Chapter 16

I texted Liam. I told him I left the party and arrived home safely. He took hours to respond. It was definitely enough time for me to travel the world! Haha. "Thank goodness you're okay. I was going to text you to see if you were alright but I got stuck cleaning the house and also the cops came and I sort of got in trouble since it was my party. But it's all okay now. My older brother was able to pick me up from the police station" Liam replied. "I'm glad things are okay over there. If you need help cleaning up let me know and I'll come over. And I didn't know you had an older brother" I replied. "Nah, it's okay I got it under control. You just rest easy, I'll text you tomorrow. Sweet dreams Ashley💋". I blushed when I saw the kiss emoji. I couldn't help but smile. "Goodnight Liam". I turned off my phone and put it to charge near my nightstand. I'll have to ask him if we are officially dating or not. I wanted to be sure this is for reals. The next morning I went through my usual morning routine. Landon still hasn't got up yet and Linda was already making breakfast. "Is there anything I can do to help Linda?" I asked. "Oh no no darling. How could I ask you to do that for me when you're the daughter of the lord. But you could wake up my boy for me, if you like, `` she said. "Okay". I got up from my chair and headed to Landon's room. I knocked once and got no reply. I knocked again and again with no reply. I opened his door only to find him half naked and asleep in his bed. I immediately closed the door silently. I could feel my face hot again. He looked so at peace sleeping, and he has such a nice bod-- NO NO, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME, NOO. Landon is just a friend and a servant to me. Nothing more and nothing less. I breathed trying to embrace myself to attempt waking him up again. I opened the door knob and closed my eyes, and then turned around to close it again once I was in the room. I opened my eyes and slowly turned my way around to face where Landon is supposed to be. Suddenly I see a hot body in front of me. "What are you doing here, are you trying to sneak in?" Landon said. I felt like I was a melting candle. The room felt extremely hot and I wasn't sure if I could breathe. I looked away with nervousness. "Please go put a shirt on Landon". Landon didn't listen. He got closer to me and I could see his smirk from the corner of my eye. "Why would I? Does my body bother you?". At this point I felt like I was going to die soon. I couldn't say anything. My face felt like a spicy hot pepper ready to burst and possibly destroy the whole planet! A few seconds later he backed off and chuckled. "I was just teasing you, haha, you should see the look on your face!". I could hear him put a shirt on. "Okay, I have a shirt on. What is it that you wanted?" He said. "To wake you up!" I said as I opened the door and left. I rushed to the bathroom and spat cold water on my face to cool it down. That jerk! How dare he try to tease me! I swear that one of these days I'm gonna punch him! I looked at my face in the mirror, my cheeks are still red as a tomato. I can't help it since that was the first time I've ever seen Landon topless. I am such an idiot. Suddenly I get a text message from Landon, "Good Morning sunshine, I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me today later, say around 3? I could come lick you up, I mean Pick you up haha, let me know". I smiled at his text message and my heart felt like it melted and then fireworks itself into pieces of lights.  "Okay" I replied. 

After breakfast I went to take a walk with Joy. These days Landon's parents were slowly allowing me the freedom to walk around the house,  alone, without Landon since this neighborhood is pretty calm. Now that I think about it, nothing ever happens here. Boy does Joy love to sniff everywhere! She's so cute and adorable to watch. From the corner of my eye I saw a figure in black and looked into its direction. But it quickly turned and went behind the house across the street. I quickly carried Joy into my arms and ran home only to bump into someone. I looked up and automatically apologized. It was a middle aged man. I suddenly get the chills. His gaze looked malicious and he smelled awful, I couldn't help but freeze at the spot and Joy wouldn't stop barking at him. He smiled and chuckled, "Haha. You're fine" and he continues his walk. I stood there for awhile. And I ran home. I didn't tell anyone what happened.  I was probably thinking too much of it. I went to the bathroom and began showering, hoping that the awful smell would go away. Maybe it sticked to me… As I stood there thinking, I quickly came to realize that I have seen that man before…back at the….ice cream…shop…  I suddenly couldn't breathe. I started to panic and my vision began to blur. I slipped and—