We Meet Again

Scarlett's point of view:

I woke up by the sounds of my alarm. I yawned, shutting down my alarm, rubbing my drowsy eyes with my eyes wandered on the nightstand, looking for my phone, checking the messages and many other notifications. I took a good minute of scrolling through social media before convincing myself to leave myself and prepare for work.

I took a quick shower, having no time to wash my hair but I'll wash it tonight, after getting back from work.

I got dressed in my white shirt and black pants, taking the black coat and put it on my arm as I grabbed my bag, skipping downstairs only to meet with Miles' sheepish smile.

"Anything good happens?" I asked and put one bread on my mouth, munching them as I gulped down my hot chocolate carefully, trying not to burn my throat and tongue.

"Nothing, I'm getting excited because I, uh, it's kinda embarrassing to say, though," he stuttered, cutely scratching his nape, due to being embarrassed at me, as he mentioned.

"Yes?" I raised my brow, chewing on my second slice of bread whilst waiting for his next statement.

"I'll be going on a date," he smiled shyly, looking down to his feet.

"God," I laughed, shaking my head by his silly behaviour. I thought he did something bad but then again, he's just going on a date.

Miles... Miles...

"I thought you'll be mad?" He asked confusedly, making me laugh even more.

God, this kid is making me speechless.

"Silly, why should I?" I shook my head and tiptoes, gently patting his head.

"Uh, because I just broke up?"

I studied his innocent look and can't help but to laugh. No way, he's just too cute.

"If you're happy about the date, then I am, but if you're unhappy, then I am unhappy, too."

He grinned happily, pulling me into a hug and that's when I glanced at the wall clock, gasping at the time. I have 20 minutes to go to work now or I'll be so late for work.

"I got to go now, Miles. Tell me more about your date later!" I smiled and ran outside, putting my bag around my shoulder. I started the engine, making the roaring sound, just ready to go when Miles yelled at me.

"Your helmet!"

I facepalmed, sighing before walking to him to take my helmet, thanking him and sat on my bike. I smiled at him once and started pulling over to the driveway, speeding up then I'll ever do because I was so late.

I sighed full of relief as I finally saw the humongous building I'm working at, pulling over to the park that was provided for the workers there and got off my bike. I took off my helmet, taking it inside with me. I usually left them at the front counter or even bring them to my table. I registered my name before heading to my office.

"Hi, Carly!" My officemate, Felicia greeted. "How's your weekend?"

"Hi, Felicia! It was great, I finally had time to rest. How's yours?" I smiled as I remembered my not so good weekend, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Though I was being hit by a random stranger, it was not that bad.

"Mine is fine, I guess. I spent my times by going out with Isaac, but it was fine," she shrugged, chuckling as I shook my head at her. "Oh, I heard that CEO Jacobsen is here to inspect the workplace."

"Really? That's new," I added, reaching a bit by her gossips. Isaac, Felicia's boyfriend appeared behind her, softly clicking her forehead to which she winced in pain.

"Gossiping again? Early in the morning?" Isaac shook his head, looking so done with his lover's behaviour who loves gossiping more than anything.

"I wasn't gossiping, okay?" Felicia defended, denying his claims. They started to bicker, leaving me out place. A smile formed on my face, shaking my head by their cute bickerings, I decided to go to my table. I put my helmet under my table, sitting on my seat as I sigh in relief, finally feeling my muscles relaxes a bit once I'm sitting down.

"Let's get this work done!" I said with full determination, started doing my works or I can't get it done by today.


"Hey, Carly! Working so hard there."

I looked up only to find Ronald smiling at me, with Felicia and Isaac behind him.

I didn't realize that I was doing my work for a very long time and didn't realize that it was already lunchtime.

"Wow, didn't realise the time went by so fast," I mumbled and fixed my slightly mess table. I stood up, started stretching my stiff back, trying to loosen up my muscles and ease my exhaustion.

"Yeah, you are," Ronald said, throwing one arm on my shoulder as he gently pulled me closer to him.

"You looks like you were hit by a tornado," Felicia claimed, chuckling at the end of her words. Ronald and Isaac joined in, chuckling as they were agreed with her.

"Hey," I playfully widened my eyes to her but can't help to keep a straight face that I ended up smiling.

"Let's go eat," Ronald said excitedly, pulling me even closer. I nodded, followed by the pair behind us. The four of us walked to the cafeteria that was placed on the first floor of this building.

We settled in at the seat we usually sat, looking to each other.

"So, what are you going to eat?" Ronald asked, his hand was still on my shoulder. I titled to my head to him with my brows lifted but glanced to Felicia and Isaac, intending to hear out their thoughts.

"Uh," Felicia hummed, thinking her best to think of what to eat. "I'll just go with Isaac," she stood up, literally dragging Isaac to the counter with her.


I turned to Ronald and smiled.

"I'll go get some pizza," I stood up, ready to go to the counter when he stopped me and pulled me down, making me sit back down on my seat. "What?"

"It's my treat," he winked and walked to the counter. My eyes glistened by the mentions of him treating me; I don't have to pay for my food today.

A few minutes after, Ronald and the lovey-dovey couple in our office walked back to the table I was sitting at, taking the foods with them.

I was about to talk when I was cut by a loud voice.

"Hey, did you know that the CEO is here for inspection? I mean, he's really hot, I want to meet him so badly! He's like living perfection, gosh!"

I cringed at the exaggeration of the girl, which I unintentionally eavesdropped at, I didn't mean to, she sat next to our table. I scrunched my nose out of habits and turned to my office friends.

"So, the news's everywhere, huh?" I raised my brow as I munched on my pizza.

"I mean, he never did that often," Felicia said, showing the sign of her going to continue gossiping. "He only sent his assistant over to check the situation out, never really come here and check it out himself."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Ronald shrugged, glancing at me. "Girls went crazy over that, why are you so cool, Carly?"

I laughed by his words. I mean, why should I freak out when I never really seen the CEO?

"Maybe because I don't think it's necessary to overreacting over it?" I whispered the last few words to them, afraid that girls next to our table would hear us.

"I see," Ronald nodded and continued eating.

I smiled, turning to Felicia and Isaac, who was sending weird looks at me but I stuck my tongue out to them playfully to which they laugh in return.

We talked for some good minutes, filling the atmosphere with some good jokes and laughing before the lunchtime finally ended.

"Thanks, Ronald!" I tiptoed, putting my arm around his shoulder and smiled as we walked to the elevator, stepping in and waiting for it to reach our floor.

"No problem, Carly. It's my pleasure to treat such a sweet and beautiful girl like you," Ronald said flirtatiously, winking at me.

"Ugh, please," I rolled my eyes and let go of my hand from him. Felicia and Isaac laughed at that, followed up by me and Ronald.

"Why don't you date each other?" Isaac asked, turning to his girl for supports and Felicia nodded, agreeing with him.

"I mean, you look good together," she winked teasingly. I chuckled and playfully tapped her shoulder.

"I mean, we're just friends," I winked, mimicking her way of talking and her actions earlier.

"Oh, come on! We could try that, you know?" Ronald said, putting his arm on my shoulder, nudging me playfully.

I scrunched my face at that, showing me how to disagree I am with him.

"I don't think we can work it out," I shook my head, giving excuses. "I feel it already."

"Trying won't hurt, you know," Felicia said, joining Ronald's side. I rolled my eyes upon realising that.

"I won't, but he would get hurt," I shrugged, saying what's been playing in my mind.

They remained silent for a while, probably thinking of a way to get me started dating. The elevator dinged just before they could utter a word, which made me quietly sighed in relief.

"Well, I got to hand my report to Mr Judd, so bye," I stepped outside the elevator and went straight to my table, not minding to wait for their reply.

I took my file, checking the errors and mistakes made unintentionally and a smile crept up on my face as I am finally satisfied with my report.

I sighed and walked back to the elevator, offering sweet smiles to Felicia, Isaac and Ronald as I walked passed their tables. I stepped in as the elevator dinged, opening its door. I pressed the button to go to the sixth floor as it was where I need to head to meet my manager, Mr Judd.

The elevator stopped one floor before the sixth floor, which is the fifth floor. I stepped aside to let the guy come in as he pressed the button with number 7 and stepped away from me, giving a huge distance between us.

I shivered as I felt somebody's cold gaze pierced on my back. Shaking off my probably negative thinking, I hugged the file tighter and pressed my lips together, as I felt his gaze was still on my back and it's as if he was trying to burn me by his stare.

I was about to speak to him when he spoke first, the words I never thought I'd hear.

"We meet again."