Chapter 4

When I woke up, it was still dark out. I checked my phone for the time. It was a little bit past ten. My stomach growled reminding me that I didn't eat dinner. I unlocked my phone and sent a message to the group.

Josie: guys I'm hungry

I got an immediate reply from Justin.

Justin: why haven't you eaten dinner yet?

Josie: Martha's punishing me

Jordan: what'd you do?

Jake: I'm sure Josie didn't do anything. It was Martha probably being Martha.

Josie: she talked trash about my parents and I talked back. Then she and Pete hit me and she said I wasn't eating dinner.

Justin: we'll be right over.

My eyes widened.

Josie: what? Guys no

But they were already offline before they could read it. I sighed. Secretly I was excited to see them. About twenty minutes later, there was a tap on my window followed by a beep on my phone. It was a text from Jake. "Come down" it said. I quickly replied.

Josie:Are you crazy? Do you want me to get eaten alive?

Jake: Pete's car isn't in the driveway.

Jake: that means he isn't home. Just lock your door and climb out your window if you're still scared.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy from crying and my hair was in a mess. I can't go out like this. My phone beeped again. Jake sent me another text asking me to hurry up. I replied that I'd be down in five.

I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I loosened my hair from it's bun that had become even messier from my nap and put it in a low ponytail. I wasn't much to look at now with my sweater and yoga pants but it'll have to do. I grabbed my phone made sure my door was locked and gently climbed out my window. I ran across the street to meet them. Jordan was closest to me so I gave him a big hug.

"And you didn't want us to come", he said with a smirk, "look who missed us".

"Wow Josie, you look terrible", Justin said getting down from the car. "Gee thanks Justin. Every girl likes hearing that". I rolled my eyes at him but I couldn't keep back my excitement and hugged him too

"What? No hugs for me?" Jake asked giving me the puppy dog eyes. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "Of course there's always a hug for you Jakey". I hugged him and he hugged me so tight and lifted me up. "Hey put me down", I said in between giggles.

"Alright alright, we need to get going if we wanna get Josie back in time", Jordan said ever the practical one. "I call shotgun", Jake and I said at the same time. We narrowed our eyes at each other before we both made a run for it. We struggled for a bit but I got it in the end. So that left Jordan as the driver and the twins at the back.

"I should have gotten shotgun", Jake mumbled. I smiled with victory then I heard an ' ow '. "What was that for?", Jake whined. Turns out Justin whacked Jake upside the head. "Shut up", Justin said.

I just giggled. "so where to?" "To get you something to eat. Where else?" Jordan replied with a duhh expression in his tone. I was touched. I didn't know where we were going but I was happy to follow the guys anywhere. "Awwn thanks guys", I gushed. "No need to thank us Josie. You think we were just gonna let you starve?" Justin replied with a smile. I smiled back. I turned the radio on and blank space by Taylor Swift came on.

Let me tell you this, I was a great singer and so was Jordan. The twins are great instrumentalists. They play any and all kind of instruments. Jordan can only play lead guitar. I don't play nothing. Jordan and I started singing along. Eventually the twins joined in and yeah they weren't very good singers. I laughed a lot. The song changed to dark horse by Katy Perry. That's Jake's favorite song. He belted out the lyrics with passion and a bad voice while I sang back up. It was...unique but I loved every second of it. We reached the fast food joint soon after and Jordan parked the car.

"Uh guys... I can't exactly go out like this", I said looking down at my outfit. "Sure you can", Jake said with an eye roll, "you're not going for a beauty contest or anything". "Jake's right. Wow I can't believe I said that", Justin said with a shocked look on his face. "Hey! I say meaningful stuff all the time", Jake retorted looking a tad bit offended. Jordan rolled his eyes. "You look fine Josie. It's not like we look our best either".

I looked him over. He was wearing a pair of joggers, an army print vest and crocs. Jake was wearing jean shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of open toed slip-ons. Justin wore a vest that was identical to Jordan's, three quarter length khakis also with a pair of crocs. They still looked great but I decided to ignore my fear and go into the restaurant. Besides, I was still hungry.

We walked in together and went to a table by the corner. Few minutes later, a cute waitress walked up to us. "Good evening. My name is Michelle and I will be your waitress for the night", she said with a smile which seemed to be aimed at Justin. He looked dazed as well. Michelle looked like she was our age. It was almost like Justin and Michelle were involved in staring contest before Jake cleared his throat and smirked at his brother. "Yeah hey Michelle. I'll like a chilli cheeseburger, some fries and a large milkshake".

"So lemme get this straight", I started, "you guys are paying for this right?". I had to ask because I honestly couldn't afford anything right now. Jordan rolled his eyes. He does that a lot. "Of course Josie". "Great. I'll have a bowl of fried chicken wings, some fries and a medium milkshake". Jordan's eyes widened at my order. "What?" I asked defensively. "Oh nothing. I'll just have a hamburger and a diet soda". Michelle finally turned away from Justin and smiled at us. "I'll have those ready in a bit". She turned back to Justin, "what about you Mr..." "Justin", he replied throwing her a smile. "I'll have a hot dog, some fries and a large milkshake. Actually since we all ordered fries could you please just get us a big fry basket?" "No problem Justin. I'll be right back with your orders".

As soon as she left we all turned to Justin. "What? Why are you guys staring at me like that?" I smirked, "you like her". "Way to point out the obvious Josie", Jake said scoffing. I stuck my tongue out at him. Justin looked nervous. "What, who? I dunno what you're talking about". "We're talking about Michelle", Jake teased wiggling his eyebrows. Jordan gave Justin a knowing smirk and me, I was elated.

Justin was the only one out of us who had never had a crush on anyone. Jake, Jordan and I had figured he was gay and we were all patiently waiting for him to come out of the closet. Looks like we were wrong. "Okay fine I like Michelle but come on, who wouldn't. She's very pretty."

I thought about that. She had mid-length jet black hair. She looked to be about my height maybe a little bit taller. She had hazel eyes, pale creamy skin and full lips. Plus the red lipstick she had on gave her the whole Snow White vibe. The waitress uniform she wore stopped just above her knees and fit her like a glove. I suppose she was pretty. "Why don't you ask for her number?"

"What, are you crazy? Why would I do that?", Justin asked looking frantic. Jordan and Jake shared a look and a nod then simultaneously turned to Justin. "Okay then", Jordan said with an evil smile on his face, "we dare you, Justin Allen Dawson, to ask Michelle whatever her middle and last names are, for her number". "Or", Jake chimed in, "we'll trash your new Xbox".

"You wouldn't", Justin looked aghast. "oh we would".

"I think they would Justin", I added, "you better do it".

Right at that moment, Michelle arrived with two of our orders, Jordan and Jake's. "I'll be right back", she said. Trust Jake to already start digging in. She came back right after with mine and Justin's. "Here you go", she said as she dropped mine first then turned to Justin, "here you go", she said as she smiled. Justin smiled back then she left. The bowl of wings looked delicious. I dug in immediately.

"Dude",I heard Jake say, "she's totally into you too". "You really think so?" Justin asked expectantly. "It's totally obvious", Jordan replied with a mouthful of food. "Just ask for her number and stop being a big baby". "Alright, alright I will. Just stay away from my Xbox". Jordan simply smirked and we continued eating. Talk of Michelle dwindled and I could honestly say this was one of the best dinners ever.

A/N: And there you have chapter four.