We Will Meet Again

Scarlett's point of view:

I was sitting on an outside table in the small corner of the café, playing an addicting game on my phone, when I saw them; a group of boys on the opposite table, talking way very loud. I got slightly irritated as I couldn't focus on my game any more due to their noisiness.

"Oh, come on, Brooklyn! It would be fun!"

"Yeah, come on, do it!"

I don't bother to look up to them but I could hear them loud enough. They seemed to be forcing one of their friends to do something. I huffed, finally losing the mood to play games so I started to pack to leave, ignoring the group of boys and their talks, as it was none of my business, anyway.

"Ugh, you guys owe me."

A deep husky voice spoke, catching my attention as I looked up to them. A good looking guy was walking towards me, taking the seat opposite from mine, facing me.

"Hey," he says, smiling cockily at me to which the 'bad boy' kind of look was visible in his eyes.

"Hey," I raised my brow, replying his greetings rather unmannerly.

"So, what's a pretty little girl like you sitting here all alone?" He bites his lips in a flirty way—to me, it was disgusting and annoying.

"Is that kind of your business, anyway?" I retorted back, hating the way he looked at me. I looked up to his eyes and there's something about the way he was looking at me, that intimidated me, in any way possible.

"Wow, feisty," he says in a sarcastic tone, rolling his eyes with the smirks formed on his face again.

"What is it to you, anyway? Do I even know you?" I shoot back, obviously annoyed.

"I'm Brooklyn. You may have heard my name," he got his cocky grin back.

"Actually no, I don't."

He seemed fully surprised by this and the sounds of his friends jeered behind him could be heard rather loud.

I hadn't meant for that to sound funny, I genuinely have never heard of this guy. I sighed, slightly annoyed by his behaviour that doesn't know how to respect a person or a girl, to be exact.

"Now whats-your-face leave me and go back to your friends."

He seemed irritated that I was being rude but then he smirked yet again, stays put on his seat.

"Why should I? Just because you said so?" He let out a breathy chuckle.

"Great," I rolled my eyes, his face just angered and annoyed me more. "Then you can stay here," I smirked and quickly left.

"Wait!" I heard him call behind me. Weirdly enough that his friends went all silent.

I huffed, ignoring his calls and push forward but a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

"Let go of your hand from me, you don't want to be embarrassed more, do you?" I shook his hand off of me and pushed him to move from the door as he was standing in front of me and pushed the door, walking to my bike.


I wore my helmet and was ready to go when a tall and defined body stood in front of my bike, holding my bike so I can't move.

He was massive, to say at the least with arms as thick as tree trunks by his sides, veins protruding from his snowy white skin and his body was defined perfectly, I must say.

My head raising slowly, eyes trailing upwards, I was frozen to the spot as he met my curious gaze. He looked beautiful. I had never thought of anyone in that way before, anyone at all.

Delicate blonde hairs fell onto his brow, skin so pale. He was angelic, with his eyes bore a soft expression, expressing his soft side. Wet, pink lips bore a stark difference to the whiteness of his face yet I could still the faintest flush in his cheeks, a light rouge which met his eyes.

His eyes, they were silver. The kind of silver that pushed its way through the piles of gritty snow to remind you that winter was on its way. That churning, passionate silver that hinted at hope and life no matter what.

"I know I'm handsome but please don't stare at me like that," he cleared his throat, showing his cocky grin and to my surprise, it was cute but no, I'm not going to tell him that.

"I'm sorry to hear that you have such a bad eyesight," I sighed, shaking my head in sadness (fake sadness) before grinning as I tilted my head to him. "But it wasn't your fault, though. No one was born perfect."

He looked taken aback by my words and I immediately felt sorry, but then again, maybe I should teach him how to respect a girl.

"Look, I'm sorry that I was being a jerk and upset you. But, I didn't mean doing that to you, my friends dared me to do it. I'm not like that."

"Okay," I shrugged, ready to go when he grabbed my arm. I turned to him, furrowing my brows to him, warning him to get his hand off of me. He let go of my arm and rubbed his nape nervously.

"Can I take out? To make out for what I did for today."

"Yes, please," I nodded and his eyes lightened up a bit at that but I crushed his smile before he knew it. "But also no, thanks."

He froze at his tracks with his eyes slightly widened at my words. I winked at him before leaving him, dumbfounded and irritated, I assumed.

I didn't mean to be harsh on him but it's just a slight punishment from me to warn him on not doing the same thing again, at least not to some random girls. Sorry, not sorry.


Brooklyn's point of view:

I stood still on my track, still couldn't believe that a girl refused my sweet offer of taking her out. She's the first-ever girl whoever did that and she made me interested in her more.

A hand wrapped on my shoulders, making me turned my head to my side. Tristan was standing next to me, his face showed an obvious hint of amusement. Could it be about the girl earlier?

"She's interesting, don't you think?" He mumbled, glancing at me to see my reactions.

"Yeah," I nodded, smirking. "I think, I'm getting an interest in her."

Tristan chuckled, putting his arm that was on my shoulder down before gently patting my back.

"Good luck," he giggled before walking back to the café. I looked up to the sky, smiling as her stern face came across my mind.

I sighed before finally walked back to the café and heads towards my previous seat - to where I sat before messing with her, the girl that made me interested in knowing more about her. I stopped when I saw something on the table. I walked to her table and noticed that she left her notebook.

I grabbed the book and flipped the first page, looking for the page where she might write her name. I flipped until the last page and was about to give up when I saw a small letter written in black ink. I focused my gaze on the letter and a smile crept on my face as I finally got her name.

Scarlett Catkins.

I closed the book and put it on my chest, what a sweet name and it suited her sweet and beautiful looks.

"We will meet again, Red, very soon," I mumbled, smiling as her face came across my mind, yet again.

I know where to find her, just perfect.

"Hey, Brooke. What are you doing there? Come here!"

I nodded and walked to them, bringing her red notebook with me as I sat on my previous seat.

"What did you got there?" Jarred asked, peeking on my hand under the table. I shook my head, telling him that it's nothing serious, dismissing the weird thoughts in his head.

"I'm sorry for making you look bad in front of the girl, Brooke," Jarred said, his head hung low with the obvious hint of guilt written all over his face.

"It's okay, " I smiled, shaking my head yet putting a small smile. "She's an interesting girl so I didn't regret it."

"Looks like somebody's in love." Anthony giggled, teasing me.

"It's not like that, I'm just interested in knowing such a girl who didn't bother to bat an eye for somebody like me," I explained, heaving a deep sigh. She's a total opposite from other girls who would give themselves to me without me asking them to, she's just too different. She ignored me and even talks rudely to me, showing her feelings in her actions.

"Chase her, then." Jarred shrugged as he took a sip of his latte.

"Will see," I shook my head and stared out the window, watching the various behaviours of peoples outside the café.

"Don't take a too long time," Anthony mumbled, patting my shoulder. "Make your move or she will fall into other's arms."

I nodded, not knowing what else should I say about her. I didn't think of making a move on her until Anthony said to.

Maybe I should, but maybe I shouldn't. I don't know.