Chapter Three

Walking into the building with Liam, more people were staring, but would stop the moment he even glanced in their direction. Now I understand what Austin meant when he said that Liam could be a complete asshole. I have been through my own shit, but I'm starting to wonder how much shit that he's gone through to make him as bad as he was just a second ago. Don't get me wrong, he hasn't been rude to me yet, or anything, but he can be pretty damn scary when he wants to be. Everyone has their moments. 

The bell rings, as I assumed that he was walking me to class when he didn't break away from me, but apparently he has this class too. I went to take a seat in the back, trying not to take someone else' seat, and Liam sat in the seat next to me.

Everyone was in their seats by the time the teacher got there, so I sat there with my pencil and paper, taking down notes when I noticed that Liam wasn't writing anything down. The teacher must have noticed me sitting down because he said

"I assume you're Miss Wilson, first day of school and you've already got a reputation. Let's hope the rumors aren't true." Great now the teachers are all gonna be on my ass. This is the last class of the day, I'm exhausted, and I still have detention. Liam must have noticed my exhaustion so he spoke up to the teacher for me, let out that same growl as before, and in that same low tone said

"Leave her alone. She's clearly tired, and she still has detention. You're a teacher you're not supposed to talk about rumors, do you want to lose your job? Cause I can make it fucking happen and you know it. Talk to her like that again, and I promise that you won't have a job anywhere, ever." The teacher ignored him, and went back to teaching, it's not that I'm not grateful for what he did, I have no damn clue how he managed to get away with talking to a teacher like that. I mean I got detention for two weeks, for basically telling the teacher where to shove it. 

The bell rang, so I went to detention, where nothing interesting happens, the only thing we were allowed to do was breathe, but I'm sure that if, given the right, the teacher would have told us not to do that too.

After what felt like forever, detention was over, I walked outside to make my way home, when I felt how hot it was, especially in a hoodie and sweatpants.

Seeing Liam I walked over to him, praying that he would take me home.

"Hey, do you mind just giving me a ride home, it's hot, and I really don't want to walk." Looking hopeful I waited for his reply.

"If you don't mind waiting a while, then sure, I have football practice, I'm only coming out to the car to get my gear. It won't take long, maybe an hour or two, coach is mad that I had detention, so he's going to make me work harder." Realizing, I have no choice but to suffer the heat somehow, I send a message to my mom, even though I know that she's not going to see it, and I tell her that I stayed after school because of detention, I explained to her why I even had it in the first place. Just as I was about to tell Liam that I was fine waiting, since two hours was a lot better than walking for over an hour, he decided to speak up

"You look hot, so why don't you take my car, go to my house, and I will text you when I am done." Now right about now I would be making a joke about he said I was hot, but It's so hot to the point where I feel like I might die. Normally I would also be fighting with him over the fact that he's gonna let me take his car, but again, I want to live, so I surrender.

"Thank you, but how am I supposed to text you? I don't have your number." So we exchange numbers, and I'm so hot now that I decided to take my shirt off, I mean I have a sports bra on, what's the difference. It's not like anyone can see me anyway, I'm already in the car, and the tint on his windows is so dark that you can't see anything from the outside.  Liam already walked off to go to practice so I put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

As soon as I got to his house, I realized he doesn't have the key to the house on the keyring, so I texted him to ask where it was, he replied saying it was in his gym bag, on the sidelines of the field, and he was sorry that he forgot to give it to me. So I drive back to the school and make my way to the field to find his key. Now if anyone seen me they'd probably assume that I was about to rob his bag which was NOT the case. I just wanted the damn key. It's hot, and I'm dying. I honestly have no idea how people survive this shit. It's ridiculous. According to the thermostat in the car, it was 113 degrees. Again, that might seem normal to these people, BUT NOT TO ME! No! NICOLE HATES THE HEAT!!!

At first I didn't spot his bag, I was too busy enjoying the sight of him on the field. I noticed him look over and it caught my eye so I shot my head down blushing. I didn't want him to see me looking. He's already got a big enough ego.

After I found the bag, I stuck my hand in digging around for the key, but I was struggling to find it. I wasn't exactly sure where it was, he just said in the bag, so I don't even know if I'm in the right pocket!!!!