
I'm Sorry I didn't mean to scare any of you like that I was just hurt, and I needed a new bloodline to get my healing ability starting back up and things got out of hand which I couldn't control.

After calming everyone down explaining the battle that went down why he is like the way that he is, everyone is calmed down and are not scared to death anymore and accept how Axel looks and doesn't judge the way he looks but thinks it's actually amazing.

Everyone is now excited about the new look that Axel has, inspecting his tattoo that is now green and black with its eyes being red, looking at his crystal like body with his sharp black claws, then his black and white eyes.

Now that everything is situated its time to get some flying creatures, telling Alex that has finished crying, of the plan of evacuation for the whole colony, now with chimera ants, they can discard any other parts that they don't like by regurgitating it up, but instead of just doing that and throwing out all the parts that aren't the wings, how about giving the rest of those parts to a flying creature that has the chimera race bloodline.

If we can do that we can strengthen the current bloodline of that race, then we'd be unstoppable, Now that the plan is established its time to get out of the hole while Alex can fly, Jacob noticed that he can climb the walls by extending his claws and freezing the wall and climbing form there, while Axel crawls on all fours and freezes his claws and climb up the wall.

After climbing up from the hole then exiting the cave, the group walk through the forest then change directions heading to the village first to ease the worrying of the villagers, after walking around for a few minutes, monsters that got too close, froze still and cried for their life whimpering and struggling to run away.

After reaching the village they also had the same reaction that the chimera ants and had to calm them down and punch a few of his soldiers because they had tried to attack him well because they thought he was a monster and tried to protect the village, so it's reasonable, but I don't liked to be portrayed as a monster, so I had to teach them a little lesson.

Everyone is calm and the village is progressing very well, and we have reached the halfway mark near upgrading to a Small village which will be the initial step in expanding the village to bigger lengths.

Talking to the soldiers of their expeditions wanting to know if they saw a flock of giant bird monster or rather insect monster, also looking at them, they are not really gaining any new bloodlines since the cap limit that they can't exceed over which is my bloodline.

Then hearing that there are a few villages but with rather strange villagers that occupied their when they said strange, I said how strange, and they paused and said that it's an insect villages that could fly and had long sharp claws, some even ate their own partner's head off after doing the do with them, it was rather gruesome and unpleasant.

The way that you described them sounds very familiar to an insect at my home world, well how far are they from here, There south of here with a population of 1,200 to 1,400, roughly they have basic defense with wooden walls, do you want us to accompany you My lord, Yes! There are two reasons why I need you with me, one is to understand your weaknesses that you will always have a limit to your bloodlines and that you need to overcome that with either weapons or fighting style, or you become a magic user.

You need to hone your skills by going through battle after battle, it's better if it's more life in death battles, that's where you improve the most, when your life is at death's feet ready to enter through the door when the light shines, and you see an alternate path to walk that's when you have become stronger.

The second thing that I wanted to tell you all was that me and Jacob found a secret tomb with draugr there, a type of skeleton for all of you that don't know what they are, They are very powerful, and they have ice magic which will freeze your blood flow and slow you down which will result in your movement being sluggish and either dying or being near death.

Since the village population is fits to be swelling after we bring the chimera ants into here and then that going to keep increasing, so I'll have to assign more soldier, I'll just go to the max limit which is 150, so gather 125 villagers that don't have a job and equip them with armor and weapons, for every 25 soldiers will have a different race bloodline, so there is diversity in combat.

For now the only thing we need to do is take command of that village and exterminate them, will have the karkdanns will surround the village and then round them up in one place and have the circle of karkadanns keep closing the circle when their numbers start to get smaller and then open the circle and commence the slaughter.

Alright now that the plan is set it's now to gather the soldiers and Desmond gather all the sub slimes and get them to control the karkadanns and have them surround the village when we get there, Alright Axel I'll get them round up.

After giving out the orders, Axel talks to Jacob and tells him to gather a couple of thousand hounds, then once he is done gather more flamodos numbering in the thousands as well, the more, the better.

Sending Jacob off on his own mission, which is to gather more hounds that will patrol and survey the village and territory that we occupied, then the second part of his mission is to gather more cattle, which is to support the big population that we are fits to bring in, and then it's to raise the level of the village and or rarity.

The preparations are all done, and we are setting out to march with me and Alex on a variant karkadann which has the base level of 54 and is the alpha of this herd they listen to him better but to control all of them we need Desmond's sub slimes which can control all at once like a hive and Desmond is their creator.

With the slimes that I gave to the soldiers that are not intelligent slimes, but can do the same things as Desmond but have the added elemental affinity that they are created with.

Reaching the village under the blanket of darkness we surround the village, while everyone is sleeping some of my men that are much sneakier and capture a few of the villagers, after capturing five insect villagers, Axel activates his Death Stare skill and have them pleading and groveling on the ground than a system notification popped up before my eyes.

[Ding! The Insectoid Adnit, Seno, Gruise, and Jooqle have Submitted]

Now it's time to make them fear me even more, As Axel speaks, the frosty air seeps out the side of his lips, his hands touch their body with a cold touch slightly freezing their shoulders, then he tells them to show him their wings after saying that, they quiver in fear and obediently show their wings.

Alex examines the wings, then tells Axel these will be great for the evacuation for the entire colony, then she asked Axel to give her a few men and karkadann to escort these insectoid to the underground, Axel gives her the permission, then he also said take them by the village and make one of them a citizen and regurgitate the rest of the parts into the one insectoid.

Yes Hubby! Then Alex leaves the four armed soldiers and a hundred karkadanns that are surrounded around Alex which is in the center of the group and heads to the village rather than the underground.

After doing that now it's time for the Level up Festival!

Soldiers! All of you will be fighting over 1,200 to 1,400 enemies. We will take no survivors except the eggs and or young other than those exceptions that kill all!!!


The words have been said: Now carnage will come! The weak will full prey before the strong.

The soldiers get on their karkadanns and charge the walls and once there through they get off and kill each and every one of the villagers, breaking through houses and killing the adults and elderly, slashing through them cutting them in half, chopping off their limbs and gutting out their eyes.

This is not for enjoyment, this is only because they won't die by a simple slash or even when their head is cut off.