Chapter 52 The King That Bring Great Despair Part 2

Commander Irene had made it to the town but it was connected to the kingdom of England and it lead to the Germanic tribe and Yoki was curious about this whole thing.

Yoki had turned to Jill and ask her a question.

"Jill, you said that there is a king name king Arthur right."

"Yeah, King Arthur and his knights of the twelve round table."

"King Arthur."

"Yes, King Arthur is a great king and at a young age when he pulls Excalibur from the stone he had been attacking and then he had to face many challengers but he was so powerful that he was able to stand his ground."

"That's helpful."

"Oh, no problem."

Yoki was thinking about what he needed to do about this situation and so he had gone out to go see the commander Irene.

"I about to go and see this commander in person."

"Wait, Yoki. The commander is very powerful and you better be careful."

"I know."