Help Me To Stop The Marriage

Brooklyn's point of view:

"Who said?"

I opened my eyes by the sudden voice. Red...

She leaned against the door, tilting her head at me as she furrowed her brows.

"Red..." I was about to go to her when the words she said earlier played in my mind. She said she likes Ronald... Maybe she's here to ask me to breakup.

"I heard everything..." She started. "That you'll get married with your ex."

"Yeah? Good to know, then. I mean, you'll get to be with the one you really like and I'll get to be with the girl that once was important in my life."

"Oh really? So you're saying that you'll leave me for the girl that 'was' important in your life?" she asked, emphasising the word was.

"Don't butt in my business, Scarlett. If you're here to ask for a breakup, then I'll say yes. Just don't bother me anymore and pretend that you care about me." I said rather emotionless, calling her real name, not the name I gave her. I shouldn't be showing any weakness to her.

She chuckled. "I see... So you'll ditch me for your pregnant soon to be wife. Congratulations, then."

"Just go, Scarlett. Stop pretending to care about me." I said, closing my eyes. I won't be able to hold myself I look at her any longer. I might pulled her into my embrace and plead at her to not leave me.

"It's just two days yet you already want to leave me and go to another girl." Her voice sounds near.

I opened her eyes and I was right. She's standing in front of my table with her hands on the table and her gaze penetrated right into me.

"Isn't that what you want? You likes Ronald. So why don't you date him and leave me alone? You're free to think that I'm dead if you want to. But just leave me alone."

"Say... You choose me or her? If you choose me, I'll tell you what really happened but if you choose her, then I'll let you be and won't talk to you anymore. You can choose."

I studied her expression and she seemed serious. Without saying anything, she pulled out the chair and sat down, looking at me without breaking our eyes contact.

She'll tell me what really happened between her and Ronald? Did I misunderstood her? Or... she actually want to stop me from marrying Ariana but didn't really want me?

"You're never a choice, Red," I sighed. "Just go. I don't care about what happened between you and Ronald. Just... leave me alone. Is it too much to ask?"

"It's true that I like Ronald," she stated, catching me off guard.

"I know. So why don't you leave me alone and go to your beloved Ronald?"

She chuckled, which made me furrowed. What's so funny in this situation?!

"I actually want to be serious but when I realised that you're being a jealous little baby, I can't help but laugh."

"Yeah, right. Leave, Scarlett. I don't want to see you anymore."

"I'll leave but listen to what I want to say first."

I sighed. "Say it."

"I know I said that I like Ronald and it's true. But it was nothing near like what you thought it was. He's my friend, like a very close friend. I'd never thought of him in a different way other than a friend and a brother even when Felicia and Isaac always tease us about dating each other, I took that as a joke, only a joke.

I want to make it to you by telling you that I've rejected Ronald so we can be together without anyone trying to bother but when I got here, I heard that your ex said that your mother agreed for your marriage with her and she's pregnant with your baby.

Maybe... my decision to make you became my boyfriend was right but the timing isn't right. Maybe... we're not meant to be in this life, maybe in another life or maybe... we're just meant to be met and avoid each other like forever. And maybe... this is the end of our story.

I know you still want to be with your ex so I won't stop you. For now, I let you go. We're nothing like what we're yesterday but I don't regret it. I'm thankful for a day we spent together as a couple. I like it, thank you."

She left before I could even speak. Her words left me speechless and frozen. I don't know how to act and what to say to her. She let me go, does it mean that she got to be with Ronald now that she's not dating me anymore?

"Red!" I ran after her. Good thing, I catched up with her before she could walk into the elevator. "Stop."

She sighed and turned to me. "Mr Jacobsen, from now on, let's meet each other when it's about work. Please be professional."

"Red..." I grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking in to the elevator. She swatted my hand away.

"I've told you whatever I want to tell you and now, it's your turn to leave me alone, Mr Jacobsen. Do you see any problems with my request?"

"Yes," I nodded. "I don't want to let you go, Red. Not yet."

"It's not a good thing if you're married and you want a mistress. And for your information, I'm nothing like that. I've told you clearly that I'm not a lowly woman to beg the guy who ditched me for another girl to be get back with me again."

"I still want you."

"Shut up."

"I still need you."

She rolled her eyes as a response.

"Red, help me to stop the marriage. You're the only girl who'll be my bride and I don't want anyone else." I held her hands loosely as I looked into her eyes.

She furrowed. "What games are you playing?"

"Game to get back my girlfriend from going to another guy and stop my own marriage with another girl."

"No, thanks. I'm not that bad." She rejected without further ado.

"So you really really want me to get married with Ariana?"

"She's pregnant with your baby, for goodness' sake! Can't you think about what'll happen to your child without you?"

I sighed. "Why'd you believe in what she said? She could be lying. It's been about 8 months since our breakup. It didn't make any sense that she's only pregnant by now."

She remained silent, probably thinking.

"You're right. Her tummy doesn't seem like she's an 8 months pregnant woman," she mumbled. "But since it's her first pregnancy, her tummy won't be that big. Also, because she's thin, it won't be too obvious."

"Who told you that?"

"Me," she pointed to herself. "My cousin has the same body as her and she just gave birth to a son. During her pregnancy, it looks like she's only 3 months old yet she's actually waiting for her day to give birth. It makes sense, then."

I sighed. "Red, listen."


"I'm a virgin. I've never sexually sleep with her or should I say... I've never had sex with her. We just laid down next to each other and sleep, the usual sleep like everyone is having."

Her mouth opened wide as it nearly reach the floor, her eyes also open wide.

I smiled and pulled her chin up, closing her mouth. She blinked before taking a few steps backward, increasing our distance.

"Then... Why... Why she said that it's your baby?"

"Can we go to my office and talk there? It's not good to be standing up for too long."

She nodded and followed me to my office. I closed and locked the door before dragging her to the couch.

"A day before our breakup, she came home drunk, naked. I want to ask her about it but since she's drunk, she'll be saying some stupid words so I keep it. Then... the next morning, she thought that I'm the one who slept with her and she even ask me to be responsible to her.

There's a time that I explain to her but she just don't want to listen and blamed me for everything that happened. Then, the guy who she slept with at night came to our house and apologized to me for sleeping with my girlfriend. I don't blame him since I knew how Ariana was.

She won't simply tell people that she's my girlfriend. She loves it when people sees her as a successful single girl instead of being known as the girlfriend of the youngest millionaire, which is me, of course."

"Wait, wait. Then... what happened to the baby?" Red asked confusedly.

"She abort it as she knew that it wasn't mine."

Red furrowed. "Then, how come she's pregnant now?"

"It's a long story." I smiled. "And I don't think it's appropriate for me to tell you this since we're not a thing anymore."

She huffed. "We're together since yesterday. What are you talking about?"

"Oh?" I smiled. What a life!

"Yes, so tell me everything from the start and I'll stop the marriage."

I nodded. "So, it's like this..."