. Angela's father, he told me everything over the phone. He asked me not to tell Angela, since she might be overwhelmed and be worried 24/7. Her father said that in his younger days, he had to do some shady stuff for business, no one knew but him at the time. He wasn't very specific in what kind of shady stuff, but I hope he didn't kill anyone. The man who attacked Angela, had confessed everything to the authorities. According to him, he saw Angela walk alone in the streets, and followed her home. He knew who she was, and wanted to kidnap her for ransom money and revenge. But thought it would be better to break in, which happened to be through Angela's room. It turns out Angela's father knew the man. And the criminal mentioned that there were others seeking revenge. He was arrested, and was punished by throwing him in jail for 15 years. And here we are, moving away in secret, because who knows how many people are after Angela's father. And well, that puts her and her mother and everyone in danger. But I swear on my life, I WILL protect her!