I'll Teach You How To Be In Love

Scarlett's point of view:

"We meet again."

That's the moment I knew, I'm doomed. I have never been so miserable in my life and this is the moment when I wish the ghosts doing some jump scare in front of me and I'll faint.

"Won't you like to look at me?" His deep voice rang in my ears, sending shivers down to my spine and I could tell that he was smirking.

I gulped, feeling my heart pounded harder than before and my whole body stiffened by the thought of meeting him again, the 'him' I never thought of coming face to face with him, ever again.

I took a deep breath, trying my best to calm down before taking a sharp turn to him. My eyes widened as I saw him.

It's him.

"Nice to see you again, Red," he smiled – the cocky smile that somehow intimidated me and made my legs gone weak.

He stood tall, his hair slicked back with few strands fell to his brows. His black suit hung on his body and it fits him perfectly as if it was made for him. His tie seemed a bit messy but it only made him looked like a high school bad boy. His silvery eyes twinkled in happiness or, something I don't when he saw my expressions. His pinkish lips has a wide smile forming on his face.

"Done checking me out?" He raised his brow, tilting his head a bit at me which made me accidentally felt uneasy seeing that.

"What, why are you here?" I stuttered, embarrassed that I was high-key checking him out.

"I'm here because of you," he winked playfully, making my body stiffened more at that to which he chuckled. "Nah, I'm kidding. I'm here for work."

"Work? You want to meet Mr Judd?" I asked, walking to him and leaned on the wall next to him, waiting for his next words.

"No, I'm here to..." He was interrupted by the sound of the elevator dinged. He turned to me and offered his sweet smile, "I need to go now. I'll meet you again."

After saying that, he disappeared from my sight right after walking into the door. I sighed and leaned on the wall, clicking my tongue as I was thinking about the whole thing that just happened here.

"What is he doing here?" I mumbled, sighing as I recalled his face whilst looking at me. I stood up straight when the elevator dinged, telling me that I'm now on the floor I wanted to go. I heaved a deep sigh before walking out of the elevator and walked to Mr Judd's office.

"Eh, Carly?"

A voice called from behind, stopping me on my track. I turned around and saw Bridgette smiling at me.

"Oh, Bridgette, hi," I smiled and walked to her table. "Is Mr Judd here? I want to give this report to him."

"He's out," Bridgette said, her eyes sent apologetic look at me. I smiled and put the file on her table.

"Can you please pass this to him, then?" I asked softly, asking for her help as she's Mr Judd's secretary.

"Yeah, sure," she smiled, nodding as she played with the end of the file. "Oh, I heard that CEO Jacobsen is here. Have you meet him?"

"Really?" I furrowed, trying to recall if I've ever met somebody called CEO on my way here. "Well, I don't think I've seen him. Why? Is there something wrong with him?" I asked playfully, chuckling as she scrunched her face cutely.

"No, of course, no!" She giggled and shook her head. She took my hand and blinked cutely. "If you meet him, please tell me in details how'd he looks like. Okay?"

I laughed at that. How weird is the thing that she asked me to do?

"I'm not interested, Bridgette," I shook my head, softly refusing her idea. "But you can ask Felicia to tell you, she's the queen of gossip!"

She laughed, nodding her head.

"Yeah, for sure!"

I smiled.

"So, I'm going back to my table now. I still have some other things to do."

"Yeah, sure," she nodded. I tapped her shoulder before going back to the elevator, pressing the button to go down and waited for it to come down to the floor I'm working at. I sighed in relief as I finally arrived there.

I walked out from the elevator and walked back to my table, only to be stopped by Felicia on my way.

"Carly, the CEO is here," she whispered, looking scared at something.

"Okay, so?" I furrowed, not knowing the meaning behind her scared attitude. "I want to go to my table so he won't inspect me."

I was about to walk when Felicia pulled me backwards again until I was facing her. I put my hands on my hips, tilting my head to look at her with my furrowed brows.

"What's your problem now, Felicia? I have things to do."

"I know," she paused, licking her drying lips before looking around as if trying to avoid been heard and whispered to me. "The CEO is now waiting for you on your table."


"Shh," she started panicking and covered my mouth almost immediately. I pushed her hand from me and furrowed even more.

"What do you mean he's waiting for me?"

"He is."

I huffed as my hand made its way to my forehead and started massaging my suddenly aching head. I turned to look over my shoulder as I felt a hand on my left shoulder.


"Carly, not to scare you but the CEO wants to see you now."

I grunted, turning to him, piercing my eyes to his eyes as if killing the CEO with my looks. What'd I do to be called like this?

"Go, Carly," Ronald said, patting my shoulder and sent a good luck smile to me. "Don't make him wait too long."

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes before walking back to my table, determining in asking the CEO - what have I done that he needs to see me.

My lips partly open, ready to talk but my body went numb as he looked up to me, smiling. He stood up and walked up to me, dragging me to him to which my body didn't even resist and sat on my chair, facing him.

"I've been waiting to see you," he said, offering the sweetest smile he ever had. I blinked once, twice, thrice in confusion, I couldn't utter a word, it's as if my mouth was glued together.

He kneeled on the floor to match our height as he took my hands, letting the other workers watched us and started whispering about us.

"What, what are you doing?" I whispered, stuttering a bit as I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable by the stares from the other workers. I glanced to Felicia who was standing with Isaac and she had this mysterious smile on her, whilst her boyfriend was looking at me confusedly. I sighed, was about to turn back to this guy in front of me when I saw Ronald.

He was sitting on his seat, his body was facing his table yet his head was turned to my direction and there's a visible frown on his face, his lips partly open, looking irritated yet confused.

"Would you give me attention first, Red?"

I snapped, eventually looking to the guy who's been called as CEO Jacobsen by all the workers in this building.

"Can we talk, uh, somewhere private?" I asked, rubbing my nape awkwardly. He nodded before he stood up and pulled me up, dragging me to his office before I could even utter a word. I walked past Ronald and sent an apologetic look before we walked into the elevator.

"So," I sighed, fidgeting with my fingers as I looked down on my feet. "What'd you want from me?"


I looked up at him, furrowing as he smiled innocently as nothing had happened.

"What are you trying to do to me? Please, I don't even know you. How can you do this to me?" I exclaimed, feeling the anger built up in me. The nervousness that I've been feeling before faded because of his words and he acted like he did nothing to me.

"I know you and that's enough," he shrugged, taking my hand as the elevator opened and dragged me to his office. "Don't let anyone or anything come near my office."

The guy that was standing in front of his office nodded. That's his secretary, I assumed. He nodded and took me into his room. He locked the door and pulled me to sit on the couch as he sat on the opposite side of me.

This thing won't go smoothly as I thought.


Brooklyn's point of view:

I crossed my legs as I leaned on the couch, looking at her anxious expression and she kept shifting uncomfortably in her seat, which seemed cute to me.

"Okay, so," I paused, clearing my throat, earning her attention. "I'm here to pursue you."

She blinked confused at me, her lips partly open and a slight frown was visible on her face.

"I want you to be my girlfriend," I said, earning a sharp gasp from her. I smiled, nodding to her as she sent me weird looks. "I mean it."

"Why? I thought you're playing with your friends?" She raised her brow, tilting her head cutely to me. She frowned as she put a few strands of her hair behind her ear before looking back up to me.

"Because I want you."

"You're crazy," she chuckled, shaking her head and leaned against the couch, folding her legs up on the couch as she looked at me before laughing her heart out. "Why me? I'm positive that there are so many girls out there who want you, not to mention the amounts of girls that want to date you in this building."

"The question is, do you want me?"

She stopped laughing abruptly and turned her whole body to turn to me as she frowned. I raised my brow, waiting for her reply which I'm sure will be a no.

"No," she shook her head. Just like I thought she'll answer. "You're my boss."

"And what if I'm just an ordinary guy? Will you date me? Will you agree if I ask you out?" I asked. I know I seemed to force and urge her to answer but I need to hear the words from her.

"Uh," she hesitated, fidgeting with her fingers and she looked down on her lap. "I mean, if a normal guy asks me out, I'll reject him."

"And why is that?"

She looked up and sighed, before uttering the words I thought that she'll say.

"I don't want to be in any kind of relationship."

I sighed, massaging my temple as I think of a way to pursue her to be in a relationship with me. I mean, I want her to be mine. Not because of the moment, but because she doesn't seem to care about my presence and that made me want to know her more and call her as mine.

I sucked a huge amount of breath, holding them for few seconds before letting them go slowly. I looked into her glassy hazel eyes, it's obvious that she's hesitated and curious about me.

I opened my mouth, uttering the words I've never thought I will.

"Be my girl, I'll teach you how to be in love."