Subject 42-B


Muffled screams are all that echoed in the room contained as a man was waking up to, laying flat on his back. Blinding light obscured his vision to prevent him from opening his eyes as even that seemed impossible as the light bled through his eyelids. Every inch of his body felt numb except for his eyes, as he could move them about but barely. He could feel the touch of something holding his legs and arms down but not sure as to what or where he was. Then his mind came to realization, why doesn't he remember who he was?

Panic seeped into his chest as his breathing became erratic and his eyes were trying to find anything that could help him identify himself. But when he started breathing heavily, soon silhouetted figures of something hovering over him. His eyes bounced between the two of them as he heard muffled sounds of words spoken back and forth. They looked at one another before returning their darkened gazes to him.

"Subject has regained consciousness and seems to be holding up well." The one to his right said.

Then the other on his left raised a needle, "We should sedate him before we bring him into the chamber. You know new subjects haven't survived the process while awake." Their voice was more higher pitched as he was able to pick out in his panic. But the other raised a hand and shook their head.

"No, I think we may have a strong one this time, bring him to chamber 2-B and we shall start with serum 12-C."

"Sir, you think that is wise? The head of Cer-" They were cut off by the figure to his right.

"I know what the warnings of starting at serum 12-C would do to normal subjects. But I have faith in this one for you saw how it acted in his presence. He is the one I am sure of it..." After that his mind couldn't take it anymore as the figure on his left sighed and looked at him. His own mind shut down from extreme panic which caused the voices to grow distant and silent. But he would soon awaken to the sound of his own screams. His body felt like it was on fire as someone had injected him with a liquid inside a needle. They quickly retreated behind some mechanical doors as they watched him squirm and reach out to the air in a futile attempt to pray for it to be over.

He could feel as if his bones were melting inside his body, like someone was pouring liquid metal inside him as it spread across his body. He closed his eyes, trying to remain conscious as he tossed and turned on the table. The feeling of pain and absolute torture was all he could feel as his body was fighting whatever they injected him with. After what felt like hours, he was slowly calming down, the pain slowly vanishing, the suffering he was enduring was finally coming to an end. His labored breathing was the only thing he could hear and see as his chest rose and fell. He was alive...

Closing his eyes he finally could let go as he lost consciousness again as he heard the door open and footsteps approached him. This process was repeated for hours, days, weeks, months. He lost count of how many he had endured while in this strange facility. He marked the days with a blueberry smeared on the wall. Marks of lines in sets of five repeated for well over 50 sets. He was running out of wall space as he had been losing count slowly as each day passed for him. All he knew about himself was that he was a man, he guessed roughly in his late 20's and seemed to had been physically built. He had dirty blonde hair and a lightly tanned skin tone. He wasn't sure about what his face looked like or what his eye color was as he never had access to a mirror.

Heavily armed guards would come to collect him and drag him off to a room to get his hair cut and bathe, but nothing more than that. New clothes were provided every 2 days as part of the routine they had for him. No time to meet other people as he could hear other screams coming from rooms nearby. He got to know he was being worked on by human scientists. Apparently part of some experiment they had going for them as they never could stop talking during their brief moments of not sticking him with needles. They called him Subject 42-B, as he couldn't remember who he was or where he came from. No knowledge of what he did before winding up where he was.

Everything felt alien, even food was sparse as only small blocks of meals were provided. They were easily consumed and spread out in the week as they kept the subjects weak enough as to rely on the food. While the food itself was highly nutritious and provided the basic needs for ones body. Other than the water they provided which he found was completely purified of any possible contaminants as the guards mentioned something about it. Subject 42-B continued to endure the tests, as his body felt alien to himself time after time. Like it never belonged to him after the tests but quickly went back to normal as if nothing happened.

Whatever they were doing to him, it was like someone was turning his insides inside out, but then fixing them as if nothing happened. This only started occurring after they had moved him to a different room. He was only able to tell it was different from the previous room as it smelt cleaner, and less used. However, 42-B was subjected to worse serums from these rooms. Serum 32-D, 3-A, and something called Eclipse-9. For the last one, Eclipse-9, he had been put to sleep and woke up with a scar on his chest the next time he woke. He only then started to lose count as he had been asleep for a month and couldn't figure out the exact date.

It was his next test he was meant to be prepared for as he had yet to receive any food or water since the morning bell. Usually it came just after but something must have kept the delivery as even the guards were starting to talk amongst themselves.

"Hey, what is taking John so long with the delivery? Isn't he always on time?" One man said to the right of the door. The other on the left laughed as he could hear the sound of his clothing click together with the metal objects on his person.

"He is, which if you haven't heard, he is so punctual that if he misses any appointment he cuts his..." He paused for a moment and took a step away from the door. "Hey did you hear that?" 42-B didn't hear anything as the door was pretty thick and was only just barely able to hear the guards just outside the door. The sound of their footsteps seemed to vanish from the door. As soon they did, 42-B got up and crept towards the door and placed his ear on it. Trying to listen to the guards outside, he was able to catch a few things.

"Isn't that... no he doesn't have a limp... sir stop!" Then the sound of a gunshot was heard as one of the guards had fired their weapons. A loud ringing could be heard in the hallways and passing though the doors. It rang in his ear so loud he pulled away and groaned from the impact on his eardrum. That is when he could hear screaming coming from the hallway. A noisy scream that seemed to send his blood into a heated frenzy. His spine tingled as he got goosebumps across his body.

The sound of more gunshots could be heard as soon the guards were yelling to run from whatever was outside. That is when he heard, "Subjects have escaped containment, get more units down here on sub level 137 and bring heavy weapons!" Then the sound of loud footsteps could be heard down the hall. Their speed was picking up as he had turned to his bed and dived for under it. He squeezed under the bed as he heard the scream of a man. Then the pounding on his door as massive dents were created in the 3 inch thick door. The dents kept coming as more and more of them seemed to weaken the structure of the door that kept him in side the room safe. But whatever was behind that door was stronger than the door itself and was slamming something wet and squishy against the door.

When it finally broke through, a massive arm had tendrils and spines covering it. Like his body but there was one thing he didn't want to ever see in his lifetime. Whatever the creature was, it didn't hold nothing back as it wasn't the kind of thing you'd see in a movie. On the ground, 42-B saw the tendrils enter the man's mouth and nose. It seemed to pulsing and depositing something in the man's mouth. Then it retreated and left him with a body hanging off as its head was destroyed. It was now the door that needed to be passed through as the thought he had a chance to escape. Little did he know, that the facility was under attack.