Chapter Five

Rolling over the next morning, I opened my eyes to see Liam still sleeping. Thinking of what a rough day he'd had, I figured I could take a shower, borrow one of his shirts from his drawer, and make my way downstairs to make some breakfast. To my surprise, when I finished my shower, and opened his drawer to find a shirt, instead I found boxers with toy story characters, and the famous quote "you've got a FRIEND in me" on them, however the quote only pointed to his "Friend." Unable to control my laughter, I fell on the floor, scaring Liam in the process. He jumped probably two feet in the air, and hitting the floor face first, causing my laughter to become so loud I was pretty sure the neighbors could hear me. Walking past me without a word, Liam walked out the room.

****LIAMS POV****

I couldn't believe it, I let this girl sleep in my bed, borrow my shirts, walk around my house, drive my car, SHE EVEN SEEN MY TOY STORY UNDERWEAR. Something isn't right with me, I don't ever let people see me like this, I don't let girls stay in my house for any reason, and I sure as hell don't let anyone near Darla. She's my baby. MY baby. AND I DON'T SHARE HER. Don't judge me. Darla is a piece of sexy work. I couldn't let her near me anymore, she will get hurt, I'm not the type to have girlfriends, I fuck girls, kick them out, and never call them again, but somehow, I'm still talking to her, well that stops right now. I'm dropping her off at home, and never going near her again. I shouldn't even drop her off, but I couldn't stand the thought of her walking, or taking the bus. 

"Let's go, I'm taking you home." I grumbled, in a low, dark tone. Taken back by my words, and tone, she replied

"Okay mister grumpy pants, what crawled up your ass and fucking died this morning?" Cracking a smile she continued

"Awww is Liam mad that I seen his toy story undies? It's okay, we all have our secrets little man." Trying my best not to crack a smile, we walked to the car, well I walked, she jogged trying to keep up.

"Just shut up, I'm dropping you off, and that's it. I want nothing to do with you, keep my shirt, I don't care, just never talk to me again. I've had enough of you, and your annoying ass voice. Got it?!" I snapped. 

She looked shocked, probably because I have been fairly nice to her until this point. But I can't, not anymore. I will have to figure out a way to make her hate me. She's not safe in this life, no one is. I didn't ask for this, it wasn't by choice. Anyone I get close to, get's hurt. I don't want that for her. She doesn't deserve it.

****Nicoles POV****

What the hell was that about? He was nice to me yesterday, and now he's acting like an asshole? What's wrong with him?

We pull up to my house, but before he pulls into the driveway, I opened the door and got out, not wanting to spend another second with him. I didn't look back to see his face, I couldn't because I knew I would have done something that I would end up regretting later. I didn't need to anyway. He was nothing to me, he meant nothing to me, I only knew him for a few hours anyway. Worrying over someone who means nothing to me, isn't worth it. I was NOT about to let some random boy screw me up. I was NICOLE FREAKING WILSON. Any boy who thought they could hurt me, was very sorely mistaken.

Opening my bedroom door, I hear his car engine revving as he leaves. Getting a shower seemed like the best idea, I couldn't stand to have his smell on me anymore as it was. Before my shower I'm gonna check on mom to see how she's feeling. Walking into her room, I see that she's sleeping, so I was gonna get a shower, then hope she's awake when I get out. I needed to talk to her. I know it's not important, and I hardly know him, but my mom is my best friend, she comforts me when I need it, she'll know what to do, she will know what's wrong. She always knows how to fix things. 

Once I was done with my shower, I smelled food, so I knew mom was awake. Once I get downstairs I sit at the kitchen island, I waited for mom to turn around. Noticing a disturbance, she turns around.

"Hey baby. I got your message, I didn't expect you to be home so early, is everything okay? You look distraught." Her voice laced with concern.

"No. It's not. Mom, there's a boy, I literally met him yesterday, and in less than 24 freaking hours, he managed to rip my whole world to pieces, then leave me to pick up the pieces alone." I said, lost in thought, I didn't notice the plate of food mom put in front of me.

"What do I do mom? You're good at these things, I need help." I filled her in about everything, including the boxer situation.

"Well baby, it sounds to me like he's not used to being loved, it sounds like he needs someone to show him what it's like to actually be cared about. Don't give up, but remember Nicole, you are an incredible, strong woman, you don't need a man to make your life better. You've survived everything that's been thrown at you, don't let some boy ruin you. You're brain is special, don't let anyone take that away from you. Your heart is pure. Once he sees that, he'll love you like I do, if not more. Everyone will." Trying to lighten the mood, she adds 

"AND YOU ALREADY SEEN HIS UNDERWEAR, SO WHAT IS THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?!" Chuckling a little at her horrendous attempt at a joke, I thank her for the advice, and make my way back to my room.