Who am I?

Watching in horror as the tendril left the man's body. Sliding down and into his room he heard the vile crunch of the man's spine as it rolled onto its chest. 42-B crawled out from the bed as he continued to hear gunfire coming from outside his room. The screams of men and the unknown monsters alike were mixed into a cacophony of pain and death. Looking at the door he believed he could fit through and possibly get out. The main problem was how could he escape or run free with a creature that could break a 3 inch steel door with a few punches.

Deciding he had better chances out there than trapped in a room with a corpse. While catching it twitch in the corner of his eye, he turned to see it convulsing slightly. The sound of bones breaking, the flopping body seemed to have protrusions pushing from his chest and face as it started to growl. He needed to get out of there fast, his body was telling him to flee and he listened to it without a second thought.

Lifting himself up and slowly trying work his way around the sharp points and jagged edges of the broken metal. He couldn't risk cutting himself in any vital area. As he got his legs out the hole he started to turn and see that the man had sat up and bent his back looking up to the ceiling. He watched it slowly rise up as thin limbs of flesh and sharp bone started to twitch and flex.

His eyes widened as he saw a horrific monster in front of him. It's chest began to split open as rows of teeth were formed under its ribs. The little limbs started to wiggle in his direction as the creature let out a piercing screech as it came rushing towards him. 42-B slid his body out of the hole while he watched the creature start to impale itself on the door's sharpened pieces. Blackened blood poured from the creature as it tried to bite through the door.

When he had gotten through the door he had fallen into a pool of red as his grey clothes soaked in the liquid. He knew what it was, the scent of copper was all over his side and back. He was laying in blood. Quickly getting to his feet he ran down a hallway. Hoping to find someplace to hide before he would be discovered by more of those creatures. He ran down corridor after corridor. Seeing nothing but the white walls covered in stains of red and bullet holes.

Everything he saw made his stomach do flips as he was had never seen anything like this nor did he think ever did. He couldn't take it anymore and vomited off to the side in a nearby plant pot. It was in a corner he thought would be good to do it in, as he wasn't exactly quiet about it. Catching his breath 42-B continued to run and try to find something or some place to hide.

Eventually he came across a body with a security badge. The person's head was completely smashed in, missing an arm, and a leg. Kneeling next to the body he found that the badge was a Level 1 Clearance badge. He looked at the nearby door to his right and saw a blue scanner. Taking the badge and hovering it near the scanner caused the door to open. On it said, "Supply Cabinet," which he guessed that he might find something in there he could use to defend himself or possibly a change of clothes.

Entering the room he could see a few bodies of soldiers and destroyed weapons on their persons. Meaning no weapon from them as a firearm. For 42-B wasn't even sure he could use it properly anyway. He looked at the lockers and started opening them one by one. Most seemed empty other than pictures of families, snacks, clothing not his size. Until he came across a locker with the name K. Raymus. His head started to sting causing his vision to flash as images flooded his mind. He saw numbers repeated in his head, a mirror inside the locker, and stashed clothes inside.

He looked at the locker and found it had a lock on it, having seen the numbers in his mind, 42-B tried inputting them to see if they were the ones he saw. With an audible click as he tugged on the dial lock, it unlocked. His eyes widened as he opened and found a thing of spare clothes inside. Inside he had a pair of brown pants, brown boots, and a green camo-shirt. He saw the mirror but it's pieces were on the ground as he had opened it. Scattered across the floor he picked up a piece and finally got to see his face. He could see that he was a mess. His eyes seemed to have dark rings underneath them from lack of proper sleep. His hair was cut short but had grown out some since the last time the people cut it. As he finally got to see his eye color, he was surprised at how green they were. A bright forest green color.

He smiled to himself, even in this current situation he could smile and be happy to have seen his face. Setting the shard down he grabbed the clothes and was quickly changing into them. They felt a little stiff as if they were in there for a long time. He couldn't exactly remember anything of his past, but the flashes of images and numbers were something of his life. Just being in the room and looking at the locker he could see the initials of the first name on the locker and the last name, Raymus.

The clothes fit a little snug as he felt them compress against his body. He didn't do anything as it was automatically done for him. Deciding to refer to himself as K for the time being till he could find out his name, he would also go by Raymus. Though, K was happy to have some kind of name, he wasn't sure if it was the best suit for him. He wasn't himself anymore, he wasn't who he used to be. Just some human experiment that the doctors used to further their agenda. To what that agenda was, he didn't know.

Living up one of the bodies of the soldiers that were inside the room, he managed to find an intact body light, a wrist Comm-Link, and a knife. Not his greatest find but it was something regardless. He had no feeling towards the dead as anything dead here was lucky to not be alive and witness everything here. But now he had to leave the room as the security door also responded by those walking up to it. If a individual with the badge on them still walks by, they could open the door by accident. K really didn't want to be on this side of the door when that happened.

He brought one of the soldier bodies to sit on the bench. He removed the harness on them that could hold a sidearm and a a couple belt pouches. He wasn't wanting to potentially leave behind ammunition if he thought he could use a gun. That is when he heard something walking outside the door. He scrambled to the side of the entrance and waited. Something approached the door, clicking and making weird gurgling sounds.

As it got close enough, the door did open like he had suspected. When it did so, the creature on the other side rushed forward quickly and lunged at the body on the bench. It started chomping away on it as it thought it was a live corpse. K managed to slip out the door and escape the room, though the creature inside turned to see him run. Unlucky as he heard its body letting out a hissing roar as it gave chase. He ran and jumped over bodies on the ground, but the creature didn't stop. It leapt to the wall and started leaving holes in it as it crawled on all fours still coming for him. Black eyes had formed around the chest cavity as the mouth of the creature was wide open. K didn't know why it hadn't caught him yet, as these things were definitely fast, but he was flying down the hall. He rounded a corner to find a few soldiers standing over a body of a creature. They all turned to see him running towards them.

"Whoa! Sir stop where you are!" One man said with his hand out but K didn't have time to stop as the creature was coming up on him. He waved his arms to show he was innocent as saw them raising their weapons. The creature behind him leapt on the wall again but with a loud thud as it stopped completely. That's when all the soldiers took aim at the creature and released their bullets upon the monster. While K dove to the ground to avoid the shots. The creature whined as the bullets hit it, making it flinch and lose grip on the wall, falling to the ground twitching and making small clicks.

K looked up as he saw the soldiers all panting from the creature still being in sight and still barely moving. That's when he saw that it had fallen and began to curl into a fetal position as it died. The body began to breakdown hissing and turning into a brown and pink sludge. When it had died, the soldiers all looked at K and pointed their guns at him.

"Stand up, who are you?" The one in the middle asked, his rifle trained on K's head. He slowly got to his feet and had his arms up.

"I don't know," K said, trying to play it cool, "I suffered concussion in the locker room down the hall. That is when that thing found me." The other soldiers looked at one another then to K. The noticed his military Comm-Link on his wrist along with some other standard gear for a soldier. While K himself was looking at them, he could tell these guys would shoot him if they heard anything off about his story.

"Where are your weapons soldier? You can't hope to fight these things with your bare fist and knife." K explained that they broke by the creature when he had awoken to it munching on another soldier. They all lowered their weapons as they let out an almost simultaneous sigh.

"Here," the one in the middle pulled out his sidearm, "If anything aim for the head or any spots that look like they're glowing. We still don't know why they end up dying after they are destroyed, but it works." K took the pistol, it was not what he had pictured it to look like. The design was more like as if it were made of bone. It had a reddish brown finish on the handle while the rest of the weapon was almost bone white. K noticed the little lever on the side of the gun and saw that it fell forward to reveal a cylinder magazine inside. He counted 8 bullets already inside.

"Don't lose that," the man even gave him a specialize pouch for its ammunition. He looked inside and found mags inside that had bullets attached to them. He guessed they were fast loading magazines. Holstering the pistol after closing it back up. They all heard a loud thumping sound coming from down the hall behind the soldiers. They all turned, checked their ammo count then aimed down the hall. K wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen but all his instincts told him to run.

"Maybe we should go before whatever is there comes this way." K suggested, trying to be with heavily trained individuals but also they had loud weapons which he guessed drew the creature's attention. As they could see, a large hand gripped the corner and pulled its body forward. A mass of churning flesh, tendrils shaking about wildly, and its mouth. Just like the more human looking ones, it's mouth was a large grotesque hole full of teeth and eyes. It didn't have any legs that he could see, but it's arms were massive and strong.

K could then hear a ringing in his head, 'no not now!' He pleaded as he wasn't having a flash of images. But instead, pure emotions, pouring into him. He could feel rage, pain, and an endless hunger. When he looked at the creature he saw all its eyes look at the soldiers and him. That's when he heard a voice come from within his mind.

"Kill meeee!!!" That is when the creature roared and charged them. It's massive arms grabbing the ground and dragging itself towards them. The soldiers opened fire, bullets flew and loud bangs echoed through the hallway. K didn't know what to do, but noticed something coming from the other end of the hall. More of the humanoid creatures, though they seemed slow as they gobbled their way over to the gunshots. They arms outstretched with claw like fingers and tendrils reaching out from their chest.

"Behind us!" K shouted, as one of the soldiers turned to see that more creatures were coming.

"Let's move!" The man in the middle shouted, as the group turned to head down the hall to their left. "We should be able to reach the elevator if we move fast enough. That creature should be slow enough that it would have a hard time getting to us." K was moving at pace with the soldiers, they were huffing and puffing, but K wasn't winded. Even with all the running he did before, he didn't feel tired. As they rounded another corner, they had to stop at a door labeled "level 3" as it seemed even these guys didn't have something that high.

The man in the back stepped forward and pulled out a small device. "Give me some cover and I'll open this door. Should only take 5 minutes." The soldiers reloaded and took positions to protect their fellow soldier. While K wasn't sure that 5 minutes was going to be short enough for them to escape the monsters. He pulled out the pistol and checked its ammo count again. Still 8 bullets, shots he could not miss or it would possibly end his life. As they waited, they could hear the howls and clicks of the creatures coming their way. And K was absolutely terrified.