Our First Day Together

Brooklyn's point of view:

She said yes! She finally said yes to my proposal!

"You mean it, do you?" I asked hopefully whilst looking into her glassy eyes.

"Yes, I mean it. I wouldn't lie to you," she said, chewing her lower lip and I know, she's nervous being around me.

"You don't have to feel nervous when with me, Red. I won't bite."

"I know. I'm just... It's my first time being in a relationship."

I smiled as I took her hands in mine. She flinched but didn't pulled away, which made my smile wider.

"It's okay, I'm not forcing you to be comfortable with me at this instant. I just want to make you mine and now that you're mine, I want to make sure that we'll be together forever."

She remailed silent for a few seconds before nodding her head.

"Like I said, I'll teach you to how be in love."

"You've said that," she mumbled.

"Of course," I smiled. "That's why I ask you to be my girlfriend, I want to love you."

She looked up and those beautiful chocolate eyes met mine.

"I don't want to be a Barbie doll for you to play with, Mr Jacobsen."

"It's Brooklyn," I said.

She tilted her head, looking at me confusedly.

"Excuse me, what?"

"My name's Brooklyn and you can just call me Brooke," I offered a smile.

"Oh," she smiled, an awkward smile to be exact. "I'm sorry, I don't really catch your name when you told me at that cafe."

"It's okay. At least you remember me now, right?"

She nodded.

"Um, I better get to work," she said after a long silence.

"Yeah, I'll see you at lunch." I smiled and studied her expression. It's a blank expression, like she don't know how to react to my words.

She nodded as a response and walked out from my office. I jumped on the couch like a man winning the lottery.

"This is why I fell for you, Red."


Scarlett's point of view:

"Uh... Mr Jacobsen?" I lifted my brows as Brooklyn walked to my table with a wide smile.

"Let's go, Red. It's lunch time," he said, flashing a cocky grin.

I glanced my wristwatch and mentally facepalm. I was so lost in doing my works that I lost track of time.

Glancing to the messy papers on my table, I sighed. Seemed like I couldn't go out with him, I need to submit the report to Mr Judd before 5 PM.

"I'm sorry but I have so much work. And this," I grabbed the file and lifted it a bit to show it to him and sighed. "Need to be send to Mr Judd before 5 PM."

"Red, I'll help you with the report if you don't mind but you couldn't skip lunch," he said, taking the file from my hand and put it on the table as he put his hands on my hips and softly pulled me up. "Let's go, I don't want my girlfriend to get sick in our first day of relationship."

"But, I don't have enough time," I bit my tongue and was about to sit on my seat when Brooklyn grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I could feel my cheeks started to heat up and my heart beats in unknown rhythms.

Luckily, all the workers already went out to go out to lunch or they'll have to see me being close with their favourite CEO. I haven't tell Felicia, Ronald and Isaac about my new relationship with the CEO.

I don't know how will they react to it.

"I said, I'll help you, Red. Don't worry, now let's go."

Without waiting for my response, he lifted me up in bridal style and I clung onto his shirt, afraid that I might fall to the ground.

"Uh, you can put me down. I can walk." Nervously, I bit my lower lip and looked down.

"But have lunch with me?"

I nodded almost immediately. I don't mind having lunch with him, but I do mind with what people think of us when they saw me in the arms of the CEO's.

I sighed in relief when he put me down. I grabbed the hem of my skirt and walked into the elevator. He pressed the G button and we waited in silence.

"Let's go," he smiled and offered his hand as the elevator dinged, telling us that we're already on the ground floor.

I gulped and hesitatingly took his hand. His smile widened as he intertwined our hands and we walked to the cafe in the building.

"What did you want to eat?" He asked softly, turning his whole attentions to me. I looked down on my hands as I heard whispers from the other workers as they saw me getting closer to the CEO.

"Uh, pizza is fine." Anxiously, I bit my lower lip.

"I'll get some healthy food for you, Red. Wait here, okay?"

I nodded, not looking up to him. I felt he shifted closer to me and what he did made my mouth agape and my eyes widened in shock.

I heard the gasps and whispers getting louder after he kissed my forehead and went to the counter. I sucked in more breath, telling myself to calm down.

I don't know since when did I care about what people think about me. But it's surely not a good thing.


A spaghetti carbonara was served in front of me. I looked up and saw the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life–Brooklyn's eye smile.

'Is this healthy, though? Uhh... Nevermind. I'll still eat them', I thought.

"Thank you." I flashed a little smile for him and he nodded in response. He took a seat remotely close to me and started eating his food–the same food he got for me.

I sighed and started eating. I was eating peacefully, ignoring the stares and whispers about me and Brooklyn, not until Brooklyn held my hand and put it on his thigh.

"What?" I nearly chocked by his sudden movement.

He chuckled, taking a piece of tissue from the box and softly wiped the corner of my lips. I could feel my face getting flustered by his actions.

"I don't like how the girls stares at me. Are you okay eating with the states from them?" He asked and tilted his head to me. A slight frown could be seen on his face and he looked like a little boy who's mad at his parents for not getting the toy he wanted.

"I mean, I'm fine," I said and smiled. He pouted before shifting closer to me and intertwined our hands as he put it on the table.

I furrowed, constantly turning my gaze from our intertwined hands to his face.

"Eat, Red. Don't look at me like that," he let out a chuckle.

I blushed and quickly cleared my throat before started eating again.

The rest of the lunch went smooth, though the girls kept looking at me with an unknown meaning in their eyes, perhaps it was jealousy or anger.