The Evacuation

One hundred and twenty-five soldiers are fighting against almost 1,400 enemies, which is really a miraculous battle itself, but the enemy is very tenacious even if you stab them in the chest or cut off their head, they keep fighting or running for their lives for a few minutes and that's what's make it a little harder with them keep fighting back even after death.

Thinking of having Soldiers that fight even after death that have the chimera race bloodline turning that few minutes to hours then hours today's, then days to weeks and so on with that they will be the living dead soldiers.

With that being said, Axel tells the soldiers to leave fifty female insectoid villagers which can produce up to 100 eggs per female villager with that I can have about five thousand insectoid soldiers that will be my greatest army when they are grown they will be killing machines.

For the eating, the mate situation will have them eat the giant flamodos during the mating process so that the males will die no matter the race of which they choose to mate with.

Back to the battle everybody is killed except the fifty females and the thirty thousand eggs that they already produced, which would be rather hard to move, but I'll ask one of the insectoids I already captured that we can find an easier way of moving them.

Now that the battle is over its time to calculate the gains after the first successful battle, They killed 1,345 villagers except for those fifty-five villagers that I took already, then the thirty thousand eggs that we got from them, which is near half of the incubation already done, and then three hundred bronze coins and a village heart crystal.

They Didn't have any weapons except their scythe like claws which are really sharp, they can cut through the tough bodies of my soldiers but luckily that my soldiers have a regenerative ability which lets them regenerate their limbs back slowly.

Axel! Fuse their village heart with yours, Why Desmond what would that do, and what are the benefits of it?

By fusing the village hearts crystals will increase the quality of the village which will increase everyone's quality and boost their overall progression, that means they can level up faster if you get a certain amount of them, and it will produce Insectoids.

Alright I'll do that Desmond, Now it's time to head back to the Village and hauling the corpse back to the village for a stop and rest, then go to the underground.

Heading back to the village with a crap ton of corpses and karkadanns and eggs, with us having to be careful and not damage them, so the journey back is slower than expected, but this will be better for the chimera ants when we give them these corpses, and then they can form wings, then the evacuation can commence and move everything over to the village, however the village is tiny so there has to be mass expansion.

Instead of going to the underground myself, when Alex comes back with the four armed soldiers and karkadanns can haul these over to the underground while I focus on expansion of the village, with the expanding of the village, there are a few things that deserve the most attention which is the defenses, such as the walls, then the armor situation which we need.

With a stone wall when it gets damage it's hard for it to be repaired then with that the repaired areas become weak points in the wall and will be targeted first if there is an attack on the village, so the only thing that fits the things that I'm looking for would be a golem, but golems don't have any intelligence and are just mindless combatants.

However, Treants are highly intelligent but only live to protect the forest, so the only possible solution would be to kill some Treants and obtain their monster orb and fuse it with other monster soul orbs, then we have to create the stone golem's body with something that absorbs other materials but for now we just have to focus on the building of new houses and upgrading the village.

There's so much to do…ugh I'll just do one thing at a time, for now I'll head towards the underground and see how the chimera ants are doing with forming their wings.

Riding on a variant, karkadann has its perks which have better scale defense and is way faster it only took more or less than ten minutes to ride to the underground, after entering the underground everyone has entered their metamorphosis after a few moments the chimera ants shed their skin and cracks with shines pointing out of the shell.

Then the chimera ants burst from their old skins with their new wings having a glow coming from it, and then they kneeled before Axel, with that all the ants still stayed in the half knelt position, then Alex came in front of me and kneeled in front of me saying these exact words, Thank you for helping me and my children, we were nothing but lowly ants being slaughtered by those skeletons that would get past the sealed area then there was the problem with moving, and you helped still found a way kept taking the extra mile without stop even with my selfish request of being your queen only wanting more power, but you didn't even care for my selfish request you just saw them good of help us as your new people and family.

Wiping away the tears, figuring that crying will get her nowhere, by facing her fears and her selfish desires head on will, she be able to overcome the difficulties of taking care of her children, protecting them, ensuring their safety.

With the strength that she possesses at this very moment is unable to protect even herself, however under the leadership of Axel, She will be able to become stronger, stronger to protect herself and all of her children.

Unexpectedly, Axel crutches down and lifts her chin with her eyes locked on to Axel's eyes, Axel slaps Alex, the room while underground becomes quiet, Axel's eye turn from white with black spots to full black with a black and white iris, the air in the underground becomes cold so cold it freezes the walls forming ice on them.

Everyone in the underground even the baby chimera ants feel the pressure that being projected, every one that was in the knelt position went from that to fully faced down to the ground while the queen is their Queen and Also their mother means she has to set an example and not fall as well but is suffering a huge amount of difficulties doing so, with her arms shaking uncontrollably while sweat, and green bodily fluids seep not just from every orifice but every crevice and under her nails.

After what seemed like hours or even days to them was only a couple of minutes until the air became normal as Axel's eyes went back to normal again, As he expected of Alex she didn't give in even if she wasn't as strong as him or anyone of his village, her will her resolution was stronger than her body's weakness she didn't give in, she was determined to follow alongside me and her children seeing what she was capable of struggled to get back up with every ounce of strength even flying while getting up, got up at the last minutes and stayed like that until it was over, when it was over they collapse to the ground.

This was unexpected to see the other chimera ants to have their will become even stronger for someone that they hold dear to them.

Axel broke the silence saying this, You are not alone, stop just saying i i i when there are your children that is willing to lay down their lives any second if needed, be they also want to get stronger to protect you, so let them help you put faith in them, trust them like they trust you, that you will solve the problems to their down bringing.

Now commence the evacuation, everyone that is here, do not go near the sealed area, just move the larva, construct a hatchery for them at the village and construct a temporary wall around the village until we get the living wall together, now everyone has a job to get going.