Kai The Son of The Creator

    "Welcome, Roki. You too speechless about this situation. Am I right about that?"


      "You are speechless but I have been here for many years to look at something that would change and clear my mind through things."

          "So you been in here to see about what? You stay here because of that reason is that truthful."

            "I don't know, but my grandpa. He was a wise king and he travel through the omniverse for answers and he have a large sum of knowledge through the years and so he had made it to where he had to change his mind through something that would help his kingdom."


            "Yes, the kingdom of the omniverse. There are four omniverses and there are four kings that rule over the omniverse with all races, religions, and also there are also other things that made the people different."

            "So what does that make me?"