Vallemar, The Paladin of Ecological Justice
Since ancient times there are legends that commonly tell us about marine creatures and very unusually swampy creatures, the former living in the sea, the latter in swamps and rivers, whose special quality is their ecological and environmental powers.
"Well, not all of us believe in those things, since most of us believe in what they can see, and never in what they can feel." The paradox is that while humans lack faith; in the Ancashy Region, —the world parallel to ours— the Alghalys creatures, which inhabit river mouths and in the adjacent swamps, are preparing for a new cycle of nativity; when on the night of the 24th, at 12 o'clock on the meridian, the star of Bethlehem rises from Hades, which is plucked every year from the heart of Leviathan, - an end imposed by the almighty to remind him of his evil and the vigilance of the hidden light in it - so that it shines to the world and, thus, the emissaries of the Ancashy Kingdom can be guided towards the portal that unites their world with the world of humans.
Nice read! Your style of writing is good but I would like to advise you one thing. Do consider shortening the paragraph. They are always way too long and that could chase away new readers😄 Updating often is also a good way to gain avid readers! Good luck😊
This novel is superb! I gotta say I'm impressed nonetheless, Talented and skillfull author that is hardworking. A nice premise and hooking start! Kudos and congrats!......from review swap thread.
It's a nice book I highly recommend it and the character represents the reader's thought. It was very inspirational......................................