The Everlasting Survivalist

It's 3pm in the afternoon, and The sun is still bright in the sky. They fill the air with anger and destruction of the Congress In Washington, D.C. it's burned down to ashes, with people's heads on spikes with blood-shot eyes.

Back three hours before this happened, was the new president and vice-president taking the oath to forever stand with the people and to never sway their ideas of the saying "For the people" until people hear a mechanical "Ding! Sound announcing to them that the disintegration of their world is coming into motion, The only way to escape from the lifeless void is to find one of the millions of survivalist notes.

People around the world came to an uproar, The masses of people at the inauguration got into a crazed state because of the ending of the planet, They boom rushed, the guards scratching, kicking, and biting off their ears and anything they can get their hands on.

Trying to eliminate the leaders from controlling the distribution of these survivalists notes to the "higher society" of people.

Running down the streets of California City, Axel is watching the carnage happening as he runs by watching his own friends attacking another for survival of their own lives, Axel runs home to see his door broken open, wondering how it became like this, he goes in cautiously, invading many problems as possible.

He comes to see his family laying all over the place, slaughter and dismembered filling the apartment with a deep Hysteria, causing Axel deep grief.

Trying to deny the gruesome scene in front of him, holding his stomach down, keeping his mentality under control but slips remembering the times he spent taking care of his baby sister when she was born helping her take her first steps, Mother giving kisses at night telling him everything will be alright, Dad was never there and still don't know who or where he's at.

Remembering what that mechanical announcement had told him that the world is fitted to end and that the only way out is to find a survivalist note, knowing that there's nothing in the world for him, now that the only family he had Left and loved is gone it's time to bury them and make my way to find this survivalist note.

Finally, leaving the apartment of his past and now present, leaving behind the sorrow and pain looking to survive the next day, Axel continues to run and run till he can't stop running, dodging burning cars and broken bottles being thrown across the streets going into the park where he sees a whimpering black German Shepherd all by itself.

Axel, not knowing what to do, calms down and approaches the dog slowly and sees what's wrong with the dog.

Approaching the black dog slowly, but surely Axel puts his hand out making sure that he doesn't mean any harm, The dog sees this and tilts its head in confusion and jogs towards Axel happily licking his hand and face.

He brushes his head up against Axel's chest, wanting to be patted on the head, Axel startled at first, Then rubs his head and continues to look for the survivalist note.

Still hearing the rampaging chaos in the distance, Axel heads South of the chaos and into Green lake forest where he and his sister used to go fishing and swimming, remembering those things that brings joy, but also pain, tears drip down his face subconsciously, wiping the tears off my face I need to hurry and find the survival note, it's getting even more chaotic out there.

Bark! Bark! Looking back, Axel sees the dog that was whimpering earlier, I guess it wants to follow me OK since I don't see a collar on you; I guess I have to give you a name myself.

Axel and his newly named dog Jacob ventures through the forest, stepping on branches and leaves, hopping over logs and fallen trees.

The skies darken with a red hue as I hear the people become even more worrisome and hurrying for longevity wanting to extend their lives not wanting to end their lives for others wanting to take life by the wheel despite who is trying to stop them, ending them as fast as they show up.

Looking through the forest, passing cobwebs and stray animals here and there every few minutes nothing bigger than a red strip fox.

Out of the blue, Jacob does a low growl and starts approaching what's behind the bush while Axel runs ahead and finds a team of heavily armed men.

It's about three to four men with a standard rifle, and pistol as their side arm, rummaging high and low through the forest.

Axel not even stupid knowing dame well what these men are here, for likely they were order by someone with power and money and found the location of one of the survivalist notes.

Not even thinking if it's true or not, it's just a speculation, however if they do end up finding it then, I'll have to think of what to do if they do find it, either kill them or create a diversion.

Crouch walking steadily behind them with Jacob on the side of Axel, They continue to walk for about four to five hours now and still haven't found anything that looks like a note.

[Crunch!] .... Bang! Bang! Bang! Roy, why did you shoot were almost too our destination, I thought I heard something following us, must have been my imagination, alright, let's just continue, we're almost there anyways.

Stopping where they left off, Axel confirmed that they found it now the new plan is to get one of them alone and take their equipment and kill the rest of them. Now the only thing is how to attract one of them.

Looks like there's only about ten minutes left until they reach the note, I need to do something fast, let's think about what's around me, there's a few rocks, sticks and a little pond, OK, I got a plan now, let's enact it.

[Thunk!] [Thunk!] Sh*t! What the f*ck was that, Hey, y'all keep going I'm just fit to check what's over here, real quick, Alright be careful Roy, Don't worry about me, just get the note and hurry we don't got enough time.

OK Axel it's all good now is the next part, Jacob your ready right, Jacob nodded his head affirming that he understands, The armed men approaches slowly towards where he thinks the rock came from, he turns the corner to see a full black dog there whimpering, breathing a sigh of relief, Roy starts walking to the dog with a sinister smile and pulls out his combat knife, thinking of sadistically torturing it, then out of nowhere he is being pushed.

Axel took the opportunity to get behind him and push him over while Jacob bites down on his throat, Axel kicks away the guns and grabs the knife and stabs him in the chest repeatedly, Roy tries to get a hold of his balance, thinking of what's happening, this was all planned out, and I'm fits to die at the hand of what to be an eighteen to nineteen-year-old boy, And having his throat in the jaws of the dog that he was fits to torture.

Now lying in a pool of his own blood, he took his last breath, his last look, and his last touch, Axel, didn't waste any time to bury him he just kicked him over in a ditch, took the guns and armor and put it on now heading towards the others.

Johnny and the other men are wondering where Roy is, he's taking so long even though we found it, we just need him and them were good to head back, a deafening crack of thunder filled the air with fear and danger, Quickly trying to prepare and aim their guns, unknowingly they all fall down without a trace of what had happened, or what killed them, at the corner of Johnny eye he sees a black dog and a young adult approaching him and his men shooting them between the eyes ending their lives.

Chocking on his own blood, his vision looking hazy, the coldness spreading from his head to his toes, the numbness in his fingers as he gasps for the little of air he has left, and grasp the little of time to try and grab his gun, [Bang!] finishing his life now it's time to get what I came here for the survivalist note is in the ground.

Axel picks up the note and Here's a Ding! Noise saying that You are the first one to enter the Everlasting World for your quick thinking and decisive actions, you will be bestowed upon a gift for being the first, you are granted with the knowledge of the world.