Chapter 11

The bell rang. Thank God. It was Monday morning and let me tell you, I've been having a bad day. After Saturday's party, we all slept in and woke up with bad hangovers, except Justin of course. Then we spent the day lazing around and rehearsing.

This morning we all woke up late, making us late to school. I'm literally wearing sweat pants and a big hoodie with sneakers right now. I put my hair in a messy bun. There is no makeup on my face, zilch, zero, nada. I didn't even have time to wash my hair. I couldn't even bare to look at myself in the mirror today.

The only times I used to dress like this were on days Pete or Martha or both were home before I left. This was because if they knew I dressed fab, they would know that I had another source of cash and well... that wouldn't end well for me. I was just lucky they were almost never home when I was leaving or coming back. I also made sure to do my shopping in secret.

Anyway back to my bad day, after getting to school late and looking like a troll - gosh I have so many eye bags - Pete and Martha showed up, here, at my school, what part of stay away from me don't they understand?

They got here during first period because the principal actually had to say my name through the speakers. Do you know how embarrassing that was? Anyway, here's how it happened:


The guys and I were barely on time for English class this morning. Soon after the class started, we heard, "Miss Josephine Bolton, please report to the principal's office". I wanted the ground to swallow me. Everyone turned to look at me. "Well", Mr Crend said, "get going". "Yes sir", I responded. The guys gave me weird looks. I responded with a shrug.

I made my way to the principal's office trying to think of reasons why she would call me there. I doubt I won any scholarships or awards. I wasn't the smartest person in school but I wasn't dumb either. I was pretty much average. I really didn't know why Principal Mason could be calling me. I got to her office and I saw them and my face paled. I was suddenly nervous.

There Pete and Martha sat chatting away with the principal. I gulped. I hadn't entered yet do they hadn't seen me. I considered ditching but the principal would just call me again and I didn't want that. I thought of texting the guys for backup. I'm sure they could find an excuse to get outta class. No. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not the same scared little girl that ran to the boys anytime she was in trouble.

I've survived living with these people for years and I can survive a meeting with them. That being said, I took a deep breath and walked in. Three pairs of eyes turned to stare at me.

"Good morning Principal Mason", I greeted then I turned to my "guardians". "Pete, Martha", I said giving them a nod.

"Have a seat Miss Bolton, we would like to have a word with you", Principal Mason said gesturing towards a chair and I took it. Pete and Martha had the nerve to look relieved to see me. I mentally scoffed. I knew better, it was all a facade for the principal.

"Your guardians here say you ran away from home" she paused to push her glasses up her face, "what do you have to say to that? They've been worried sick about you"

I scoffed at that. "Please...with all due respect ma'am, these two are not worried about me". I turned to them. They had remained silent since I got here. "Didn't I warn you guys not to look for me". Martha actually looked like a worried mother. I had to applaud their performance. I would be fooled if I didn't know better.

"Honey", she began in a fake sad voice, "we miss you. We've been worried sick about you". I rolled my eyes. "Where have you been", Pete asked looking concerned. Okay so I knew the only reason they'd look for me was because the court ordered that I live with them till I turned 18. And if they came checking and I wasn't there, they could be in serious trouble but I couldn't care less.

"Come back home honey, we love you", Martha said. I saw Pete giving me a warning look. A look that said 'you better do as I say or you're dead'. A look that got me scared so many times in the past. But I'm not that scared little girl anymore. I have the guys with me and together we are stronger.

I turned to glare at them. "Okay that does it. I warned you to stay away but looks like we're doing this the hard way". I took out my phone and opened my video folder and I showed them something they never knew existed.

Remember when I was packing and I had to go get some footage of a video camera, well the footage contained proof of what I had been going through at their house. It hadn't always been there. Aunt Cathy actually told me to get it. She sent the funds and everything. I called in sick at school one day and had it installed without their knowledge. When I left I had all the footage downloaded on my phone, CDs, flash drives, even the guys have copies.

I showed everyone in the room a clip from the video. To say Principal Mason was shocked was an understatement. She had to take off her glasses. Pete and Martha were shocked too. "If you try to force me to come back with you, I'm showing this to the cops and you'll get thrown in jail for child abuse".

Pete tried to grab my phone but I was faster and I moved back. "Nice try Petey but even if you grab my phone, I have millions of copies of this and many more so it would do you no good". I smirked, "now you can choose to try and force me or you can get the hell outta my life".

"I can't believe you", the principal said to my so-called guardians. "Get out of my office this minute before I call security". "But.." Martha was trying to say. "Get out", Mason yelled.

They got out and Principal Mason turned to me. "I'm sorry you had to experience that. If there's anything you need please let me know". I nodded.

"Thank you ma'am. If you'll excuse me", I said turning to leave. I walked out of her office with a spring in my step and a smile on my face.


So anyway it was lunch time and for the first time in a while, all the athletes are sitting together. You know, cheerleaders, football players and basketball players. The dudes joined a bunch of tables together to make one big table for all of us.

Just great, the day I happend to look ridiculous is the day I get to sit at the same table as my crush. By now the guys already know what went down during first period. I was walking to the cafeteria with Jake but he excused himself.

I saw Maddy walking in my direction and I actually smiled at her. A real smile, it wasn't fake.

"You look horrible", she said to me. "Gee thanks", I rolled my eyes. "What happened?" I narrated the events that caused me to come late to her. She seemed to be in thought. "Come with me", she said dragging me along with her. We ended up at the girls locker room. "The girls locker room... What are we doing here?" "You'll see".

I followed her in. "Okay we're here to fix your look. I always carry an emergency make up stash and an extra pair of clothes". "Wait, wait, you're gonna fix me?" I asked genuinely surprised. "Well duhh, but we're gonna have to be quick and all".

"Why?" I asked. "Because you're gonna be sitting with Dorian Grey and he totally likes you and you probably like him because he's Dorian and he's hot and we can't have you looking like this".

I was touched. I had never had a girl friend to do this with before. Maybe I misjudged Maddy. "Wait, hold up, you think Dorian likes me?" Now I know why she was giving me thumbs up at the party. She rolled her eyes as if it was so obvious. "Yes. Now sit".

She took my hair out of it's messy bun and ran her hands through it. She shook her head and brushed it instead. Then she used some concealer to cover the bags under my eyes, gave me some mascara, drew my brows and gave me some lipgloss. It was simple but chic.

Then she tried to give me one of her spare shirts but it was a size too small so I stuck with my hoodie. She took a good look at my sweats and shook her head then handed me pair of jeans. Luckily, they fit and I looked a lot better. "There", she said satisfied,"all better".

I felt my throat clog up. This was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me. "Thanks Maddy", I said really grateful. "Don't get all mushy on me", she rolled her eyes but she smiled. I didn't know what came over me but I threw my arms around her. She seemed shocked at first but got over it and hugged me back. We both pulled back some seconds later.

"Now, let's get back to the cafeteria", she said as she linked her arm through mine and we walked side by side. I think I may have just found a girl bestie.


We entered the cafeteria, got in line to order our food and went to sit down. Somehow I got wedged in between Dorian and Jake and he was beside Jessica, a cute girl on the squad, who he was busy chatting away with.

I inwardly rolled my eyes at him. We hadn't started eating yet, we were waiting for everyone to be present. I found out I was sitting across from Tony. I smiled at him in greeting. He smiled back. It looked like he was about to say something but at that time Dorian turned to me. "Hey Jo", he said.

I saw Tony scowl at that. I wonder why. "Hey Dorian", I replied. "Nice hoodie", he said. I flushed, "thanks". I turned to Tony but he was busy in conversation with someone else. I picked at my food. Dorian and Maddy and some of the other guys at the table engaged me and the boys in conversation. It was fun really.

"So Justin are you single?" Tammy, a girl on the team asked with a flirty smile. Kate answered before Justin could. "You obviously saw him come to the party with a date, how could he be single?"

Justin chuckled, "Actually, I'm not single. Sorry Tammy". "Awwwwn", she whined pouting. I saw Maddy and Jordan talking, more like arguing. It was kinda quiet at first till it became louder and everyone else stopped their conversations to stare at them.

They were seated beside each other. They didn't even notice that the whole table had gone quiet. Then suddenly Jordan banged the table. "That's it, who wants to switch with me? Anyone, anyone at all?" I chuckled, he looked kinda desperate.

"Like I wanna be seated next to you either", she yelled. "Anyone wanna switch with me?" Just then the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. Jordan stood up first. "Finally", he said, "Josie meet me in class". Then he turned away abruptly. Everyone else stood up to go to class. Maddy walked away upset before I could get to her.

I walked in step with Justin and Jake. "What was that about?" I asked. "Beats me", Jake said. Justin shrugged, "well do us a favor and find out since you're in his next class". "Aye aye captain", I saluted and then we entered our different classes.

A/N: And there you have it folks, chapter 11. Extra long chapter. Pete and Martha had the guts to come to the school to look for Josie, what jerks. What do you think is up with Tony? And do you guys also think Dorian likes Josie? I think he does.

What do you think is up between Maddy and Jordan? What could have caused such a heated argument?