Chapter Two

Walking with Austin, Nicole realized that they just walked passed the cafeteria. Confused she asked Austin

"Weren't we supposed to go in there?" He looks at her for a minute, then explained,

"We don't eat in the cafeteria, we leave everyday and go to Liam's house, it's right down the street, so we all eat there, then come back." Comprehending what he said, Nicole nodded her head, proceeding to ask who Liam was.

"It's a long story. But it's not my story to tell, he can be a bit of a hardass, don't take it to heart though, he really is not as bad as he comes off. He's been through a lot of shit, so just have some patience, and he will come around."

Thinking of her own past, and her most recent tragedy, she understood what he was saying. She knew that small things, could effect your life in the biggest ways possible, but Nicole also understood how immense tragedies could rip a person open, and tear them apart, resulting in people seeing a monster, rather than someone with a rough past. Looking at Austin she smiled and said,

"That's understandable, I've got my own past, I know about having a rough life. You can't force someone to open up. His attitude won't affect me. Besides, he don't wanna mess with me, I got detention for TWO WEEKS for back talking a teacher. I am A FORCE TO BE RECKOND WITH!" Nicole screamed in the middle of the hallway, trying to lighten the mood, in her failed attempt she managed to have the entire hallway staring at her and laughing in amusement.

When they finally make it outside to Austin's car, he drives them to Liam's house, which was only like 15 minutes away, they got out and went inside. Opening the door Austin screamed 

"WHAT IS UP YOU PAMPERED BITCHES MOMMY IS HOME!!!" Nicole fell on the floor laughing, so hard that she couldn't breathe. Wondering who the laughter was coming from, two boys came walking towards the foyer. Not knowing who she was the boys looked at her baffled. 

Noticing their confusion, Nicole sobered up, and introduced herself.

"Hey, sorry about that, I'm Nicole, the new girl." One boy with dark brown hair, a freckled face, and green eyes, spoke up

"OH HEY!!! I know you now, you're the new girl who got detention for a week for talking shit to that asshole Jacobs. I'm Kayden." Actualizing who Nicole was, one of the others spoke up

"THAT WAS YOU?! You're a little spit-fire. I finally get to meet the girl the whole school has been talking about. What an honor to meet you, your highness." He bows down. "Knight James at your service." Looking at James, I notice he looks a lot like Kayden, the same freckles, and the same hair, but his eyes were hazel instead of green. Austin declared that it was two weeks not one, that I had detention, when everyone suddenly got quiet hearing heavy footsteps coming towards the room. Turning in the direction of the footsteps, comes a boy, who I'm willing to assume is Liam. He has grey eyes, and white hair, but it doesn't look dyed, it looks natural

"I really need to talk to whoever dyes his hair." Everyone in the room howls with laughter, as I realize I said that out loud. Glancing over to Liam I see that he is not laughing, he looks more annoyed than anything, probably trying to figure out who I was.

As if reading my mind, Liam speaks up and says

"Who are you? And why are my friends laughing like a bunch of munches." He chuckled, no he didn't even chuckle, he SMIRKED at me. I SWEAR I WILL WHOOP HIM SENSELESS IF HE SMIRKS AT ME AGAIN. I don't care who he is, he's about to get a piece of Nicole's mind. Now you might assume that it's just a smirk, but I don't appreciate it, if you're gonna smirk at me, that not only means you're cocky it means you're an egotistical, knuckle-headed buffoon. 

"Excuse me, I'm Nicole. They're laughing because we were having a conversation. Now if you don't mind, wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you." Sassy Nicole doesn't take anything lightly. She is about Bi-polar as they come. Liam didn't seem to mind the outburst from sassy Nicole, because he just matched her energy.

"Excuse me, but my smirk is beautiful, and my hair is not dyed. I was born with it like this. So no, you may not speak to my hair dresser, unless you want him to cut it all off, cause I will give you his number right now." Laughing at how light-hearted he seems, we all make our way to the kitchen, to get some food, once we eat, Austin, Kayden, James, all make plans to have a movie night here on Friday. Liam didn't say a word, just sat there quietly eating his spaghetti. Austin asks Liam to drive me back to school, because he didn't have to go to his next class, which is study hall. 

The ride was quiet so I decided to ask him why he didn't say anything about movie night, but he just shrugged it off. My phone then dings with a message from Austin telling me that I was invited to the movie night, but I told him I didn't want to go and Liam not want me there. It is his house, and I don't want to be there unwanted. Liam's curiosity must have gotten the best of him because he decided to ask me who I was texting.

"Who's texting you? Your boyfriend?" Looking at him from my prefrail vision, I said

"No, not my boyfriend, I don't do the boyfriend thing anymore." Looking fully at him, I seen something flash in his eyes but went away, ask quick as it came.

"Well Nicole, tell me, why be friends with a bunch of guys then, is it your thing?" He may not have meant it the way it sounded, but it sure as hell sounded like he just called me a whore. I decided not to answer his question and just lean my head on the window. He must have noticed that I had no intention of answering his question, because he let out a low growl, if I knew any better I would have thought it was an animal. 

After about five more minutes, we finally pulled into the parking lot of the school, but as I went to get out the car he stopped me.

"You're allowed to come Friday, it's not that I don't want you there, and I didn't mean to make it sound like I called you a whore, sometimes I don't know how to word my sentences and it causes a lot of problems." It sounded like he was trying to apologize, but didn't exactly know how, so I smiled at him, and said it was fine. Getting out of his car, I noticed everyone staring like I had just killed all their cats. Liam must have noticed it too, because he spoke in a low tone,

"If you don't advert your fucking eyes, right now, I promise you, I will tear you all apart, staring at the eyes. Don't fucking try me." With that people turned around and started paying attention to the people they were originally talking to. No one wanted to challenge him. Not by the looks of it at least. People seemed like they were afraid of him. Austin was one thing. People respected him, but Liam....he was something different, they seemed terrified. Almost like he could murder their whole family and get away with it. And maybe he could, who knows.