Chapter 3

After class was over the guys dropped me off at home. They didn't want to but sadly I had to go home. You're probably wondering why I hated going home. It's probably because I don't live with my parents. They died in a car crash a few years ago. That night was the worst night of my life. I remember crying so much my eyes burned. I spent the next few weeks with Aunt Cathy and Uncle Donovan, the twins parents. I loved living with them. They made me almost forget that my parents had died. But then the court read an injunction in my parents' will that said I was supposed to be living with my mum's sister and her husband in case anything ever happened to them. Aunt Cathy and Uncle Donovan tried to fight for custody of me but they lost and so I was forced to live with my aunt Martha and Uncle Pete.

I thought they would be nice being my family and all and they were at first but then things changed and they started to yell at me for everything and later Uncle Pete started to hit me. He threatened me not to tell anyone and I never did. Even the boys didn't know. All they knew is that I wasn't happy here. A couple of years after I moved in with Aunt Martha and Uncle Pete, the guys had to move. I was devastated. They didn't want to but uncle Donovan got transferred and since they were too young to live alone they had no choice. They promised me though that when they turned 18 they would return and they did.

Throughout the years the only reason I was able to keep my sanity was because of the constant calls from Aunt Cathy, uncle Donovan and of course, the boys . They also sent me money occasionally because God knows Martha and Pete never give me more than $5 a week and most weeks, I don't get anything. I really owe a lot to the Dawsons.

So here I was in front of the hell that is my home. My uncle's car was on the driveway, that meant he was home. Yipee! Note the sarcasm. I walked slowly to my room. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit but you can't blame me. I opened the door and there Pete was on the couch. "Good afternoon sir" I greeted shyly. "Yeah whatever", he replied with a roll of his eyes. I scurried of to my room and heaved a sigh of relief. That meant he was in a good mood. I locked my door and changed out of my clothes to some yoga pants and my holey sweater. I tied my hair in a messy bun and swapped my wedges for flip flops.

"Josephine! Get your butt out here", Pete called more like yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Josephine!!" I sighed. "Coming", I yelled back. "In here. In the kitchen",he said. I followed the sound of his voice to the kitchen. "I want you to cook me some spaghetti and meatballs". He put the pack of spaghetti on the kitchen counter, looked me up and down and left.

I huffed and got to work.

"You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action

You're never gonna fear, you'll be the main attraction

Not a fantasy, just remember me when I ..." I sang as I cooked before I heard "shut it Josie" from Pete. I sighed. I started humming instead.

"Josephine I swear, if I hear another peep outta you, you're dead meat".

I shut up and finished cooking in silence. I served Pete his food and went back to my room. I was on my bed when a text from Justin came in.

Justin: come online on the group chat.

I did as I was told. The guys were all online.

Jake: @Josie what were you doing?

Josie:@Jake cooking for Pete

Jake: @Josie I hope you poisoned it

Jordan: why on Earth would she poison it you dumbass

Justin:@Jake we might be twins but you're an idiot

Jake: hey!!

I smiled.

Josie: guys chill. I didn't poison it.

Jordan: we miss you Josie.

Justin: yeah do you have to live with him.

Josie: well if I don't, then where would I live?

Jake: with us silly

Josie: I'm serious guys

Justin: and we are too Jo. We'll move your stuff discreetly. Come live with us.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. My phone beeped letting me know a new message had come in.

Jordan: we've actually already decorated your room but if you don't like it, you can change some things.

Jake: I'm pretty sure you'll like it though.

Justin: I mean we did decorate it

Josie: guys I dunno what to say

Jordan: say, ' when can I move in?'

I grinned.

Josie: when can I move in and how do we take care of Pete and Martha ?

Jake: we'll think of something.

I heard the door slam which either meant my uncle was going out or my aunt was coming home. "Josie!" she called. I sighed. My aunt's home. I sent a last text to the group.

Josie: we'll talk about this in school tomorrow. Gotta go.

"Josie!" My aunt yelled again. "Coming aunt Martha", I called back.

".... that girl is just too lazy", I heard Martha say to her husband as I got out. " Didn't you hear me come in? Did you not learn any form of respect from your good for nothing dead parents?" Martha said with a sneer. She knew she had hit a nerve. Talking about my parents was a sure way to get me riled up.

"Don't you ever mention my parents", I replied with a glare. "They were better people than you'll ever be". I felt my face sting after something hard came in contact with it. Oh yeah. Pete just punched me. I spat out the blood from my mouth.

"Don't you ever talk to my wife like that again", he growled.

"Well your wife shouldn't have disrespected my parents". I dunno why I talked back. Usually I never say anything. Aunt Martha slapped me twice for that. My face stung.

"You disrespectful little brat. For that, no dinner for you tonight. Get out of our sight".

I ran back to my room, bolted my locks, fell on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

A/N: That was chapter three. Who else agrees that Pete and Martha are complete assholes?