The Starter Kit

Congratulations! For being the first Survivalist to make it to the Everlasting World, You will receive the starter kit, In the Starter kit is 1x respawn crystal -Can respawn you at your home base when you construct one,1x Tamer Contract-Constructs, a psychic link between you and your desired companion, 10x workers, and 500x wood,500x stone and 5 medium bags of food lasting you for a week.

Now understanding the situation that Axel is now in, he has to make do with the things that he has on him, which is the rifle with a couple mags left and the combat knife, And the combat armor, Thinking of how to start, he grabs the Tamer Contract and activate it by cutting his finger and drips blood on the contract.

[Ding!] Choose your desired companion, Axel says Jacob's name in his head and here's another voice besides his!

Jacob was that you speaking in my head just now? Bark! Yes master that was, this place is different from the forest, Bark! Master what's this thing called a status?

Wait! You have a status, how'd you do that? I don't know it just came to me, maybe you should try your master.

Name:Axel Black


Level:1 (0/100)








Talent:World Knowledge(Only of this World)


Hmm.… Looks pretty good to me, seems only fair, Seems like I can have my own territory first I need to establish my base first, Let me see what Jacob's stats look like, Jacob! Yes master, tell what your status says, alright master.









Skills:Vicious Bite

Wow! I can't believe Jacob has a skill already, OK now that's over, let's look for a habitable area to set up and defend easily and scout out the creatures, I know from the knowledge I was given that this region I'm in with flat lands and hilly mountains is called the shrystical region with little to medium size creatures ranging from level 1 to 100 and there's a boss creature every ten levels and the boss creature is three times more powerful than the common creatures.

The creatures that appear in this region are not that many about 100 to 120 different species of creatures, We can hunt a few on are way gaining a few levels.

Jacob! Come here, Yes master, Do you think you can lure one of those Vicious Hounds over here.

Axel crept slowly behind a bush while Jacob runs back to him with one vicious hound on his tail, Axel tells Jacob in his mind to stop and stand your ground and walk slowly in a circle so that the hound's back faces him.

Axel breathes in a slow breath and pulls out his combat knife and jumps out of the bush stabbing into the hound's right back leg causing it to howl in pain trying to turn around and get its balance together, Jacob uses his Vicious bite skill [SNAP!] and breaks the hound left front leg, having no escape and no hope tries to struggle to at least get away for now.

Ding! You slayed a Vicious Hound. You gained 5x Hound hide,10x raw meat, and received the Hound breeder manual.

Gained 20 Exp from killing Vicious hound, Your companion gained 20 Exp.

Let's look at our loot that we got Hound Hide-can be used to make tools and clothes, Raw meat can be cooked or be given to wild animals, Don't eat raw will cause food poisoning and stomach aches.

Hound breeder manual


Uses- can be used to breed or Care for the offspring of the hound.

Requirement :None

Wait! Since there's no requirement on who can use this then can Jacob use this? Jacob try and see if you can use this manual.

Yes master, I can it's in my skills slot now, want to catch a couple?not yet let's kill the other hounds and look around the area and see if there is any den or hole that looks like it can occupy a few hounds.

Ding! You have Leveled up to 7, 5 free attributes,5x Hound hide,10x raw meat, and Gained a skill book called Vicious Slash, Would you like to learn this skill? Yes or No, Yes You gained Vicious slash can Viciously slash three times, repeatedly do thirty damage all together.

Now let's look at my current stats

Name:Axel Black


Level:7 (200/3200)








Talent:World Knowledge(Only of this World)

Skills:Vicious Slash

I have 35 free attributes on me I'll take my strength, intelligent and agility all to 20 and that leaves me with 20 left I'll put 5 and 5 into strength and agility than raise my intelligent to 30.

Jacob should be around me, but he mostly focused more on strength and the second speed, Ok Jacob, you think you can stiff out the Hound trail, Sniff Bark! Bark! Master I picked up a faint scent this way leading into a rocky area near the mountains.

Jogging in the rocky area that Jacob said that he smelled the hound's offspring, where a little ways in if we can find a few and raise them, then they can be used as hunting dogs and cannon fodder really, that's all I can think of at the moment.

Yelp! Yelp! Do you hear that listen in for the location of the sound Jacob, Yelp! Yelp! Yelp! I found it master okay take me there, It's North of here in a small barren cave.

Bark! Master there's about three to five little doggies, over here Yes Jacob, okay, can you use the new skill on them, Master there's a screen in front of me displaying their stats after I use the skill on them, it says that I'm their father! What how's that possible!

Let me look at your stats









Skills:Vicious Bite, Hound breeder.


Well, dame, I guess you are a father now, how does it feel now Jacob that you suddenly became a father of a litter, Well, master, I feel a since of protection for them even though they are not truly my, I'll treat them as such.

Wow! I didn't really expect to hear that from you Jacob, I guess being a Father, really change your personality or given you a more mature aura to you.

Alright now that we got what we came here for, let's find a place to set up are base, I think it'll be good to be next to you, mountains and a sea, one or the other, Both are very essential to are defense, Jacob round them up and let's get moving looks like our base doesn't have to be that far from the mountains, I see a valley nearby, may take us at least 20 to 30mins tops to get to the valley, so let's level up while we get there.

Huffing and Puffing an out of breath, Axel and Jacob take a break and calculate their gains.

Open Inventory! We got 513x Hound Hide, 528x Raw Meat, 5x Vicious Slash skill books,1x flamodo breeder manual.

Huh? What is a flamodo in the first place, wait, let me look through the knowledge!

Flamodo-Is a flaming hog with spikes down its back that has a trait skill called Flaming Spew that shoots out to a 30-meter distance equivalent to about 40 steps away, Burns wood to char and metals to liquid.

Level 10! Achieved, You've been awarded with The ThunderStroke Whip Sword

:Thunderstroke Whip Sword(Rare)-Imbued with the power and strike like thunder.

- +20 streagth, +10 Agility,

- ThunderStrike:Calls the power of thunder from the sky and strikes an 15 meter radius