The Unseal meant of the lost race

Ha! Ha! I didn't expect to get this on my first level up to 10. That thunder strike skill is great for medium to sizable groups of monsters.

We killed about 40-60 Vicious hounds, and were right at the new base location, let rest and check how many free attributes we got and how much our stars have grown, Hmm I wonder if I can add the attributes on Luck or Charm, usually you can't maybe we can since this is another world and the rules don't apply here.

Name: Axel Black

Territory:30 square kilometers

Level:10 (200/10,000)








Talent: World Knowledge (Only of this World)

Skills: Vicious Slash

Jacob, where are you at, show me your status.

Name: Jacob

Race: Monster

Level:10 (460/17,000)






Skills: Vicious Bite, Hound breeder.

Pack Leader (Father): Underlings (Pups-5)

Seems, Like we have grown reasonable strength.

Ok time to set up our village, First I need to activate the village heart, Axel cuts his finger and drips blood on the village heart forming an ownership bond.

The village hearts shine brightly, illuminating the sky as if the heavens are welcoming us with open arms, Constructing a few buildings and a small fence.

Name Your Village!...

Suǒyǒu guàiwù de jiā, meaning home to all monsters.

I'm not really a fan of joining with other humans of my race, I used to be into anime and manga. All I saw in there were Humans destroying the world they were already in, or bringing their culture and advanced weaponry knowledge over to the other world and breaking the natural order.

Thus, I'd rather have a home for all the monsters that need protection, a family, or someone to protect others.

Let's look at the Status for the village.

Village Name: Suǒyǒu guàiwù de jiā

Rarity: Common (0/100)

Level: initial (0/6000)

Village Area:1 square km

Village Territory:35 square km


Soldier Limit:40

Popular support:70/100 (The higher the popularity, the more people you would attract to your village)

Dame! This looks like a piece of crap, I know this is just the beginning, but this is Humiliating, We'll just have to make do with this and make it the most powerful Empire of them all.

Let's look on the average of people that our village will attract

Attraction Rate:10-15 Daily (As the rarity of your village increases, the amount of villagers increases! As well)


Jade Flame Ape Lord, Phantom Dark Claw Fox Lord, or... The one race that has been sealed for millenniums with the insignia being the mythological beast....


This is not the original based chimera, this chimera race is very…. Unique.

They can take the DNA of other monsters and create a new species, Taking on the characteristics of some of the mo DNA.

Alright Since it's pretty obvious on which to pick, I Choose Chimera!

A fiery red glow shines around Axel as it seeps into his body, changing his physique, making Taller, Stronger and Faster, And changing his constitution from a human one to a monster race, changing his aura from a light yellow to a dark blue, giving off a sense of sovereignty.

Jacob and the five pups feel the instinct to fear kneeling before the King or Alpha.

Axel looks at his new self, Uh? What happened? (Looks around his body) other than my physical appearance, nothing's really changed other than that, let me check my status.

Wow!! Everything more than doubled.

Name: Axel Black

Territory:30 square kilometers

Rarity: Uncommon

Race: Monster Sovereign

Level:10 (200/10,000)








Talent: World Knowledge (Only of this World) Able to extract the DNA of the monster by drinking their blood.

Skills: Vicious Slash

Bloodline Limit:10 (will increase every time you pass level 100)

Dame! "If" I got this much of a boost, let me see my village stats.

Village Name: Suǒyǒu guàiwù de jiā

Rarity: Common (0/102,000)

Level: initial (0/6000)

Village Area:3 square km

Village Territory:55 square km


Soldier Limit:140

Popular support:85/100 (The higher the popularity, the more people you would attract to your village)

Bloodlines Affect: Your villagers and soldiers will still have human forms, and be given a random bloodline from their Sovereign. (villagers, one bloodline, militia, two bloodlines, soldiers, three bloodlines, general four bloodlines, commanders, five bloodlines).

Ok, that seems pretty exceptional, I think we need to at least take the workers out and get them started on a few jobs.

I have one carpenter, four farmers, and five strong built men, two female and eight males.

All of y'all go gather rocks and sticks and make a pile, try to make a makeshift axe out of the stuff all of you gather, I won't be gone that long I'm just going to look for my first monster bloodline.

Jacob! Yes, master, we're going to go hunt, so bring the pups the faster they grow, the better for all of us.

We're going to head inward towards the mountains and see if there are any good monsters there, (AHH Woo!!!) (Ahh Woo!!) fades in the distance, Jacob hears this howl and informs Axel of what he heard.

Axel tells Jacob to follow that howl and run as quick as he can once you find it, do not lose sight of it.

Bark! Master, there's a strong smell coming from the northwest of the mountains heading towards the summit of the mountains.

Alright, I hope it's something that will benefit us, either a monster that's a strength build or speed based, we need strength for handling the laborer and lifting heavy things as such, and the agility to speed up the pace of wood and stone gathering.

Bark! Bark! Up ahead master their it is 45 meters away, Maser, I'll go ahead and scout the enemy.

It's a giant looking monkey who has a flame colored jade on his elbows, kneecaps and center forehead.

Wait What! I'm coming to see for myself.

Name: Jade Flame Ape

Race: Monster







Skills: Flame Punch, Howling Flame

[HUD DUB!] [HUD DUB!] Axel's heartbeat uncontrollably, Sweat starts to drip down his palms, Axel feeling anxiety, danger, and excitement for the battle to emerge.

Gripping his combat knife and signaling Jacob and the pups that have grown half the size of Jacob now and their fur has resembled Jacob a little but with light blue tips while Jacob's fur is darker than before and his fur tips are a dark royal blue.

Jacob softly tells the pups to not enter 18 ft (5.49 m) of the beast's area, or it will throw their whole plan off, They encircled the Jade Flame Ape on all sides, cutting off its escape.

Axel acts first and rushes forward, and holds his combat knife on his side trying to close the gap as fast as possible, at that moment the jade flame ape opens his eye and glares at the attacker in front of him and smirks.

The jade flame ape gets up and punches towards Axel, little sparks of flames start to emerge around the ape's fists as it bursts the air at almost break neck speed.

Axel kicks off the ape's arm and jumps to the side, getting burned in the process, at that moment axel cut the ape under his ribs

He is startled by Axel's sharp reflexes and acts upon this by using his skill and uses a flame punch once more.

Axel notices the second punch coming and signals Jacob and the others to come forward and has the latch on and bite on his arm, the punch is only a finger length away when Jacob chomps down on the ape's shoulder, interrupting the skill.

Jacob uses his own skill, Vicious Bite, Trying to crush the apes in one go.

The ape's muscles are three times as durable and tougher to cut or bite through, but still can leave a scratch, or hit multiple times.

The ape looks on his shoulder and looks at a black dog with royal blue tips biting down on his shoulder, then smirks at him, throwing him off to the side of him, then at the corner of his eyes five other hounds that look almost exactly like the other hound before, instead of them aiming for his shoulder they all aim for his leg while the man before jump down from the rock and slashed down on the same shoulder the Jacob bit.

[HOWL WHOO!] 5745/6000 Vicious slash caused bleed damage, damaging the ape two damage every second for thirty seconds totalling sixty damage in total.