The Backup Plan

  "What was that?"

    "It's true, you might be mad, but this is what we were only thinking about for the people and their future of survival for their sake."

      "No, if it was for their sake then you would have told them that, but we didn't tell them that. You just leave them in the dark and let them feel happy until they figure out that they are doomed. I wish someone would have told me and my brother that the holy war was about to start, but that didn't happen and then there were people before us that were going to do the same thing. It like nobody didn't trust nobody to tell them the truth about what was really going on and now you got Wendy here and you telling her that she must decide to stay or go with your plan, but what if this place is filled with monsters about time we get there and there are already people there, and they are not friendly and say that we go to war with them."