Would You Date Me?

Scarlett's point of view:

"Be my girl, I'll teach you how to be in love."

I gasped, is he somewhat... crazy? How'd he come up with the idea of teaching me on how to be in love? I don't ask for it and I would never need it.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, I'm fine being a single and free woman," I said politely and stood up, bowing to him before walking to the door. I grabbed the door, ready to twist it when his voice slightly made my soul leave my body.

"I want to call you mine, Scarlett."

I turned to him and gasped as I covered my mouth in shock.

"How'd you know my name?" I asked, knew very well that he knew my name because I'm working with him but there's something told me that he knew my name from somewhere else.

"I'll tell you if you agree to date me," he smirked, raising his brow in an intimidating way.

I gulped, feeling the butterflies showed up inside my stomach. I cleared my throat and stood up straight, making myself looks presentable and convincing for the future words I'm going to say.

"What a nice offer but I'm sorry, I'm not interested in it," I forced a smile and turned around once again, twisting the knob as a click sound could be heard and ready to leave when a big hand grabbed my arm, stopping me from moving.

I huffed and turned around only to find his face was just an inch from mine. I cleared my throat and moved aside, leaving a huge space between us as I closed the door again and locked it.

"If your motive is to date me, then I must say that I'm not interested in being a relationship. Don't care whether it's you or anyone else," I claimed, glancing to him using the side of my eye before looking to the front again as he turned to me.

"It's not a motive, it's my need. I need to be in a relationship with you, Red," he said, calling me 'Red' for more than I can count, which irritated me.

"What's up with the name? I'm worth much more than just a primary colour, you know?" I furrowed, meeting his piercing gaze.

"Scarlett is extravagant of a colour such as Red, don't you think?" He smiled, tilting his head to me.

"As I said, I'm worth more than just a primary number. You can't just call me that name over and over again. It's annoying and weird and it doesn't even suit me."

"You said that, but it suits you more than you thought," he smiled, shaking his head as he turned his body to me. "As you said, you worth more than just a primary colour. I'm not calling you Red because it's a simple colour, it's my favourite colour and I wish you would be my favourite person, too."

I scrunched my face, scratching my suddenly itching scalp.

"How can your mouth utter those sweet talks?"

He chuckled, shaking his head before leaning the door, looking at me with an obvious hint of amusement.

"I'm usually not like this," he paused, licking his dry lips before continuing. "When with you, I tend to talk these sweet talks."

"Other sweet talks," I rolled my eyes before walking back to the couch, jumping a bit on it before leaning on the couch.

I felt my body stiffened when I heard his footsteps coming towards me and I froze on my spot as I felt somebody's presence on the empty spot next to me.

"Would you date me?"

I gulped, slowly turning to him and shook my head.

"I don't, I mean, well, I'm not interested," I stuttered as I rubbed my arm awkwardly before turning to the front again.

I could tell that he was smiling as his gaze fell on me and I felt my body getting burnt just by his stares.

"I'll come to work every day starting today," he claimed, his voice sounded excited before he cleared his throat and leaned on the couch.

"That's good," I mumbled lowly, hoping that he wouldn't hear me.

But he did.

"Yeah, I want to see you every day."

I sighed, this guy is weird, I must say. How can he ask me out when we just met like... twice? Does he usually pursue girls using his sweet talks? Not trying to judge, but he sure looks like it.

Maybe I'm his hundredths victim?

"You're the first," a deep voice said near my ear and I felt my stomach knotted upon feeling his hot breath brushed on my ear. I gulped, grabbing the hem of my shirt as I closed my eyes, taking a sharp amount of air.

"I don't, well, I don't think it's worth it, I mean, it's not good to know that, uh, I spent too long in your room," I stood up, bowing to up him before running to the door, twisting the knob and ran to the stairs, ignoring his calls and ignoring that he's running after me.

Why'd I felt like I'm being dramatic? Screw it!

I ran to the fourth floor using the stairs and I felt like I want to faint right here, now. It's only twenty stairs but I felt like I've walked down hundreds of stairs.

I took a deep breath, putting my hand on my chest, feeling my pounding heart and slowly exhaling the air from my lung.


I flinched as I heard the familiar voice calling my name. I ran to the door and quickly went inside the floor as I ran to Ronald's table.

"Hey, help me!" I said and went under his table. He bent down to look at me and there's an obvious confusion on his face. "I'll explain later, just hide me good from the CEO."

"CEO? Why..." He wants to ask more when a voice interrupted him. I flinched, nearly hitting my head on the table as I scooted back to the dark side of Ronald's table.


I closed my eyes, feeling my heartbeat gone wild as I heard footsteps walking near the table I was hiding at.

"Did you see Red?"

It's him, CEO Jacobsen. His voice was so familiar to my ear to the point that I could tell that it's him, even when his voice was far away from me. What spell did he cast on me to make me acting this way?

"Red? Who...?" I gulped as Ronald started talking.

"Oh, my bad. I mean Scarlett, have you seen her here?"

"Oh, sorry, Mr Jacobsen, I haven't seen her since the time she left with you," Ronald said and I could tell that he was faking a smile at this moment, just like how he used to fake a smile to the annoying and picky customers.

I heard 'he' let out a loud and irritated sigh. I closed my eyes tight, clenching on the hem of my shirt.

'Please go, please go.' I chanted in my thoughts, asking him to go. Even my mind ask him to go, why don't he go yet?

"Okay, then. Please tell her to come to see me if she comes back."

With those words said, I heard his footsteps getting further and further from me - far from Ronald's table. I sighed in relief as I crawled out from under the table, grinning as Ronald eyed me in confusions.

"Mind telling me what happened between you and Mr Jacobsen?"

I sighed, ready to speak when the bell rang, telling us that it's time to go home. I facepalmed before looking down to Ronald who's still waiting for my explanation.

I peeked on the door and freaked out as I saw the familiar figure walking towards the door, looking at me. I gulped before looking back down to Ronald, tapping his shoulder as I grinned apologetically.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, I need to go home now."

With those words said, I ran to my table, packing my stuff and ran outside, ignoring the calls from Ronald and... 'him'. I still don't know his name, so I kept on calling him as him.

I ran until the first floor using stairs, knowing that he'll get to chase me if he uses the elevator yet he used the stairs, running after me. I sucked in more breath and ran to the parking lot, eventually spotted my bike that was parked near the white car.

I hopped on my bike, putting my backpack on the basket as I wore my helmet, fastening the belt under my chin, starting the engine to let it roared. I heaved a deep sigh as my heart was still pounding hard from the long run from the fourth floor to the first floor using stairs, adding up my anxious thoughts that he'll get to catch me.

"Red, I need to talk to you."

I screamed before pulling down the glass on my helmet, roaring the engine once again before leaving the parking lot in full speed.

"I don't!" I exclaimed and drove passed him. I glanced to the side mirror, eventually saw his frustrating behaviour as he stomped on the ground childishly with his eyes looking at me. I sighed and looked to the front, I need Miles' counsels right now.



I kicked the door closed and jumped on the couch, looking around the living room for Miles' figure.

"Miles!" I yelled again, huffing as I grabbed the cushion and put it on my lap. I groaned as the voice I want to hear haven't answered my calls yet. "Oh god, where's this guy?"

I stood up and walked on the kitchen, looking for Miles yet the space was empty. It has no presence at all, except mine.

I huffed, running my fingers on my hair in frustration as I leaned against the counter. I closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling the air in annoyance as I realised, I was the only one here. Miles must've been out with his friends.

Buzz... Buzz...

I sighed loudly and took my phone that was ringing in my pocket. I frowned as I saw the caller's ID.


"Hello? Miles, where are you?" I started as soon as I answered the call. I heard a heavy sigh from the other line.

"I'm outside, Carly. I'm with my friends," he said with an obvious hint of worries. "You need me?"

"No, it's okay," I shook my head to nothing in particular as I forced a smile. "You can enjoy your time, I'll tell you when you got here."

There's a long silence before Miles broke it.

"Wait for me there, I'm on my way now."

I gasped, scratching my head as the sudden itching came from his words.

"No, no, no! It's okay, dude. It's okay, I can wait," I said hurriedly, stopping him from rushing home.

"Well," he paused and I heard his low chuckle before he spoke again. "Too late, I'm driving now."

"What?" I facepalmed, couldn't take the shock. "Okay, I'll end the call now then."

"Alright, wait for me there, sweetcheeks. I'll be quick," he said, sending virtual kisses before ending the call. I huffed and put my phone on the coffee table.

"I better take a shower."

And so I went to my room to take shower before Miles comes home. There's an important matter to talk to him now.