Chapter 51 The King That Bring Great Despair

Yoki was looking at the hanging bodies above him and he sees that there were some guards that were throwing some bodies over in a pit and there were some enemy soldiers and Yoki couldn't help but feel angry.

"Who does that to people?"

"Hey, no need to be angry," Charl said

Charl was seeing after Yoki because she felt like she needed to keep Yoki under supervising because he might start something that he might not know how to get out of it.

"What are you doing?" Yoki said

"Look, I know that it made you mad but we in another world and we need to stay low, or else they will figure out that we not from this world."


"But, nothing. You start trouble then the church will get involve and they don't show no mercy on demons."

Yoki knew that he couldn't disagree with that information and so he had left it alone and he went with Charl.

"What are find out?"