Will You Pester Me After We Break Up?

Scarlett's point of view:

"Good morning, Carly," Miles greeted as he sat on stool on the opposite side of me.

"Morning, Miles," I replied as I stuffed my mouth with the apple pie I made for breakfast for both me and Miles.

"How's your first day?" Miles asked, trying to clear the silence surroundings.

"Just fine, I guess," I shrugged lazily. I don't know how to answer. I mean, how should I tell him that it feels nothing really special being in a relationship? I can't break up with Mr Jacobsen just because I felt nothing at all to him. I need to, at least, give a try to have feelings towards him.

"Carly, was it really that boring?"

I lifted my brows at Miles' question. Am I being too obvious?

"No, it's just... I don't feel anything really special about being in relationship. Except, being badmouthed by the workers in the same buildings as me, of course," I scoffed at the thoughts of the workers in the same buildings as me kept badmouthing me about seducing the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Jacobsen.

Not wanting to make my mood worsen, I continued eating like nothing happened. Thus, I've used to being badmouthed by the jealous girls and boys who works in the same place as me. Nothing really special about that.

"Relax, Carly. It's only a day, of course nothing happened," Miles said, as if trying to tell me that I can't break up just yet.

"You can just say that I shouldn't agree to his offer in the first place," I sighed lightly. I gulped down my drink and stood up, ready to go when my cellphone rang loudly like it almost explode due to the loud sound.

I grabbed my cellphone and glanced at the caller ID, a bit shocked upon seeing the name written on the screen—Mr Jacobsen.

Miles looked at me with questioning look, asking for an explanation. I gestured to him that I need to take the call to which he responded with a nod and gave a small wave to me. I returned the wave and walked to the front door.

"Hello?" I started as soon as I answered the call. The sounds of somebody clearing his throat aired and it made me want to laugh. I mean, how can he reply my greetings with the sounds of clearing throat? Did he want to sounds cool?

"You aren't here yet?" He husked, sending shivers down to my spine by his morning voice. I exhaled the breath I didn't realized I was holding upon hearing his voice and hummed.

"I'm about to go there, though," I smiled as I started my bike's engine and hopped on it. I wore my helmet and slid my cellphone in between the cushion of my helmet and my ear.

"Drive carefully, Red," he said softly, almost sounding like he's talking to a kid.

Yeah, I'm probably look like a kid to him.

"Thank you, Mr Jacobsen," I said in a serious tone as I hung my suitcase on my shoulder and grabbed my cellphone, about to end the call when he spoke.

"Come to my office right after you arrive, Red," he demanded with a cold tone to which made me obeyed him immediately.

"Yes, Mr Jacobsen. Uhh, I'll be going now," I said and hung up without waiting for his further reply. I'll be meeting him anyway. I sighed inwardly and drift away to work, not wanting to be late.

"Good morning, Carly!"

I turned around and saw Ronald smiling sweetly at me. He parked his car next to mine. So it meant that we probably came at the same time.

"Morning, Ronald," I smiled and put my helmet on my arm as I walked with Ronald into the elevator.

"Did anything happened while I'm not here?" Ronald asked as we waited for the elevator to stop by the floor we want to go.

"Nothing really," I shrugged and looked at the front, literally avoid any eye contact with him or he'll get to know that I'm keeping something from him.

"You're not lying, right?" His voice sounds so doubtful like he knew something happened. To me, of course.

"Well," I paused and turned to face him. "I'll tell you everything during lunch."

He furrowed. "Why can't you tell me now?" He somehow forced me to reveal the truth right in this moment.

"I can't," I shook my head and just after I said that, the elevator dinged. I smiled and walked out from the elevator. I need to meet Mr Jacobsen now or he'll get mad at me.

"Carly," Ronald called as he grabbed my arm to stop me from walking to my table.

I sighed and pulled away from his grip. "Ron, I'll tell you later. I need to meet somebody's important."


I ignored him and scanned my ID card before walked to my seat. I put my helmet and suitcase on my table and walked back to the elevator. The elevator door closed before Ronald could step in and I pressed the button to go to Mr Jacobsen's floor.

I felt bad for ignoring Ronald and even ditched him just to meet Mr Jacobsen. But, if I think about it, I need to meet Mr Jacobsen first because he's the first person that asked me to meet him and because he's my boyfriend.

As for Ronald, I'll explain everything to him so he can wait. I don't have to be worry about him as he'll understand my situation.

The elevator dinged, making me snapped from my thoughts. I took a deep breath as I walked out from the elevator to the one and only office in this floor, Mr Jacobsen's office.

As I was about to knock on the door, the door has been opened from inside and a girl walked passed me from Mr Jacobsen's room.

I watched the girl catwalking to the elevator and disappeared from my sight. I shrugged and went in after knocking on the opened door.

"Mr Jacobsen," I called to get his attention as he seemed busy with his work.

He looked up and the frowns on his face changed to a wide smile.

"Red," he called and quickly walked towards me before pulling me into a hug.

I was left speechless by his sudden hug. But putting my curiosity aside, I hugged him back as he put his head on the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent.

"You smell nice," he mumbled and tightened the hug. I furrowed but kept patting his back with a soft pats.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, just trying to play my role as his girlfriend.

He nodded without saying anything else. He pulled from the hug and walked to the door before locking it. He sighed and walked back to me.

I followed his lead as he took me to the couch. He softly pushed me to sit down on the couch and I quietly sat down. He sat next to me before laying down and put his head on my laps.

I'm about to jump from his sudden behaviour but decided to play it cool upon seeing his face that seemed to be in a great pressure.

"Did something happened? Is it about the girl just now?" I asked and studied his expression but nothing could be found as he was closing his eyes.

He opened his eyes by the mentioned of the girl who walked out from his office and sighed loudly. His sigh somehow sent the negative aura to me and made me think bad about the girl just now.

"She's my ex girlfriend," he spoke after putting so much courage in talking.

"Ah, I see," I nodded and turned to the wall in front of me. It just feels awkward to look at him when he stared deeply into my eyes.

"Will you pester me like she did after we break up?"