Getting Myself Into Trouble

Scarlett's point of view:

"Will you pester me like she did after we break up?"

His question shook my to the core that I looked down at him with a visible frown. What kind of question is that?

"So she's asking you to get back together with her?" I responded with a question without answering the question he asked me.

"Red, answer me," he sat up straight and to me, furrowing furiously.

"No, you answer me first and I'll answer you," I retorted to which he sighed. Perhaps he thought that I'll be an obedient puppy, but too bad, I'm nothing like that.

"Yes, she came here to ask me to get back together again."

"Then why don't you just say yes to her?"

He furrowed at my next question.

"Red," he called with a visible warning tone in his voice. But I don't care. I'll ask what I want to, it's my mouth anyway.

He sighed. "If I say yes, will you leave me?"

I nodded as a respond to his question.

"You won't ask me to get back together with you again?"

I shook my head. "I'm not so low to ask a guy who left me for another girl to get back together again."

"Wow," he smiled by my answer and took my hand. He put my hands on his chest and stared into my eyes, drowning me into his beautiful eyes. "Will you move in with me?"

I froze. "What?!"

"You don't have to say yes right now, Red. You're free to think about it as long as you want," he smiled and held my hand loosely before planting soft kisses on my hands. "But I don't want to get rejected."

"Uhh... Thank you, then," I smiled awkwardly and tried to take my hand away from his grip but he furrowed and put my hand on his laps.

His lips parted open, ready to speak when we heard a loud knocks on his door like the person who's knocking was about to break the door.

"Why now?" He asked furiously, annoyed and mad at the intruder. He kissed my hands before walking to the door.

"Mr Jacobsen," a voice called.

My eyes widened as the familiar voice reached my hearing. 'Mr Judd!' I panicked and looked around to find a place to hide from Mr Judd.


I froze at my place as Mr Judd stood in front of me with a questioning look. I grinned awkwardly and made a little wave at him.

Brooklyn lifted his brow before sitting next to me and put his arms on my shoulders. Mr Judd shook by what Brooklyn did and want to ask but didn't dare when he saw the killer glare from Brooklyn.

Feeling uncomfortable by the looks from Mr Judd, I felt like leaving Brooklyn's office. I turned to him and as if he knew what I want to say, he spoke first.

"You can continue doing your work, Red, but meet me during lunch."

I nodded. "Okay."

As I stood up, Brooklyn grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him as he looked up.

"So you won't kiss me?"

I gasped by his words. Am I supposed to kiss him? With Mr Judd watching us?

As if he could read my mind, he sighed and stood up. He scooped me into his arms and stood in front of Mr Judd, letting his back facing Mr Judd.

"I really need to kiss you?" I asked lowly, just for both of us to hear it.

He nodded and grinned widely. "Not the lips kiss, Red. A kiss on my cheek is enough."

"Oh," I mumbled under my breath, feeling the embarrassment washed over me as I'm totally thinking about the dirty thing. When in fact, he's asking for a kiss on his cheek.

I took a deep breath and quickly pecked his nose as he was facing me. I let go of the breath I'm holding and studied his expression. He was grinning wider than before.

"Thank you, Red," he brushed my hair with his slender fingers and kissed my neck. A low gasp left my mouth by what he did. "See you during lunch."

"Okay," I replied lowly and quickly left his office. I can't stay any longer in his office with Mr Judd staring intensely at me like he's about to eat the whole of me.

I ran to the elevator and pressed the button in rush like I'm being chased by something scary but it's just... I'm having some mixed feelings from earlier and it's about to explode.

I ran to my table as soon after the elevator dinged. My colleagues watched my behaviour in confusion as I'm never acting this way before.

"Hey, you all right?"

I looked up and feels like crying as Ronald's worried face came into my sight. I shook my head and buried my face on my table. The thoughts to dug a hole and hide there kept running into my mind and I felt like maybe... I should do it.

"Carly, if something happened, you can just tell me."

I looked up and sighed loudly. Ronald looked at me with an obvious hint of worries and it made me feel sorry for making him get worried over me.

"Ronald, will you be fine if Mr Jacobsen join us during lunch?" I dodged his question and asked another question instead.

He furrowed by my silly question. "What do you mean? Mr Jacobsen want to join us during lunch?"

I nodded as a yes for his question. I don't know how to say it to him anymore.

"But why?"

"That's what I'm going to talk to you about."

"Oh," he nodded and smiled. "I don't mind. He's our boss."

I forced a smile. 'Yeah, our boss and also my boyfriend.' I thoughts.

"Okay, see you during lunch then," he smiled and walked back to his seat.

I nodded and buried my face back on my table. Where should I start my explanation for Ronald? From when Mr Jacobsen asked me to be his girlfriend and I ran from him and asked for Ronald's help to hide me? Or... From my first encounter with Mr Jacobsen that leads me to the thing that's happening to me now? Or... From the day Ronald asked for a day off and I started dating Mr Jacobsen?

'This is insane,' I thought and grunted. Getting annoyed by my own thoughts, I sat up straight on my seat and started doing my work.

I'll tell everything to Ronald then. From the beginning to the end—to today and the upcoming days with Mr Jacobsen as my boyfriend.

I hope Ronald won't get mad at me for making such decisions and just tell him about it now after getting myself into trouble.