Wasn't Like You Think

Scarlett's point of view:

I woke up by the feelings of somebody playing with my nose. I furrowed, my eyes still too heavy for me to open them because I'm still sleepy. I groaned when something touched the tip of my nose before pinching them.

"Go away," I pushed whatever that was playing with my nose and moved my body to the left side, preventing my sleep from being bothered again.

I slept rather late last night, it's all because of Miles who fell asleep on my lap and I hardly could go to the washroom, which resulted in me holding my urine in, though I'm very much sleepy at that time. Just when I'm sure Miles had fallen asleep and couldn't awaken that I went to the washroom and do my business.

I cleaned the mess we made; the packs of snacks on the floor, the cups that we used were on the floor with little drinks on it and it spoiled all over the floor, the ice creams that had melted on the coffee table, inviting the insects to come and eat them. I didn't realise that it was 3 in the morning and I got the chance to sleep.

Thankfully, it's Sunday and I don't have to go to work today.

"Come on, sweetcheeks. Wake up," a soft voice spoke next to my ear, sending shivers down my spine by the hot breath.

"Shut up, Miles. I'm sleepy," I mumbled, eyes closed. I groaned when I felt my body been lifted and I was in somebody's arms. "Miles put me down."

"No, no. Open your eyes now."

I forcefully opened my eyes by the hard shakes when I was still sleeping. I furrowed to Miles who was grinning unapologetically for waking me up in a harsh way. Can't he let me sleep in peace, though?

"What do you want now, Dawn?" I asked annoyingly, slapping his arms to tell him to put me back down on the couch. He put me back down on the couch and I laid on it again, comfortably, trying to put myself back to sleep.

"Wake up, sweetcheeks," Miles whispered and played with my eyelashes, making me groaned hardly and sat up on the couch, sending death glares to him. "Sleep in your room, my friends coming over."

"Do you need to invite your friends now?" I huffed annoyingly, kicking his legs before going back to my room. I slammed the door shut before throwing myself to my bed and cuddled with my teddy bear. The sound of his laughter could be heard in the background, making me slightly annoyed at that.



A voice called from behind my door, followed by the loud knocks. I groaned, forcing my eyes to open up and answer the door. I don't know how I fell asleep but I'm way too sleepy now.

I was thinking of coming back to sleep when the knocks got louder than before. I grunted, chewing my lower lips and kicked my teddy bear down to the floor out of annoyance.

"What?!" I slammed the door open and furrowed as Miles standing in front of me, rubbing his nape.

"My friends want to see you, so would you like to, uh, come out and see them?" He asked with his eyes glistened hopes for you to agree.

"Seriously?" I groaned before walking out of my door and closed it, rising my brow to Miles who got some weird looks at me. "...what?"

"You're going to see them in your pyjamas?"

"No, I'm going to dress up just to meet your friends, duh!" I rolled my eyes and walked to the living room where his friends would be, I assumed. Miles doesn't like it when people go into his room and cause a mess so he prefers wasting time with his friends in the living room and most of the times, I was sleeping and they never ask to see me.

I don't know what's wrong with them now that they want to see me. Something fishy...

"Hey," I started as I got to the living room, letting the two poor boys jumping out of the skins to the sudden greetings. I pressed my lips together, trying to gulp down the laughter that was itching to go out and acts cool.

"God, I was thinking I'd be dead," the one with black hair said, rubbing his chest. He looked up to me and his eyes widened.

"What?" I asked, a little annoyed that he was looking weirdly at me. "Well, I'm Scarlett and thanks for calling me over. I didn't know you're playing games," I smiled and sat on the end of the couch, taking the controller that was laying on the coffee table and started playing.

"I'm Carlson," the one with a cap said, extending his hand out to me as he sat on the right side of me. I furrowed yet politely took his hand, we shook hands once before I pulled out and smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Carlson."

"Yeah, nice to meet you, too, Scarlett," he replied, smiling sweetly to which I returned with a polite one.

"And I'm Andrew," the one who spoke earlier said, extending his hand to which I accepted gladly. "I'm sorry for sending weird looks at you."

"No, don't mind it," I chuckled and folded my leg.

"Yeah, I was shocked that you come to meet us in pyjamas," he chuckled, rubbing his nape shyly.

"Really?" I chuckled, shaking my head a bit by his words.

"Every girl that we met tried to impress us by dressing up way too obvious but you just cool!" Carlson showed his thumbs up to me, grinning.

"Oh, that's not it. I just woke up so I'm not in the right mood to get dress now."

"And that's what makes you look even cooler!" They said in unison, laughing as they realised what they just said.

"Nothing like that," I denied and turned to Miles, starting to realise that he's been standing behind me for quite some time now. "You not going to sit?"

"You took my seat, kid," he looked down to where I was sitting and raised his brows. I rolled my eyes and stood up, waving my hands to call him. He sighed loudly, purposely let me hear him before walking up to me. He lifted me a bit that my feet couldn't feel the floor and made me sit on his lap.

"Are you dating or something? Miles always talk about you," Carlson raised his brows, showing his obvious curiosity.

"Yeah, I kind of think the same way, though," Andrew nodded, tilting his head to see my expressions.

"Are you planning on hitting on me if we didn't?" I asked teasingly, holding the urge to laugh by their reactions. They were shy and started shifting uncomfortably.

"Well, not like that but we'd like to know about you more," Andrew said with a low voice, almost inaudible.

I chuckled and leaned my head to Miles, putting my arms around his waist, smiling.

"Then you got to ask Miles before doing so," I chuckled and bit his chin to which he groaned in annoyance at that. "Right, my darling?"

"Yeah, sure," he rolled his eyes, sounding annoyed. I sat up straight and furrowed, slightly smacking round the back of his head.

"Well, you guys can always ask me you, you know. It's not like Miles care," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, smiling to the poor boys that were staring at me with confusions.

"So does that mean that you're dating Miles?" Andrew asked the confusions were visible in his tone which made me cracks a laugh at the end of his words.

"We didn't, we're best friends," I shrugged, kicking Miles' long legs in annoyance like I always do when I'm annoyed at him or when I want to annoy him.

"Yeah, so stop kicking my leg, shorty," Miles grunted and slapped my shoulder, telling me to stop.

I stuck out my tongue to him yet kept on kicking his legs, with him constantly slapping my arms to warn me to stop that I didn't care about. We continued bickering and fighting; me continuously kicking his leg and he slaps me on my arms and shoulders, just to stop me.

"I've heard about Anne," Andrew said out of the sudden, stopping our childish bickering. Miles furrowed but then he nodded, sighing at the mention of his beloved ex-girlfriend.

"Why don't you talk to her, Miles? I believe you broke up through phone," Jonas sighed, tapping Miles' shoulder to which it unintentionally touched my shoulder a bit. I dodge a bit but still staying on Miles' lap, just a bit far from Jonas.

Realizing my behaviour, Jonas slightly bowed apologetically before pulling his hands away as Miles put his hands on my thighs, pulling me closer to him that my back touched his broad chest.

"I believe she doesn't need that," Miles said, his jaw tightening and his eyes darkened, due to anger and maybe disappointment. I wrapped my arms around his neck and softly patted the back of his head to calm him down.

"She's still waiting for you," Andrew whispered cautiously, worried that Miles might lose control and yell at him. But Miles wasn't that kind of person, he's good at managing his emotions in front of the others.

"She's not like what you've been thinking, buddy," Carlson was about to pat Miles' shoulder when he grinned awkwardly by the earlier scene and decided to pat his head, instead.

I shook my head at that, finding his behaviour as funny.

"Are you sick?" Miles asked annoyingly, ruffling the part where Carlson just touched. He doesn't like it when guys touch his hair but he would go all proud and full of himself when a girl touch his hair.

"Well," Carlson chuckled and shrugged, which made me laughed by his unapologetic reactions.

And the rest of the day went by just like that; with me playing games with the guys and making foods for us and played the game again.

"Can't believed I didn't take a shower for a whole day," I groaned, letting my body falls free from Miles' lap to the couch. Andrew and Carlson had gone home after their mother urged them to go back.

I enjoyed their company and I've gotten myself, new friends, thanks to Miles.

"Yeah, you're gross," he pinched his nose, sending disgusted looks at me. I smacked the back of his head and rolled my eyes.

"Says the one who usually showers 4 times a week," I huffed and hoped of the shower, pinching his cheeks just to annoy him and ran to my room.

"Hey!" His footsteps getting closer and just before he could catch me, I closed the door right in front of his face and laughed my heart out of it. "You're dead tomorrow, Carly," he hissed and left in annoyance.

"You're dead tomorrow, Carly," I mimicked his voice and rolled my eyes. I stripped and grabbed my towel, running to my bathroom to take a long and warm shower. I felt disgusted that I didn't get to shower all day.

And tomorrow will be Monday; the annoying start of the week to go to work, I see.