Tired of it...

"Don't move..." Hunter said his eyes wide as he grabbed Sophie looking the whale in the eyes. On the system interface a flashing icon was right in front of his face.

[Leave The Sage Realm?]

[Yes] [No]

'... Yeah, this is too dangerous for Sophie' Hunter thought to himself as he pressed yes, appealing back in his bed without Sophie, who was standing in the middle of his room.

Sophie looked around as she was about to scream but then realized they were in his room. "W-What just happened?" She asked with a frightened tone as Hunter thought quickly and looked down at the tea.

"You drank some of my laced tea, I got into drugs in my few months away from you guys, Didn't think you'd come in while I was under my bed... lost my shoe," Hunter told a Bullshit story...

After some light convincing and begging from Hunter's side, he finally managed to get the girl to leave him alone.

Now that he knew other people would be able to access the items, even if by accident, Hunter made a note to be more careful. Many things could go wrong if someone else managed to get something from the system.

"Phew... I'll go another day," Hunter said to himself, putting the [Tea Of The Sage] in his inventory and nodding off to sleep...


As he was getting ready for school, still no sign of his father, Hunter received a random notification.

(Social Status:5 (Well Known in your town)

'Hm?' Hunter raised an eyebrow as he finished combing his hair.

He had grown surprisingly all right looking, but mostly due to his newfound confidence. The system still made him look bad, meaning he would need to do something to get that little push up into the next rank.

"I'm leaving without you!" A yell came from the front door as he rolled his eyes and grabbed his back, quickly running through the house to catch Sophie, who would be driving them.


Hunter widened his eyes as his mother turned the corner, slamming into her and causing her to fall to the ground.

"M-Mom I'm sorry I didn't" Hunter started to say scrambling to help his mother up before his hand was swatted away.

"Don't touch me" Hunter's mother said glaring as she stood up on her own, walking in the opposite direction.

"Heh... Is it really so much to ask for you to love me?" Hunter's voice reached his mother's ears as he walked away, not caring about the short pause.

"Blame your father..." Hunter's mother muttered under her breath as she clutched her shirt with a strained expression as she remembered her husband's talk with her...

(After Hunter was hospitalized)

"You invited him to come back?... Good... He's still just a kid after all" Hunter's mother was saying to her husband as she smiled softly only for her husband to suddenly be in front of her.

"Yes, I did..." He said before reaching down and grabbing her chin pointing her face toward him, "And I'll need you to be different... He's already so used to being ignored because of Damian... treat him the same way... in fact... be worse..." Hunter's father said clicking off a device as Hunter's mother struggled for a second then relaxed her entire body, looking at her husband with a glare.

"I truly love this device, I can control people and they'll even know about it, Isn't that just great?" Hunter's father chuckled as he out the remote control looking object away and walked out the door.

'Mom... I don't think this man is as great as you said...' Hunter's mom started crying as she sat in the bed, not able to do what she wanted...


"Hunter! You damn bastard!" Bree yelled punching toward the boy she had called only for him to duck under it and spin until he was walking next to her.

"What'd I do?" He asked confusedly as she smacked his hand away and blushed. "Y-you... you left me in the hands of that pervert!" Bree said before ducking behind him.

"I can see you, new student, do we need a repeat of yesterday?" The student council president asked as she smiled almost sadistically looking at Bree's shivering form.

"Hah... I see" Hunter said with a sigh as he forgot to explain what the student council's punishments consisted of. Being part of a large family, she could do pretty much whatever she wanted with no punishment...

She didn't exploit it like the usual trash though, only abusing it when she felt... in simple terms, Horny.

"What did you do to her?... Bondage... Collar?... Uhh... Embarrassment?" Hunter gulped as he saw the president just nodding with a smile at each thing he said, now he understood Bree's fear.

"What about you hunter?... Are you ever going to act up?" The President asked causing Hunter to sweat a little just as his sister smacked him in the back of the head.

"You could have let me park the car, seriously you're so useless, why don't you get your own license?" Sophie asked annoyedly as she looked forward seeing the president.

"Ah hello queen, I heard Lincoln was coming to challenge us for the top spot in the city?... Can I go first?" Sophie asked excitedly as Bree started to poke out.

"What do you mean?" She asked slightly shy as she saw Hunter being so comfortable with the beautiful girl in front of him.

"Hm?... Oh my God!" Sophie jumped back behind the president looking at Bree and Hunter in disgust. "You're dating a loser like him? I feel bad for you, don't be surprised when he ghosts you, Delilah came to the house every day until we told her he skipped town..."

Hunter widened his eyes at the mention of Delilah and his mood immediately plummeted, the girl's look of practical disgust still fresh in his mind from yesterday.

"I'll be going now" Hunter told the girls and twisted out of Bree's way before walking up to the school, no point in having that conversation.

'Ugh... This is getting annoying' Hunter thought as he saw the group of kids looking at him.

"Come with us Frias, Don't bother fighting" One of them said grabbing his backpack and walking him around the school, a little bit of electricity flashing through Hunters eyes...