Chapter 15

I arrived at the party a few minutes late. Joy went missing but we found her, luckily outside digging holes. So that was a scare. Landon's parents only allowed me to go to the party if Landon came with me. It was alright, I don't mind if Landon came. Samantha and Lilly came too. But I'm sure they are already inside. I rang the doorbell and someone opened it. I don't know who she was but she told me to come inside. She was young, I guess about my age? The music was loud and there were a lot of people in here too. It was sort of crowded. Landon took my hand and led me through the crowd. We made it to a kitchen and Liam was there making….coffee? I yelled his name out and he turned his head to my direction and smiled. Aw crap, that smile is contagious, it literally burned and melted my heart. "I'm so glad you could make it, haha. Actually this was supposed to be a small party but everyone brought their friends and then their friends, and well, its now packed. I am so sorry about that" he said as he grabbed a cup and poured the coffee in it. I noticed Landon's hand was still holding mine and I gently pulled my hand out and scratched my neck as an excuse to release my hand. Liam and Landon looked at each other, "So glad you could come too, Bob". Landon smiled and said, "Thanks, Ashley (aka me) wanted me to come". I smiled and I didn't know what else to say. "Wanna play a video game Bob?" Liam asked. "Sure". "You guys can go ahead, I'm going to look for Lilly and Samantha" I mentioned. "Okay" Liam said. Landon looked at me, as if he disapproved that I'd be left alone without him. But I gave him a smile of reassurance and he turned away and followed Liam upstairs. I looked around the crowd to look for my friends. I didn't see them. I walked around and nothing. Then I was led outside and there they were laughing and talking while drinking fruit punch? I walked my way over to them and said hi. They looked at me and smiled. Samantha gave me a huge hug and Lilly smiled and waved to me. "Gurl your late" Samantha said. "I know". I told them about what happened with Joy and they laughed when I mentioned Joy was found outside digging holes. "What a funny dog you have! My dog just sleeps around the house all day". "My cat does that too," Lilly said in agreement to Samantha's comment. After a while I told them I needed to go use the bathroom and I left them to look for it. I asked around trying to find the bathroom. I found it, and opened it. After I relieved myself, I washed my hands and opened the door. But suddenly a guy comes inside pushing me back inside. I was confused and shocked. I looked up and it was Liam. "What's going on? Are you okay Liam?" I asked. He didn't reply. He looked at me gently. His green emerald eyes were blinding me. He walked closer to me as I walked back, but I hit the wall. He was super close. I could feel my heart beating nervously. He reached for my face and got closer and closer. Before I knew it, his lips were touching mine. I didn't know what to do, I was still processing about what just happened, no, about what IS happening right now! It felt amazing, his lips were so soft and his hands gently slipped into my waist. We made it out. In the bathroom. For who knows how long. After the make out session, he looked at me again. "I really like you Ashley". This is so unexpected. Like--. WHAT!? WHEN!? HUH!? I looked away from him, afraid of being sucked into his eyes. "I-I don't know what to say" I said nervously. "Perhaps I can help you decide right now" he said and leaned to me for a kiss. And then another, and another. My heart was throbbing so fast and heavy. Why am I letting him kiss me? Have I liked him all along? "Stop, wait wait" I mentioned. "When have you started to like me? All of a sudden?" I asked. "Well, I wasn't sure if I did until the last day we saw each other. I realized that I missed your smile, your laugh, and your voice. I missed and couldn't stop thinking about YOU. you like me too...Ashley?"he said and caressed my long hair. I paused in thought. Do I like him? What about Landon? Do I like him too? and Landon have been friends for so long, he probably sees me as a little sister. So there would be no chance for him and I to be together. I looked up at Liam and said, "I do". And I kissed him and he kissed me back. This was all new to me and it felt so nice. We made out. Again. And now I knew for sure that I didn't know how long I was in here with him. Then there was a huge knock on the door. "Ashley, I know you're in here!" A girl's voice yelled out. Liam whispered to me to hide behind the shower curtain. I wasn't sure why. Based on this girl's voice, it was definitely not Lilly or Samantha. I quickly hid behind the curtain and sat down and I remained as quietly as I could. Liam opened the door, "Nope! Just me! Now if you don't mind CLAIRE, I need to finish my business" and he shut the door and locked it. He stood near the door listening. We waited awhile to see if she left and she did. Liam told me he would text me later and said that it would be best if we weren't seen getting out together. I agreed, and he opened the door and left. I got up from the tub and locked the door. I must wait awhile. After a few minutes I flushed the toilet, wet my hands and left the bathroom. I walked my way back to my friends. And luckily they were still there. They saw me walking up to them. "Did you take a dump cause you took a really long time girl!" Samantha yelled out. I laughed. "No no. Something happened. I made out with...someone" I said shyly. "Who was it?" Lilly asked. "Yea! Who was the one that was blessed with Ashley's lips!!". I couldn't help but laugh at her comment. "I was sort of surprised. It was...Liam" I whispered. They both looked shocked and out of words. "OH-MY-GAWD," Samantha said. "Are you guys dating now?" Lilly asked me. I fidgeted with my fingers, "I-I guess so?". Suddenly a fight broke out and a crowd was forming in the house. "Time to go" Samantha said and got up from her chair.  "I came here with Bob, so I'm going to look for him. I'll text you guys later ok? See ya!" I said as they gave me a goodbye hug and walked out from the back gate. I turned around and took a look again. Some people were running away, some stayed to see the fight. I knew that I couldn't make my way over there due to my safety. And suddenly I thought. I hope Landon and Liam aren't the ones fighting. I wouldn't know what to do since I care about both of them. I suddenly began to worry. So I got up and walked my way over to the commotion. I pushed my way through the crowd and there I saw two guys fighting. I sighed with relief when I realized it wasn't Liam, or Landon. Huh, I just realized both their names start with the letter L. Guess I'm a bit slow, haha. I noticed Landon coming to the view and he looked at me. I could tell what's on his mind, something like, "Why is she there! Let me go push her away from here". And he scurried over to me and grabbed my arm and pushed the crowd away. Then we made it to the yard and he released me. "When are you going to learn to stay away from danger?" He said, with an upset tone. I could tell he was worried and upset about my safety.  I couldn't help but feel disappointed in myself. I lowered my head, staring at the ground. "I-I'm sorry, Landon, I just- I was scared that maybe you were involved in the fight and I just had to check…". He went silent for a few seconds. He looked up to the sky and sighed a big sigh and placed his hand on his face. Then he looked at me and gave me a hug. "Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm not the type to cause a big scene, don't you know that by now?". "Mhm" I replied. I could smell his scent. The scent of man makes me feel comfortable. But then I thought. I shouldn't be hugging him, not when I clearly made out with Liam. If he sees us he'll be heartbroken. I pushed Landon away saying "Thanks" in regards to the hug. "Let's go home, it's gotten too dangerous here" he said. I nodded my head in agreement. He took my hand and held it, but I slipped it away. "I don't need you to hold up my hand like a child". I caught Landon by surprise and he turned and looked away in silence. Is he mad at me? I followed him and we left the party.