Chapter Six




Here we go again, the sound of that oh so dreadful alarm. Monday already? It's been two weeks since I seen Liam last, I avoided him in the hallway at all costs, made sure to sit on the opposite sides of the classroom, making sure I was the last one out. Talking to him, and seeing him were the last things I wanted to do this week. I would rather go cage diving with sharks, than see his face. 

Leaving to go to lunch, the only time I had to see him, I seen him making out with some girl in front of my locker. Being the spiteful little bitch I am, I grabbed the closest guy to me, and slammed him into my locker, making out with him. Hearing someone clear their throat behind me, I broke away from the random kid, to see Austin looking at me, and a really pissy Liam glaring in my direction, or what I thought was my direction. Getting closer, I noticed it wasn't me but the guy I was making out with that Liam was violently shooting daggers at with his eyes. If looks could kill, this man would have dropped dead. This boy and his mind games, I swear he is ridiculous. 

Leaving in my car, to go to Liams house, this is apparently the only time I'm allowed here by the way, I listen to some music to drown out my thoughts. 

Pulling into the driveway, right in front of Liam, I sit there for a second, preparing myself to go inside. Once I'm ready, I unbuckle my seat belt, and get out, locking my doors in the process. Out of nowhere, I feel a strong set of hands on my sides, stopping me from moving. Expecting it to be Liam, seeing as he was the only one behind me, I turned around full of rage. Realization dawned on me. The hands holding me in place, were in fact not Liams, but James.  Hearing a low but animalistic like growl, I whip my head in the direction of the inhumane noise, seeing Liam with anger and rage present in his eyes. Uncomfortable with his eyes on James and I, I try to move out of his grasp, but he only tightened his hands in their position, causing not only a yelp from me, but another lower, yet darker growl from Liam. Storming towards his house, probably forgetting that his doors were glass, he slammed right into it, looking around making sure no one noticed. 

Now, I know I'm supposed to be mad, but I couldn't stop the laughter. Finally managing to get James' hands off my sides, I make my way to the front door, checking extra carefully to make sure it's actually open. I don't know much longer I can play these games with Liam, but I don't give up, so I will make sure to win this game, and any other challenges this kid throws my way. 

Inside Austin pulls me aside, asking me what the hell was going on with Liam and I, because apparently the tension is "thicker than his milkshake" his words, not mine. However, he was NOT talking about the milkshake he was drinking, because he grabbed his ass when he said it, as he proceeded to try twerking. Once that awkward, yet amusing conversation was over, I made it my mission to find Liam, and try to talk to him. 

Locating him in his bedroom, I walked in front of his game, which I know was a bad idea, but I needed his attention. Groaning with annoyance, he looked at me under his eyelashes, waiting impatiently for me to move. Walking towards him, I take his controller, which earns yet another aggravated sigh, as he runs his hand through his hair, in a very sexy way, might I add, he glares daggers right at me, which only makes him one-hundred times sexier. Ignoring the thoughts coming to my head, I start talking.

"I don't know what happened the other day, I have no idea what caused you to act the way you did, and these last two weeks? God you have not been making life easy, I swear you've been causing me to have mini strokes. We're friends Liam, like it or not, so don't fight me on it. I have no idea what goes on in your head, but I want to, I want you to talk to me. I want to laugh with you. I laughed more with you in the first 20 hours we knew each other, than I have for a long time." I say, knowing full well I have his attention. Not earning even a blink from him, I continue

"I hate that we're not talking anymore, you and your friends are great. I know you have a bad past, I have one too, and it may not be as bad as yours, but one day I hope we can talk about all the crazy shit we've been through. That's a part of my life I normally wouldn't share, but I know I can trust you. And you can trust me." Looking him dead in the eyes, I know he's ready to talk.

"Damn it Nicole, I pushed you away because it's not safe for you in my life, it's not safe for anyone. That's why the boys don't keep girlfriends, and that's why we don't talk to many people. I don't want to scare you away with my past, you have yourself put together, you have your life together, you have your mom, you have someone who loves you, and cares for you. I have nothing, my mom died when I was young, my dad is in prison for murder, he has life, plus twenty years, with no chance of parole. I think it's time to find out some of the reasons why we stay to ourselves. Can we skip the rest of the day? You should probably tell your mom." Normally I don't skip class, but he wants to open up to me, he wants to trust me, and I don't want to push him away, or miss this opportunity to get to know him. These last two weeks haven't been great, but I know that things can change if I give it the chance. 

"Alright, give me a second, I'll let my mom know. She has off today, I'm sure she won't mind." Taking out my phone to text my mom, I let her know I will be missing the rest of the day.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna skip the rest of the day, if that's okay. Liam is talking to me, he wants to tell me some of the stories of his past, and why he pushed me out." Not even five minutes and she answered

"Sure love, but this isn't going to happen all the time, when you do get home, we need to talk about something as well. Don't stay out too late, you know how I feel when you're coming in later than 3 am. It's not safe in the world. Love you princess, be careful <3"

Smiling at the message, I turn to Liam to tell him that I can skip, and my mom needs to talk to me as well, so I can't stay out late. Hollering to the boys to come upstairs, Liam tells them it's time to fill me in.