Not In The Mood For Dating

Scarlett's point of view:

I parked my bike and took off my helmet. Holding it on my left arm, I walked into my house. I twisted the key and grabbed the doorknob, just about to open it when it was opened from inside and somebody jumped into my sight, laughing like crazy.

"You're home!"

He pulled me into his embrace before I could even react, lifting me to his arms as he walks into the house. He broke the hug, giggling as he kicked the door from behind to close the door.

"What made you acting so crazy like this, Miles?" I asked, putting my helmet on the coffee table and sat on the couch, furrowing as I realised that Miles was watching Tangled.


Miles Dawn, my best friend since the first grade. He has light brown hair and it was curly and soft. His eyes were green, the serene green that sent comforts and serenity whenever you laid your eyes on them. His skin was fair, with the freckles spread on his nose and round his pinkish cheeks, giving the cute boy looks on him. His lips were pink and has a thin heart shape on it, looking perfect with his good and cute boy vibes.

Miles was playful and loves to tease me, always lighten me up and always tried every way possible to make me smile. He's always been there for me, no matter where, how and when; he's just there and stood by me. We used to each other's presence and I know, I couldn't continue living a happy and exciting life without him by my side. He was like my happy pills, my sunshine and warmth that would melt the coldness in my heart.

He jumped on the couch on my side and put his arm on my shoulders. I raised my brow as I turned to him, seeing him almost broke into tears.

"What happened?" I asked softly, not wanting to make him cry right at this moment.

"I broke up with Anne," he pouted and a tear escaped from his eye. I put my arms on his shoulder and pulled him into my embrace, slowly patting his back. "She, she hurts me so badly," he said, followed by slight hiccups. He cried hard right now.

Well, she's the first girl he ever dates and wants to be serious with.

"It's okay, Miles. You still have me," I whispered kissing his head to soothe him a bit. Maybe with my presence, he could calm down a little. Just a little and it's already good to know.

"But, how, how could she do this, this to me?" He asked, sobbing hard as he put his hands on my back, pulling me closer as he buried his face more on my chest. "She went out on a date with, with another guy. I saw her, linking arms and laughing so sweetly with him. He even, kissed her, her forehead."

I sighed, softly brushing my fingers on his hair with the other hand patting him slowly and softly.

"I'll drown that girl to death if you want me to," I gritted my teeth, feeling my wrath for her grew even more.

Anne Hathaway Jacobsen was a good looking girl with her wavy jet black hair that was up to her shoulder and her tanned skin that shines even more when she's in the crowd, sending the perfection in her. Her baby blue eyes were beautiful and it glistened when she talks, paired with her plump pink lips, giving the gorgeousness a bit more obvious.

But her attitude doesn't match her looks. She's arrogant, ignorant and a user. She dates Miles just because Miles gave her the attention she wanted and when she got bored, she left Miles. She used Miles to get what she wants and she hates me, just because I'm close to Miles. She tried to make Miles scold me by saying that I hit her but Miles ended up scolding her because he knew I wouldn't hit a person unless I had to. I say what I want and I'm sure it's hurtful but that's way better than hitting somebody randomly.

"No, don't. I broke up with her because she cheated on me."

I furrowed even more, if that's possible, feeling the urge to beat this girl to death for hurting my precious best friend by her ungrateful attitude.

"Miles," I cupped his face and made him look up to me as I smiled. "Don't cry over somebody like that, she doesn't deserve your precious tears, my darling."

"You're so sweet, Carly," he wiped his tears and put his head on my chest, acting all cuddly all of the sudden. I giggled and ruffled his soft and smooth hair, trying to cheer him up.

"Because I'm your sweet cheeks," I clicked my tongue, giggling when he buried his face on my chest and chuckled, sending vibrates all along my body. "That tickles," I laughed when he put his hand on my waist. It can't be helped that I was ticklish, you know?

"Ugh," he groaned and pulled away from the hug. He sighed and tilted his head to me, his green eyes were glassy due to his crying earlier and it made him look cuter, I must say. "Can we go out anywhere? I don't want to stay at home."

"No way," I shook my head and jumped to the floor, turning to him and put my hands on my hips. "Let's stay at home."

"But I want to go out," he pouted, crossing his arms on his chest sulkily.

"I'm going to pick movies for us to watch, order takeouts and some snacks with ice creams. Sounds good?"

"Yes, please!" He shrieked and jumped to the floor, kissing my cheeks and giggled excitedly. "I'm going to take a quick shower first." He said, running upstairs to his room. I chuckled by his childish acts and walked to my room which was downstairs, I don't feel like taking the stairs every time I want to go to my room. It's tiring, so I chose the room downstairs and Miles used the room upstairs.


I ordered some foods for the two of us, snacks and ice creams, before taking a quick shower. I wore an oversized shirt and black shorts, pulling my hair up in a messy bun. The doorbell rang and I knew my orders were here. I grabbed my purse and ran to the door, answering it.

"Hi, you ordered snacks, ice creams, fried chicken, pizza, some soft drinks and sandwiches?" He said, lifting the packs of foods, showing them to me.

"Yes," I nodded and smiled at him, taking the plastics and put them near the door as I took the amount of money and paid for the foods he brought for me. "Thank you very much."

He nodded, offering a sweet smile before driving away. I sighed and closed the door, stuffing my purse in my pocket before taking the foods on to the coffee table. I walked to the kitchen, taking two cups with me and placed them on the coffee table.

"Miles, the foods here!"

"I'm coming!" He yelled and ran downstairs, wearing black shorts and shirtless. He jumped on the couch and opened the pizza, taking a full-mouthed bite of it and showed his eye smile to me, his way of saying thank you to me. I shook my head and sat next to him, taking a bite of the pizza and switched the TV on. I've always saved the list of the movies I wanna watch later, guess I will watch it with Miles. I chose the top of the movie from the list and sat comfortably, focusing on the movie.

"Hey, sweetcheeks," Miles nudge me, earning my attention.

I hummed in response yet my eyes were glued to the screen. I turned to him when I heard his heavy sigh. I paused the movie and turned to him.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

He nodded, pouting and his eyes were glassy, the eyes that were holding the tears in. I sighed and pulled him to me, letting him laid on my laps as I played with his hair.

"You can talk right, Miles? Why don't you tell me that you want to lay here?" I asked softly, my fingers brushed his soft hair, addicted.

"I don't want you to get mad at me," he said with the hint of guilt and embarrassment. I chuckled and tapped the tip of his nose playfully, to which he looked at me, frustrated.

"God, Miles," I chuckled, shaking my head. "I won't get mad at you, partner. Not now."

"Good to hear," he sighed and pressed the play button, letting the freezing picture moves again. I smiled and turned back to the screen with my hands playing with his hair and the other was used to hold the foods.

"You want to try dating somebody, sweetcheeks?"

"Dating?" I looked down and furrowed to Miles, lifting a brow in confusions. "Not in my book."

"Why don't you try? It will be great to have an experience in this kind of thing," he grinned, pushing aside the end of my shirt that got onto his nose.

"Then who should I date?" I titled my head. "You?"

"Well, I don't mind," he shrugged, laughing when I slapped his shoulder. I know he's teasing me, about him not minding to date me.

"Thanks for the offer but no, I don't want to date anyone right now."

"Too bad, I got a few candidates for you."

I laughed, shaking my head by his statement. I sighed as I recalled the attitude of the guy in the café earlier.

I hope I didn't get to meet anyone like that, again. Though I've forgiven him because I know he's just trying to play, but I don't think I need the reason to meet him again, right?

"No thanks, not in the mood."